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作者(外文):Chang, Hsiu-Cheng.
論文名稱(中文):光閘極式二硫化鉬場效電晶體元件 研發與其應用於高靈敏離子感測器
論文名稱(外文):Development of Light-Gating MoS2 FET Devices and Their Applications to Highly Sensitive Ion Sensors
指導教授(外文):Hong, Chien-Chong
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chie-Pein
Liou, Tong-Miin
Hwang, Kuo-Chu
外文關鍵詞:DEP assemblytwo dimensional nanomaterialsMoS2 microflakesFET biosensorsion detection
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在過去發展的生醫感測器中,傳統上以矽為基材之生醫感測器雖然具有高解析度、高靈敏性以及低濃度檢測極限等優點,但需經過繁複的沉積及蝕刻製程,故不適合低成本開發。而在場效電晶體為基礎的生醫感測器中,過去已開發出多種不同型態的電閘極,然而電閘極不易於全整合的檢測應用。在材料方面,過去發現的二維奈米材料石墨烯縱然擁有良好的電子、光及機械特性,但由於其無直接能隙,故在電子電機領域中的應用有其限制與困難點。有鑑於此,現今許多研究朝向探索其他二維奈米材料,如: 二硫化鉬。此外,雖然近年來已開始有利用以二維奈米材料為基礎的場效電晶體型生醫感測器出現,但尚未有研究針對以紫外光作為場效電晶體之閘極,結合生醫感測器之應用出現,因而本研究著重於介電泳組裝製程開發,搭配紫外光作為二硫化鉬場效電晶體之光閘極,並應用於離子檢測中。
在本研究中,首先以Ansys模擬軟體分析電場之三維空間分布,並確認物鏡型電極為最佳之電極設計,製程方面以液態剝離法製作之二硫化鉬奈米片,進行介電泳力自組裝製程探討,其結果表明物鏡型電極有著最佳的組合結果,經組裝後的二硫化鉬奈米片,在電極上之位置偏移量平均小於1 μm。此外,本研究也使用原子力顯微鏡 (AFM)對已組裝完成之二硫化鉬場效電晶體晶片進行厚度量測,確認外觀型態。而本研究亦使用機械剝離法搭配高分子材料PDMS轉印的方式來製作二硫化鉬奈米片場效電晶體,並比較兩種製程下之效能差異,於光電響應特性測試中,由介電泳組裝製作而成二硫化鉬場效電晶體,其效能約比乾式製程之結果約低於87 %。在性能提升方面,本研究參考過去文獻之二硫化鉬對金屬能階之比較,選用鋁來取代金作為感測器電極。
本研究主要可應用於離子檢測,在pH值量測的測試中,靈敏度為0.19 μA 1/2 / pH,響應時間在1秒內,pH檢測區間位於pH 2~12,並於干擾性測試中,當鈉離子濃度大於10-4 M時才會發生較明顯的檢測誤差。

關鍵字: 介電泳組裝、二維奈米材料、二硫化鉬微米片、場效電晶體生醫感測器、離子檢測
Biosensors traditionally based on Si had advantages such as high resolution, high sensitivity, and low concentration detection limit, but they required complicated deposition and etching processes and was not suitable for low-cost development. In the field of field effect transistor-based biosensors, many different types of electric gates had been developed, but electric gates were not suitable in the use of full-integration with other components. In terms of materials, the two-dimensional nanomaterial graphene discovered in the past had good electric, optical, and mechanical properties. However, due to its indirect energy gap, its application in the field of electrical engineering had its limitations and difficulties. In light of this, many researches today are heading towards the exploration of other two-dimensional nanomaterials such as: molybdenum disulfide. In addition, despite the fact that FET-based biosensors based on two-dimensional nanomaterials have begun to appear in recent years, there has been no research on the use of UV as the gate of field-effect transistors, combined with biomedical applications. Therefore, this study focuses on the development of dielectrophoresis assembly process, and uses ultraviolet light as the light gate of the molybdenum disulfide FET and the application of ion detection.
In this study, the Ansys simulation software was used to analyze the three-dimensional distribution of the electric field, and it was confirmed that the lens type electrode was the best electrode design. In the fabrication process, the MoS2 microsheets were produced by the liquid exfoliation method and the dielectrophoretic force was used. The results showed that the lens type electrode had the best assemble results. After the DEP assembly, the shift of center of mass of MoS2 microflakes was less than 1 μm on the electrode. In addition, the thickness measurements of the MoS2 FET were also measured using an atomic force microscope (AFM). In this study, a mechanical exfoliation method with the PDMS transfer was used in comparison with the DEP process. In the photoelectric response characteristics test, the results of MoS2 FET have the performance about 87% lower than that of the dry process.
This study was mainly applicable to pH detection. In the pH measurement experiments, the sensitivity of MoS2 FET sensor was 0.19 μA 1/2 / pH, and the response time was within 1 second. The pH detection interval is between pH 2 and 10. For the interference test, a significant detection error occurs when the sodium ion concentration is greater than 10-4 M.

Key words: DEP assembly, two dimensional nanomaterials, MoS2 microflakes, FET biosensors, ion detection
目錄 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 生醫晶片檢測技術 1
1.1.1 以矽為基材的生醫感測器 2
1.1.2 以高分子材料為基材的生醫感測器 14
1.1.3 光觸發式生醫感測器 17
1.2 新穎二維半導體奈米材料 20
1.3 奈米材料操控技術 21
1.3.1 光學式奈米材料操控技術 21
1.3.2 電泳式奈米材料操控技術 22
1.3.3 介電泳式奈米材料操控技術 23
1.4 研究動機 26
1.5 研究目的與方法 26
1.6 論文架構 27
第二章 二硫化鉬奈米片之特性探討 28
2.1 二維過度金屬硫化物奈米材料介紹 28
2.2 二維奈米材料製程介紹 29
2.2.1 化學氣相沉積 30
2.2.2 濕式化學合成 30
2.2.3 離子佈植法 31
2.2.4 機械剝離法 32
2.2.5 液態剝離法 33
2.3 二硫化鉬光學性質探討 34
2.3.1 紫外光與可見光吸收光譜 34
2.3.2 拉曼光譜 35
2.3.3 光致發光光譜 36
2.4 二硫化鉬電子性質探討 37
2.5 光閘極式二硫化鉬場效電晶體元件設計 38
2.5.1 二硫化鉬場效電晶體元件 38
2.5.2 二硫化鉬與金屬間的能階特性探討 41
第三章 光閘極式場效電晶體設計及介電泳組裝二硫化鉬奈米片之技術與平台 44
3.1 光閘極式二硫化鉬場效電晶體元件設計 44
3.2 介電泳模型分析 44
3.2.1 介電泳原理 45
3.2.2 介電泳數學模型 46
3.2.3 介電泳與極化因子之關係 48
3.3 二硫化鉬液態剝離法製程 49
3.4 奈米片組裝平台與建構 51
3.5 有限元素法介電泳組裝模擬與分析 52
3.5.1 電極幾何形狀模擬與分析 52
3.5.2 三維空間電場模擬與分析 61
3.6 介電泳力自組裝二硫化鉬奈米片測試 66
3.6.1 不同電極形狀之組裝結果 67
3.6.2 原子力顯微鏡厚度量測 74
3.7 光閘極式二硫化鉬場效電晶體元件基本光電特性量測 75
3.8 二硫化鉬場校電晶體之電極材料特性比較 82
3.9 結論 85
第四章 光閘極式二硫化鉬場效電晶體元件應用於高靈敏離子檢測 86
4.1 場效電晶體式離子感測器之應用 86
4.2 場效電晶體式離子感測器之感測原理 86
4.3 實驗架構 87
4.4 光閘極式二硫化鉬場效電晶體之離子濃度檢測 88
4.5 結論 93
第五章 總結與未來發展 95
5.1 總結 95
5.2 研究成果 95
5.3 本研究之學術貢獻與創新 96
5.4 未來研究建議 100
附錄 101
參考文獻 103
作者簡介 112
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