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作者(外文):Lin, Chia-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Study of Aberrations in Injection-molded Micro-optical Lenses
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei-Jen
口試委員(外文):Lo, Cheng-Yao
Chen, Cheng-Huan
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:56
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:19
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近年來,射出成型之塑膠光學鏡片逐漸成為量產鏡頭之重要光學元件,相較與玻璃鏡片,膠塑鏡片具有重量輕、成本低及容易大量製造之優點,在輕薄端小之行動裝置鏡頭上被大量應用。隨著智慧型手機鏡頭規格逐漸提升,不但解像力已趨近光學設計極限,更需要快速精確之線上鏡片檢測來大量生產,故快速線上像差檢測成為關鍵技術。像差就是光線在經過鏡片前後,前進方向因介質改變形成偏折造成波前變化,於計算偏折後的波前與理想波前之平均差異值,再以波長來表示之。因輕薄短小需求,手機鏡頭光程長度(Optical Path Length)必須很小,光學設計上要用非球面曲面達成,複雜之高次多項式曲面所造成鏡片光學參數甚多,一般商用光學量測儀器無法量測。
本論文提出一套創新線上量測架構進行基礎研究,採用光學模擬分析與實驗鏡片量測來討論及驗證,以ASAP®光學分析軟體來建構夏克‧哈特曼的波前量測架構,配合FrontSurfer®計算出鏡片之理論像差,再以WaveMaster® PRO設備修改來量測實驗鏡片,並將理論計算與實驗數據深入比對及驗證,確認本文所提出之線上量測技術,確可應用於微形手機鏡片線上量測,達到提升微型手機鏡片量產之生產力目標。
Injection-molded plastic optical lenses have become the important optical elements in mass-production of camera lenses in recent years. With the advantages in lower cost, compact and large volume production compared to glass lenses, plastic lenses have mainly been adopted for mobile-phone cameras. Following the trends in strict optical performance and higher resolution in modern mobile phone cameras produced in short cycle, fast and accurate on-line measurement of lenses is essential to inspection of aberrations and defects. In geometric optics, when light rays pass through a lens, the rays refract and exit the lens surface. When the refracted wavefront reaches the image surface, the aberrations would deteriorate the image quality. In mobile phone cameras, the adoption of aspheric lens elements is inevitable due to small optical path length. Therefore, aspheric lens elements with high order coefficients would lead to a difficulties in measurement of aberrations by commercial optical instruments.
This thesis proposes an on-line measurement methods for aspheric lens elements based on Shack-Hatmann wavefront system. And, ASAP® optical analysis software and FrontSurfer® post-analysis program are employed for calculation of aberration data. By using WaveMaster® PRO instrument, both simulated and experimental results are verified for accuracy of the on-line measurement method. The preliminary conclusions are very promising in on-line measurement of mobile camera lenses.
摘要 I
Abstract 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
符號對照表 XIII
第一章 簡介 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
第二章 基礎理論介紹 13
2-1 基礎光學理論 13
2-2 波前量測分析理論 20
第三章 量測系統設計與光學模擬 38
3-1 光學模擬分析軟體介紹 38
3-2 非球面鏡片基礎探討 39
3-3 波前量測系統 40
3-4 MATLAB程式撰寫 41
3-5 球面鏡片為例之光學模擬與程式撰寫 42
3-6 真實鏡片量測之模擬與分析 43
3-7 載玻片案例分析模擬 44
3-8 平凸透鏡案例分析模擬 45
3-9 非球面負透鏡案例分析模擬 46
3-10 變倍率非球面鏡片案例分析模擬 47
3-11 辨別缺陷模擬測試 48
3-12 總結 49
第四章 實驗與驗證 69
4-1 波前鏡片量測系統 69
4-2 遮光片製作 70
4-3 實驗過程說明 72
4-4 量測結果及數據分析 72
4-5 總結 77
第五章 結論與討論 94
5-1 結論 94
5-2 討論及未來工作 97
參考文獻 101
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