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作者(外文):Wang, Wei-Tsun
論文名稱(外文):Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Thermal Storage Performance of Molten Salts
指導教授(外文):Hong, Che-Wun
口試委員(外文):Pao, Chun-Wei
Yang, Jing-Tang
Chang, Bor-Kae
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:125
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:11
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儲存熱能的介質可用便宜大量的熔融鹽 (molten salt),此通常為無機鹽類,常溫下為固態的離子晶體,在高溫下會熔化形成液態的離子熔融鹽。儲熱熔融鹽通常為調配熱性質而採用多種無機鹽類的混合物,本研究選擇三種目前較為常用的熔融鹽 (硝酸鋰LiNO3、硝酸鈉NaNO3、硝酸鉀KNO3),期望能夠調配出最佳的比例,使混合的熔融鹽能夠擁有最佳的儲熱表現。
本論文利用古典分子動力學及第一原理分子動力學模擬方式進行計算,預測混合熔融鹽在不同溫度不同比例下的性質。模擬方面先建立符合實際原子狀態的定分子數定壓定溫系綜 (NPT ensemble),之後對純物質做熱傳與質傳性質模擬並與實驗值進行比對,確定模擬方式的準確性後,進而開始調整各純物質的相對比例,進行計算混合物的熱傳導率、比熱、黏滯係數、離子傳導率等等與儲熱相關的重要性質,期望能夠以分子動力學計算方式快速找出最佳熱質傳性質的混合比例,以取代昂貴及重複之嘗試錯誤實驗,數據提供日後建立儲熱材料之大數據資料庫。
Nowadays, energy conversion has become a crucial issue and green energy scientists are devoted to enhancing energy transfer efficient without pollution. The concentrated solar power system is a remarkable method that generates electric power by storing solar energy in daytime and releasing it at night so that electric power can be produced all days long. Additionally, we can recover the waste heat from industrial appliances and store the thermal energy for power regeneration in some other time at some other places. This is better than direct electric energy storage which has serious leakage problems.
For thermal storage materials, we used inorganic salts which remain ionic solids at room temperature and melted to molten salts at high temperature. That material typically was mixed by enormous inorganic salts. Therefore, we mixed three most common nitrates (LiNO3, NaNO3 and KNO3) to find out the specific proportion of mixture which had best storage performance.
The methodology of this research combined the computational quantum mechanics with molecular dynamics to predict the properties of molten salt mixtures with different proportion at various temperatures. For simulations, we build the realistic molecular model in the NPT ensemble. At first, the heat/mass transfer properties of the pure substance will be calculated to compare with experimental result, in order to verify the correctness of this method. Then, mixed three pure substance to mixtures and tuned the mixtures to calculate the important properties of thermal storage, like thermal conductivity, heat capacity, viscosity and melting point. It is expected to find out the proportion of mixtures which have the best thermal storage performance and can be used to replace expensive experiments. Furthermore, the simulation results can be used to build up the Big Data databases for future thermal storage research.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 聚光型太陽能發電簡介 2
1.2.1. 集熱方式 2
1.2.2. 傳熱流體 HTF (Heat Transfer Fluid) 4
1.2.3. 熱槽、冷槽與熱交換器 5
1.3. 熔融鹽 5
1.4. 文獻回顧 9
1.4.1. 熔點 10
1.4.2. 熱傳導率 11
1.5. 研究動機與目的 11
第二章 研究方法 13
2.1. 分子動力學 (Molecular Dynamics, MD) 13
2.2. 古典分子動力學模擬 13
2.2.1. 勢能函數 15
2.2.2. 鍵結型式 16
2.2.3. 無鍵結型式 19
2.3. 第一原理分子動力學 21
2.3.1. Born-Oppenheimer Approximation 22
2.3.2. 密度泛函理論 (Density Functional Theory, DFT) 23
2.3.3. 交換相關能 27
2.3.4. Hellmann-Feynman Theorem 28
2.3.5. 溫控器 30
2.3.6. 邊界條件 32
第三章 模擬方法 34
3.1. 模擬流程 34
3.2. 模擬工具 34
3.3. 建構模型 35
3.4. 第一原理分子動力學 36
3.5. CASTEP計算原理及流程 37
3.6. 數據後處理 38
3.6.1. 均方根位移 (Mean Square Displacement, MSD) 38
3.6.2. 徑向分布函數 (Radial Distribution Function, RDF) 39
3.6.3. 熱傳導率 (Thermal Conductivity) 40
3.6.4. 黏滯係數 (Viscosity) 41
3.6.5. 比熱 (Special Heat) 42
3.6.6. 熔點 (Melting Point) 43
第四章 結果與討論 44
4.1. 純物質 44
4.1.1. 第一原理分子動力學 44
4.1.2. 模型建構與模擬條件設定 45
4.1.3. 材料密度模擬 46
4.1.4. 徑向分布函數 47
4.1.5. 均方根位移 49
4.1.6. 熱容量 49
4.1.7. 黏滯係數 50
4.1.8. 熱傳導率 51
4.1.9. 熔點 53
4.2. 混合物 56
4.2.1. 密度 57
4.2.2. 熱容量 58
4.2.3. 黏滯係數 60
4.2.4. 熱傳導率 61
4.2.5. 材料熔點 62
第五章 結論與未來建議 70
5.1. 結論 70
5.2. 未來工作建議 71
參考文獻 73

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