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作者(外文):Cheong, Ee-Jaz
論文名稱(外文):Wind Tunnel and Numerical Study of Conventional and Modified Savonius Wind Turbines
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chao-An
口試委員(外文):Niu, Yang-Yao
Wu, Yu-Ting
外文關鍵詞:SavoniusBachWind TurbineExperimentalNumerical SimulationBlockage Ratio
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本研究主要通過實驗與數值模擬方法來探討一般型與改良型薩沃紐斯風機之性能。這種垂直軸風機是由S.J. Savonius [1] 所提出,而改良型風機則由Bach [5] 所提出。本次研究之實驗使用了低阻塞比之開放式封閉測試段風洞,數值模擬方面則使用CFD軟體ANSYS FLUENT [12]來進行2維及3維之模擬。
本次研究之實驗及數值模擬結果與Kamoji [6] 等人之實驗結果作比較,得到相近的結果。改良型Bach風機在特定的TSR範圍有較好的表現,原因可透過壓力場分佈得到解釋。數值模擬之結果得以驗證。
The focus of the present study is to examine the performance of the conventional and modified Savonius turbine through experiments and numerical simulations. This type of vertical-axis wind turbine, conventional Savonius wind turbine was proposed by S.J. Savonius [1], and modified Savonius wind turbine, which was originally proposed by Bach [5]. Those experiments were conducted within open return wind tunnel with low blockage ratio; CFD software ANSYS FLUENT [12] were used to carry out both 2-D and 3-D numerical simulations.
The experimental and simulation results are compared with the experimental study presented by Kamoji et al. [6], with favorable results. The comparison showed the Bach rotor has better performance in certain TSR range, the reason is discussed accompanied by the pressure distribution. The numerical simulation results are validated.
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Literature Review 4
1.3 Motivations and Objectives 8
Chapter 2 Experimental Methods 9
2.1 Test Models 9
2.2 Power and Efficiency Calculation 10
2.3 Test Facility and Procedures 11
Chapter 3 Numerical Methods 16
3.1 Model geometry 16
3.2 Boundary Conditions 16
3.3 Computation Grid 18
3.3.1 Boundary layer calculations 18
3.4 Solution Method 22
3.5 Torque Computation for the Simulations 23
3.6 Grid Independent Test 24
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 27
4.1 Experimental Results 27
4.2 Simulation Results 33
Chapter 5 Conclusion 38
Reference 39
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