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作者(外文):Trang, Nguyen Thi Minh
論文名稱(中文):酸鹼應答型一氧化氮釋放系統 應用於減緩組織發炎
論文名稱(外文):pH-Sensitive NO-Releasing Systems For Mitigating Tissue Inflammation
指導教授(外文):Sung, Hsin Wen
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yan
Liu, Pei-I
Chia, Wei-Cho
Huang, Kuo-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:nitric oxideanti-inflammationpH responserelease systemoxidant stress
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發炎是身體對免疫系統對刺激如感染或刺激的反應。在正常生理條件下,發炎是一種保護機制;然而,慢性炎症破壞身體的平衡,導致各種疾病如關節炎,糖尿病,癌症和炎症性腸病。發炎與高含量的活性氧(ROS)有關。 ROS是自由基,包括超氧自由基,過氧化氫,羥基自由基等。在病理生理條件下,ROS顯著增加,導致嚴重的氧化應激,引起發炎。據報導,一氧化氮(NO)具有很強的消滅ROS的能力。然而,體內NO的半衰期只有2-6秒。本研究的目的是開發一種NO載體,一種含有DETA-NONOate和癸酸鈉的PLGA微球。製備這種微球體並以加載NO前趨物(DETA-NONOate),並且能夠保護NO免受環境的降解。為了釋放NO,將微粒置於pH 6.8(模擬發炎部位的pH)。此時,質子擴散到微球體內並與DETA-NONOate反應產生NO氣泡。該研究中的癸酸鈉作為表面活性劑,其中癸酸鈉的疏水末端會朝向NO氣泡,藉以穩定結構、提供空間位阻,並逹到保護NO氣泡免受由身體中的血紅蛋白等蛋白質引起的降解的功能,從而延長其半衰期。因此,我們預計本研究中製備的微球可以延長NO的半衰期,並且還可以抑制發炎反應。
Inflammation is the body’s response of the imune system to stimulus such as infection or irritation. Under normal physiological condition, inflammation is a kind of protective mechanism; however, the chronic inflammation destroys the balance of the body, leading to various diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammation is associated with high level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS is free radicals including superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical and so on. Under pathophysiological condition, ROS increase significantly, result in serious oxidative stress and causing inflammation. Nitric oxide (NO) is reported that it has great ability to quench ROS. However, the half-life of NO in vivo is only 2-6 seconds. The purpose of this study was to develop a NO carrier, a kind of PLGA microsphere that contained DETA-NONOate and sodium decanoate. This microspheres were made to load the NO precursor (DETA-NONOate) and were able to protect the NO from the degradation of environment. For the release of NO, the microparticles were put in pH 6.8 (mimicking pH of inflammatory site). At this time, protons diffused inside the particle and reacted with DETA-NONOate to generate NO bubbles. Sodium decanoate in this study acted as a surfactant in which the hydrophobic end of sodium decanoate toward NO bubbles, in order to stabilize structure, provide steric hindrance and protect NO bubbles from the degradation caused by proteins such as hemoglobin in the body, thus extending its half-life. Therefore, we expect that the microspheres prepared in this study can prolong the half-life of NO, and also inhibit the inflammation

Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Figures iv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1. Introduction of inflammation 1
1.2. The potential treatment of nitric oxide in anti-inflammation. 1
1.3. Limit of nitric oxide therapy 1
1.4. Purpose of the research 2
1.5. Experiment design 5
Chapter 2: Materials and methods 6
2.1. Characteristic of microsphere 6
2.1.1. Microsphere marterials 6
2.1.2. The preparation of microsphere 6
2.1.3. Morphology of particles 7
2.1.4. The release of nitric oxide from particles 7
2.1.5. The detection of sodium decanoate 7
2.1.6. The stability of particles 7
2.1.7. Micelle formation detection 7
2.1.8. Anti-degradation activity 8
2.1.9. Antioxidant activity 8
2.2. Cell experiment 8
2.2.1. Cell culture 8
2.2.2. Cell viability 8
2.2.3. Anti-oxidant ability 8
2.2.4. Anti- inflammatory ability 9
Chapter 3: Result and discussion 10
3.1. Characteristic of microsphere 10
3.1.1. Morphology of particles 10
3.1.2. The release profile of nitric oxide from particles 10
3.1.3. The detection of sodium decanoate 11
3.1.4. Particle stability 12
3.1.5. Micelle formation detection 13
3.1.6. Anti-degradation activity 14
3.1.7. Anti oxidant capacity 16
3.2. Cell experiment 17
3.2.1. Cell viability 17
3.2.2. Anti-oxidant ability 20
3.2.3. Anti-inflammatory ability 22
Chapter 4: Conclusion 23
References 24
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