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作者(外文):Tsai, Yi-Fang
論文名稱(外文):An Exploration of Fabrication Guidelines for High-Efficiency and High-Light Quality Light Sources Based on LED/OLED
指導教授(外文):Jou, Jwo-Huei
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Yung-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:OLEDPseudo-sunlightblack-body-radiation styleblue light hazardanti-pseudo-sunlightHigh-efficient lighting
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此外,色溫較低的光源,對褪黑激素的自然分泌更友善;值得注意的是,雖有相同的色溫,不同的光源,仍會顯示不同的褪黑激素抑制效果,尤其當色溫在 3,000K或以上時;先以2,000K等低色溫為例,光色像太陽光的LED和OLED,其抑制敏感度分別為2%和3%;在5,000K時,類太陽光LED和OLED的褪黑激素抑制敏感度,分別為14%和18%;在8,000K時,它們的抑制敏感度分別為20%和28%。

類太陽光LED,在所研究的整個色溫範圍內,顯示出相對較高的自然光譜相似指標(SRI),除了2,000K;在2,000K 時,三種類型的LED ,均顯示91的 SRI;若是為5,000K時,其類太陽光、類黑體輻射和反類太陽光的SRI,則分別為93、92和86;在8,000K等高色溫下,則分別為90、88和 78。

無論何種色溫LED,類太陽光型,其能量效度,都顯著高於類黑體輻射型,而黑體輻射型的,又高於反類太陽光型;若為2,000K時,類太陽光、類黑體輻射和反類太陽光的功率,分別為 285、270 和 255 lm/W;3,000 K時,則為285、265和250 lm/W;5,000K,則為260、240和210 lm/W。
當為OLED,類太陽光型的,則較其他兩種類型的,有更高的能量效度;以 3,000K為例,類太陽光、類黑體輻射型和反類太陽光 OLED的能量效度,分別為280、267和253 lm/W;5,000 K時,則分別為 290、264和238 lm/W。
Chronic exposure to blue-enriched white light can cause health problems, such as retinal damage and melatonin suppression. Therefore, we should redefine what human-friendly lighting is, in addition to energy-saving and high quality. Since the first global energy crisis, energy-saving has become a crucial issue. High-efficient lighting has been the focus of attention, so that energy-saving solid-state lighting technology becomes the mainstream of modern lighting. Light sources with high efficiency and high light quality are considered good light. However, as the concept of blue hazard emerges, people realize that blue-enriched lighting threatens human eyes and health. Hence, the so-called "good light" should include some characteristics, such as being friendly to the retina and to melatonin secretion at night.

In this thesis, we find a method to fabricate relatively friendly light sources by using LEDs and OLEDs. They are operated with the same color temperature, and compare their difference in performance of blue light hazard or friendliness, as the photochromic falls on (1) black-body-radiation style, (2) pseudo-sunlight and (3)anti-pseudo-sunlight. The results show that the best performance of both LEDs and OLEDs occur when the photochromic falls on "pseudo-sunlight", in terms of energy saving characteristic, light quality performance and friendliness.

Moreover, light sources with lower color temperature are more friendly to natural secretion of melatonin. It is worth noting that, different light sources with the same color temperature show different effects of melatonin suppression. Especially, when the color temperature is at or above 3,000K. For example, when using LEDs and OLEDs with low color temperature, such as 2,000K, which their photochromic falls on pseudo-sunlight, sensitivities of melatonin suppression are 2% and 3%, respectively. While color temperature reach 5,000K, the sensitivities of melatonin suppression are 14% and 18%, respectively. At 8,000K, the sensitivities of melatonin suppression are 20% and 28%, respectively.

Within the entire range of color temperature used in this thesis, pseudo-sunlight LEDs show relatively high natural spectral similarity index (SRI), except 2,000K. At 2,000K, the SRI for three types of LEDs are 91. Besides the SRI of pseudo-sunlight LEDs, black-body-radiation style LEDs and anti-pseudo-sunlight LEDs are 93, 92, and 86, respectively, at 5,000K and 90, 88, and 78, respectively, at 8,000K or other high color temperatures.

Regardless of the color temperature, the power efficiency of pseudo-sunlight LEDs is significantly higher than that of black-body-radiation style LEDs; the exposure limit of black-body-radiation style LEDs is higher than that of anti-pseudo-sunlight LEDs. At 2,000K, the power of pseudo-sunlight LEDs, black-body-radiation style LEDs and anti-pseudo-sunlight LEDs are 285, 270 and 255 lm/W, respectively. Furthermore, the power of pseudo-sunlight LEDs, black-body-radiation style LEDs and anti-pseudo-sunlight LEDs are 285, 265 and 250 lm/W, respectively, at 3,000 K, and 260, 240 and 210 lm/W, respectively, at 5,000 K.

In terms of OLEDs, the power efficiency of pseudo-sunlight OLEDs is higher than the other two types of OLEDs. For instance, the exposure limit of pseudo-sunlight OLEDs, black-body-radiation style OLEDs and anti-pseudo-sunlight OLEDs are 280, 267 and 253 lm/W, respectively, at 3,000 K, and 290, 264 and 238 lm/W, respectively, at 5,000 K.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
壹、緒論 1
貳、文獻回顧 4
2-1、有機發光二極體之發展歷史 4
2-2、OLED之發光原理 20
2-3、藍光傷害 22
2-4、無藍害燭光OLED的興起 25
參、理論基礎 30
3-1、褪黑激素抑制理論基礎 30
3-1-1、褪黑激素抑制作用光譜 32
3-1-2、曝照量與褪黑激素抑制之關聯 35
肆、理論計算 37
4-1、演色性指數的定義與計算(CRI) 37
4-2、自然光譜相似性指數的定義與計算(SRI) 39
4-3、褪黑激素抑制程度的計算(MSS) 41
4-4、視網膜最大可忍受之曝光極限(MPE)之計算 42
伍、結果與討論 43
5.1 、人體友善光源設計 43
5.1.1 、從視網膜保護之角度觀點 43、光譜帶寬之影響 43、光譜範圍對曝光極限之影響 47、擬自然光之影響 50
5.1.2、 從褪黑激素分泌之角度觀點 52、照明技術之影響 52、光譜範圍對 MLT 抑制之影響 53、照明技術光色之影響 53
5.2 、高品質光源之設計 55
5.2.1、 從 SRI 之角度觀點 55、照明技術之影響 55、黑體輻射光譜範圍對SRI之影響 56、照明技術光色對 SRI之影響 57
5.2.2、從CRI之角度觀點 59、照明技術對CRI之影響 59、黑體輻射光譜範圍對 CRI 之影響 60、照明技術光色對CRI之影響 61
5.3 、節能光源設計 63
5.3.1、照明技術對效度之影響 63
5.3.2、黑體輻射光譜範圍對效度之影響 64
5.3.3、照明技術光色對效度之影響 65
陸、結論 67
柒、參考資料 69
附錄,個人著作 83

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