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作者(外文):Yen, Chao-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Lattice Distortion Effect on Elastic Anisotropy and Cross-Slip Activity of High Entropy Alloys in FCC Crystals
指導教授(外文):Lo, Yu-Chieh
Chang, Shou-Yi
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Jien-Wei
Lin, Su-Jine
Tsou, Nien-Ti
Yen, Hung-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Molecular dynamics/statisticsHigh entropy alloysFace-centered cubic crystalsYoung's modulusPoisson's ratioElastic anisotropyScrew dislocationCross-slipDislocation mobility
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近年發現,即使在低溫下,面心立方(FCC)系列高熵合金(HEA)仍顯示出高強度和高延展性,顛覆了常規合金的概念。但是,到目前為止,還沒有足夠的參考資料可以提供它們在HEA中優異的機械性能和晶格扭曲之間的明確關聯。因此,我們進行了幾種由1、2、3和5種原子類型組成的FCC金屬研究,包括Ni,NiW,FeCrNi,CoNiCrFeMn和Lennard-Jones(LJ)系統,有系統地研究晶格扭曲對彈性各向異性及交叉滑移活動上肢影響,並透過分子動力學/靜態模擬(MD / MS)進行探討。結果發現,在彈性區域中,經過精心設計的LJ模型表明,理論上晶格畸變會增強FCC晶體中的彈性各向異性,但對於HEA這類多組成系統中,因電子密度的不一致性嚴重,使晶格扭曲對彈性異向性的影響變得不顯著。NiW的稀固溶合金以及FeCrNi和CoNiCrFeMn的等原子合金也證實了這一結論。另一方面,在塑性區域中,當變形程度達到一定程度時,FCC系統的交叉滑動過程中將存在多平面劈裂螺旋差排(MSS)。我們發現,僅因原子尺寸失配而導致的幾何畸變才能使MSS發揮作用。通過對這些MD仿真的比較,我們可以知道,MSS的交叉滑動比單平面分裂螺旋差排(SSS)容易得多。此外,我們的研究為交叉滑動機制的解釋提供了額外的支持,並解釋在低疊差能的情況下,HEA在臨場TEM之觀察。
The face-centered cubic (FCC) series of high entropy alloys (HEAs) have been found to exhibit both high strength and high ductility even under cryogenic-temperature, subverting the concept of conventional alloys. However, there is no sufficient reference so far that it can provide a clear correlation between their superior mechanical properties and lattice distortion in HEAs. Therefore, we conduct several FCC metals composed of 1, 2 3, and 5 atomic types, including Ni, NiW, FeCrNi, CoNiCrFeMn, and Lennard-Jones (LJ) systems to systematically investigate the lattice distortion effect on elastic anisotropy, and cross-slip activity by molecular dynamics/static simulations (MD/MS). As a result, in the elastic region, the well-designed LJ model demonstrates that the lattice distortion theoretically will enhance elastic anisotropy in the FCC crystal, but for HEAs, the electron density inconsistency in multicomponent systems will be more dominant than the lattice distortion effect. This conclusion is also confirmed in dilute solid-solution alloys of NiW, and equiatomic alloys of FeCrNi and CoNiCrFeMn. On the other hand, in the plastic region, as the degree of distortion reaches a certain level, Multi-plane Splitting Screw (MSS) will exist in the cross-slip process for FCC systems. We find that just the geometric distortion resulting from the atomic size misfit will be able to make the MSS work. Through the comparison of these MD simulations, we can know that the MSS is much easier to cross-slip than Single-plane Splitting Screw (SSS). Besides, our research provides additional support for the cross-slip mechanism to explain the observation of in-situ TEM in HEAs with low stacking fault energy.
Abstract i
摘要 iii
Acknowledgments v
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation 1
Chapter 2: Background and Literature Review of High Entropy Alloys 7
2.1 The introduction of HEAs 7
2.1.1 The origin of HEAs 7
2.1.2 Four core effects of HEAs 10 High configurational entropy 10 Sluggish diffusion 13 Severe lattice distortion 14 Cocktail effect 15
2.1.3 Special properties and applications 16
2.2 Analysis of lattice distortion effects on mechanical properties 20
2.2.1 Atomic size difference parameter 21
2.2.2 Experiments (X-ray and Neutron diffraction/scattering) 22
2.2.3 Simulations (Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics) 24
2.3 Elastic properties 28
2.3.1 Polycrystalline elastic parameters (E, v, and G) 28
2.3.2 Single-crystal elastic constants (C11, C12, and C44) 30
2.4 Deformation mechanisms and behavior 35
2.4.1 TWIP and TRIP mechanisms 35
2.4.2 Cross-slip activity in CrCoNi-based HEAs 40
2.4.3 Local concentration fluctuation effects on dislocation behavior 48
Chapter 3: Background of Molecular Dynamics Simulation 52
3.1 The equations of motion 52
3.2 Time scale 53
3.3 Potential function 54
3.3.1 Pair potential function 54
3.3.2 Multi-body potential function 56
3.4 Truncated distance 57
3.5 Neighbor list 57
3.6 Periodic boundary 59
3.7 Temperature control 60
Chapter 4: Simulation Methodology 63
4.1 Selection and assumption of potential 63
4.2 Measurement of lattice distortion 65
4.2.1 Atomic size difference (δ) 65
4.2.2 von Mises atomic shear strain (η) 65
4.2.3 Radial distribution function (RDF) 67
4.3 Elastic anisotropy 67
4.3.1 Setup of the simulation model to calculate Young’s modulus 67
4.3.2 Setup of the simulation model to calculate Poisson's ratio 68
4.4 Cross-slip activities 69
4.4.1 Molecular statics (MS) for activation energy of cross-slip 69
4.4.2 The internal stress of Escaig and Schmid 72
4.4.3 Molecular dynamics (MD) for SSS and MSS 73
4.5 The software of calculating and analysis 74
Chapter 5: Results, Discussions, and Conclusions 75
5.1 Degree of lattice distortion 75
5.2 Lattice distortion effect on elastic anisotropy 78
5.2.1 Young's modulus 78
5.2.2 Poisson's ratio 85
5.2.3 Influence of elements on the overall Young's modulus and anisotropy 90
5.2.4 Conclusions 98
5.3 Lattice distortion effect on cross-slip activity 99
5.3.1 Peierls stress (τp) 99
5.3.2 MEP calculations for the activation energy of cross-slip 101
5.3.3 Multi-plane Splitting Screw (MSS) 106
5.3.4 Internal Schmid and Escaig stress 110
5.3.5 Comparison of MD calculations for SSS and MSS in CoNiCrFeMn 117
5.3.6 Conclusions 122
References 125

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