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作者(外文):Kuan, Da-Hsing
論文名稱(外文):A Single Device Based Natural-Light Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
指導教授(外文):Jou, Jwo-Huei
口試委員(外文):Chen, Sun-Zen
Tsai, Yung-Cheng
Chin, Chih-Lung
Shyue, Jing-Jong
Wang, Ching-Wu
外文關鍵詞:Organic Light-emitting DiodeNatural-lightColor-temperature
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太陽光應是最佳的照明光源,從日出到日落,其色溫與亮度,會隨著時間而改變,人們所使用的人造光源,其色溫與亮度亦應如自然光般,能隨著時間而有所變化;為此,本研究利用先前發明的類太陽光有機發光二極體(Organic Light-Emitting Diode, OLED)技術,以製作一元件,使能有極廣色溫與亮度變化之類自然光光源;其中,一元件的色溫變化範圍,可從2,550 K 變化至 21,800 K,其亮度從10 cd/m2變化到2,500 cd/m2,可涵蓋不同地區、不同時間的太陽與天空的光色,像是日出時的太陽3,230 K、天空8,410 K,中午時的太陽6,620 K、天空17,830 K,下午時分的太陽5,650 K、天空10,300 K,適合白天工作時使用;此外,其具有超高自然光譜相似指數(Spectrum resemblance index, SRI)與中高顯色指數(Color rendering index, CRI),在亮度1,000 cd/m2時,其分別為92與72。此類自然光OLED能具有極寬廣的色溫變化範圍,乃可歸因於使用紅、綠、藍三發光層結構,並於其中加入一載子調制層,有效控制電洞傳輸量,使元件之再結合區,能隨電壓之提升而顯著移動,並依序放出不同色溫的光色;為降低藍光可能導致的傷害,我們藉由染料摻雜比例的改變,以及使用雙層載子調制層,以使元件色溫變化範圍改變為 1,680 K 至 5,430 K,以放出如夕陽般的色溫,以期降低對褪黑激素的抑制影響,以1,700 K的OLED而言,其較5,500 K白光安全8倍,可大幅增加夜晚使用照明光源的安全性。
Sunlight is the best lighting source, and its varying color and illuminance changes from sunrise to sunset. Artificial light sources should have these characteristics which enable to change the color temperature and illuminance with time. In response to a positive demand, we demonstrate here a natural-light organic light-emitting diode (OLED)which extends the previous research, Sun-light OLED, to fabricate a single device that can widely change its color temperature and illuminance. While the variation range of the color temperature of a device can vary from 2,550 K to 21,800 K, its brightness changes from 10 cd / m2 to 2,500 cd / m2, covering the sun and the sky light color at different regions and times, such as sunrise 3,230 K, sky 8,410 K, noon sun 6,620 K, sky 17,830 K, afternoon sun 5,650 K and sky 10,300 K, which is suitable for daytime lighting. In addition, it has an ultra-high spectrum resemblance index(SRI)and a high color rendering index (CRI), which are 92 and 72 at a illuminance of 1,000 cd / m2.
This natural-light OLED with very wide range of color temperature can be attributed to the use of three emissive layer structures and a carrier modulation layer. The carrier modulation layer can control the hole transmission, so that the recombination zone could be moved by voltage to emit different color temperature in turn. In order to reduce the possible damage caused by blue light, we changed the dye doping concentration and use a double carrier modulation layer to change the variation range of the device’s color temperature from 1,680 K to 5,430 K which can emit as sunset light, and it is expected to decrease the melatonin secretion. In terms of 1,700 K OLED, it is 11 times safer than 5,500 K white light so that can significantly increase the safety of night use of lighting.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
圖目錄 XV
壹、緒論 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
2-2、OLED的發展歷史 3
2-2、OLED的發光原理 20
2-3、OLED的基本結構 27
2-4、OLED的能量傳遞機制 28
2-5、OLED的元件效率 31
2-6、OLED之發展 33
2-6-1、陽極材料 33
2-6-2、電洞注入材料 34
2-6-3、電洞傳輸材料 34
2-6-4、電子傳輸材料 35
2-6-5、電子傳輸材料 35
2-6-6、陰極材料 36
2-7、色溫可調OLED的進展 37
2-8、光色定義 40
2-9、色溫與黑體輻射 41
參、理論計算 43
3-1、自然光譜相似性指數 (SRI) 的計算 43
3-2、演色性 (CRI) 的計算 44
3-3、元件效率的計算 46
3-4、視網膜最大可忍受之曝光極限 (MPL) 的計算 47
3-5、褪黑激素抑制程度 (MSS) 的計算 48
肆、實驗方法 50
4-1、元件結構與使用材料 50
4-2-1、材料功能、全名及簡稱 50
4-2-1、本研究所使用有機材料之化學結構式 55
4-2、元件設計與製備 59
4-2-1、元件電路設計 59
4-2-2、基材清洗 60
4-2-3、發光層之製備 60
4-2-4、旋轉塗佈製程 61
4-2-5、熱蒸鍍製程 61
4-2-6、成膜鍍率測定 62
4-2-7、有機層之製備 63
4-2-8、無機層之製備 63
4-3、元件特性量測 64
4-3-1、發光效率之量測 64
4-3-2、電致發光光譜量測 65
伍、結果與討論 66
5-1 自然光的特性 66
5-1-1、太陽、天空光色與時間的關係 66
5-1-2、太陽、天空色溫與時間的關係 68
5-1-3、太陽、天空照度與時間的關係 69
5-2、超廣色溫類自然光OLED 72
5-2-1、載子調制層厚度對元件色溫的影響 72
5-2-2、紅光染料濃度對元件色溫的影響 77
5-2-3、藍光染料對元件的影響 81
5-3、低藍害類自然光OLED 84
5-3-1、載子調制層層數與厚度對元件色溫的影響 84
5-3-2、低藍害類自然光OLED之健康特質MPL/MSS 88
5-4、類自然光OLED元件的發光特性 76
陸、結論 91
柒、參考資料 93
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