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作者(外文):You, Yan-Ting
論文名稱(中文):低溫電漿輔助硒化調控硒維度比例 及其多波段光感測應用
論文名稱(外文):Low Temperature Growth of Se microstructures by A Plasma-Assisted Selenization Process Toward Broadband Photodetectors
指導教授(外文):Chueh, Yu-Lun
Shen, Chang-Hong
口試委員(外文):Lee, Sheng-Wei
Ho, Johnny-C.
Hung, Wei-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:seleniumflexible photodetectorplasma assisted deposition
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  • 點閱點閱:398
  • 評分評分:*****
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自1873年以來,科學家們發現硒(Se)是光電探測器的潛在候選者之一,由於其具有高光導率(〜8×104 S cm -1)、在壓電性、熱電性以及非線性光學響應等各個方面都有出色的表現。至今,大多數生產硒的途徑為溶液相合成法。溶液相合成法有著無法避免的缺點,像是污染問題以及會降低其電性表現。因此,開發一種簡單、省時又對環境友善的製程法是值得被探討的。
Since 1873, scientists discovered that selenium (Se) is one of potential candidates as photodetector owing to its outstanding properties of various aspects such as high photoconductivity (~8x104 S cm-1), piezoelectricity, thermoelectricity and nonlinear optical responses. Solution phase synthesis become the efficient way to produce selenium. However, contamination issue should be taken into account, deteriorating the electric characteristic of Se. Therefore, a simple, time-saving and environmentally friendly synthesis process is required to be found.
In this work, a plasma-assisted selenization process has been proposed to simply, fast and directly grow Se thin film toward Se wire/film microstructures. The detailed formation mechanisms were investigated. The wire morphology was attributed to the generation of defects during heat treatment. Also, insertion of indium (In) layer between Se and SiO2/Si substrate strongly enhanced the mechanical strength for future wearable devices applications via mechanical interlocking and adsorption theory. The direct growth of Se microstructures on PET substrate using plasma assisted chemical vapor reaction instrument at low temperature were achieved. In addition, Se-based semiconductor photodetector exhibit visible detection from 405 nm to 638 nm, low dark current (~0.03nA), high on/off ratio (~700) and fast response time (smaller than 25ms), indicating a great potential to the wearable optoelectronic applications. Owing to the Se-based semiconductor photodetector display extreme flexibility, good bending endurance, high electrical stability and air stability on the PET substrate.
Abstract (English) I
Abstract (Chinese) II
Acknowledgements III
Table of content IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables IX
Acronyms X
Chapter 1 Introduction - 1 -
1.1 Preface - 1 -
1.2 Motivations - 2 -
Chapter 2 Background and Literature Reviews - 3 -
2.1 Introduction to Selenium - 3 -
2.1.1 Structure of selenium - 3 -
2.1.2 Practical application based on Selenium - 5 -
2.2 Optoelectronic devices - 10 -
2.2.1 Structure of MSM photodetector - 11 -
2.2.2 Ohmic Contacts vs. Schottky Contacts - 12 -
2.2.3 Sensing Mechanisms : Photoconductive Effect - 14 -
2.2.4 Performance Parameters - 15 -
Chapter 3 Experimental and Analytical Instruments - 19 -
3.1 Fabrication processes - 19 -
3.1.1 Sputter - 19 -
3.1.2 Selenization furnace - 20 -
3.2 Analysis Instrument - 20 -
3.2.1 Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) - 20 -
3.2.2 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) - 21 -
3.2.3 Raman spectrum analysis - 22 -
3.2.4 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) - 23 -
3.2.5 Photoelectric Measurements system - 24 -
Chapter 4 Experimental Process - 25 -
4.1 Preparation of Se/In structures - 25 -
4.2 Device fabrication process - 26 -
4.3 Characterization - 27 -
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion - 28 -
5.1 Characterization of Se/In structure - 28 -
5.1.1 Raman spectrum analysis - 28 -
5.1.2 X-ray diffraction analysis - 28 -
5.2 Parameter Optimization - 30 -
5.2.1 Importance of Indium layer - 30 -
5.2.2 Influence of plasma power - 33 -
5.2.3 Growth mechanism - 35 -
5.2.4 Influence of substrate heating rate - 37 -
5.2.5 Influence of the time of the holding temperature - 38 -
5.3 Optoelectronic performance of the Se / In photodetector - 40 -
5.3.1 Optoelectronic performance optimization - 40 -
5.3.2 Optoelectronic properties of wearable device - 44 -
Chapter 6 Conclusions - 49 -
Chapter 7 Future work - 50 -
References - 51 -
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