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作者(外文):Chao, Liang-Wei
論文名稱(中文):使用還原氧化石墨烯與奈米銅複合電極 以電化學法還原二氧化碳
論文名稱(外文):Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) by Using Reduced Graphene Oxide/Copper Nanoparticle Electrode
指導教授(外文):Chen, Lih-Juann
口試委員(外文):Wu, Wen-Wei
Lu, Ming-Yen
外文關鍵詞:Reduced Graphene OxideCarbon Dioxide Reduction
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  • 評分評分:*****
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二氧化碳可作為許多低碳燃料如甲酸、甲醇、乙醇等的原料,使之以高能量密度與可再生之形式將能量儲存。然而,大多數電化學還原法需使用貴金屬(鉑或鈀)作為電極,或需在極為高溫、高壓的條件下才可將二氧化碳還原,因此限制了其在工業應用的發展。在本研究中,使用奈米銅顆粒複合還原氧化石墨烯(rGO)作為電化學法之電極,該電極可於較低之工作電位進行二氧化碳之還原,研究中也同時比較了不同材料,如鉑、鈀、rGO和rGO / Cu等電極的還原效果,並利用氣相儀探討在不同酸鹼值下對還原電位及還原物產率之影響。
值得一提的是,該實驗方法可在溫和的環境(常溫常壓)下進行且不使用複雜的設備。與貴金屬電極(Pt和Pd)相比,rGO / Cu電極可大幅降低電極的成本。希冀該研究成果能為二氧化碳衍生低碳燃料鋪設一條新道路,並進一步促進電化學還原工藝之發展。
In response to challenges of energy crisis, global warming and climate change, electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction to produce chemicals or low-carbon fuels can serve as a means for carbon neutral and therefore has attracted much attention recently. The notorious greenhouse gas carbon dioxide can then become feedstock to synthesize numerous low-carbon fuels such as formate/formic acid, methanol, ethanol and others to provide renewable energy storage with high energy density forms.
However, most of electrochemical reduction processes utilize precious metals (platinum or palladium) as electrode, or apply harsh temperature/pressure conditions which may limit the development of electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide toward industrial applications. In this thesis work, we use copper nanoparticle decorated reduced graphene oxide (rGO), which is derived from one of the most abundant elements (i.e. carbon), as the electrochemical reduction electrode. The process can achieve carbon dioxide reduction with lower working potential. Electrode materials of platinum, palladium, rGO and copper decorated rGO as working potential were compared. The influences of reduction potential, electrode material and electrolyte acidity on production yield were discussed and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and gas chromatography.
In addition, this process was conducted under ambient temperature/pressure without harsh condition or complicated equipments. The rGO/Cu electrode can achieve a cost reduction of 95% in average compared to precious metal electrodes (Pt and Pd). The work shall pave a new path toward developing carbon dioxide reduction electrodes and further promote development of electrochemical reduction process toward carbon dioxide derived low-carbon fuels.
Contents …………………………………………….. Ⅰ
Abstract ………..……………………………………. Ⅲ
中文摘要 …......................………….………...…….... Ⅳ

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Nanotechnology 1
1-2 Introduction to Graphene 3
1-2.1 Overview 3
1-2.2 Graphene Production Techniques 5
1-3 Introduction to Carbon Dioxide Reduction 13
1-3.1 Overview 13
1-3.2 Utilization of Carbon Dioxide 16
1-3.3 Introduction of Formaldehyde 18
Chapter 2 Experimental Procedures 21
2-1 Electrode Preparation 21
2-1.1 Preparation of rGO Electrode 21
2-1.2 Copper Nanoparticle Deposition 22
2-2 Electrochemistry 23
2-2.1 Introduction to Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) 23
2-2.2 Experimental Process 24
2-3 Gas Chromatography 25
2-4 Scanning Electron Microscope Observation 27
2-5 Energy dispersive spectrometers (EDS) 28
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion 29
3-1 SEM Analysis of Microstructure and Morphology 29
3-2 Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide Reduction 32
3-3 CV Analysis and Reduction Reactions 34
3-4 Results of GC Analysis 37
Chapter 4 Summary and Conclusions 42
Chapter 5 Furture Prospects 44
References 46

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