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作者(外文):Chang, Chih-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Study on The Rice Husks in Energy Harvesting and Active Sensor
指導教授(外文):Wu, Jyh-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chen, Hsueh-Shih
Leu, Chyi-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Rice husksTriboelectric nanogeneratorRHSiO2Dielectric-to-dielectricSurface functionalizationSingle-Electrode active sensor
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本實驗利用稻殼作為材料,製作出具有高輸出的摩擦奈米發電機(Triboelectric nanogenerator, TENG) 及主動式感測元件。稻殼經由熱退火、水解過程可轉變成具有多孔性的二氧化矽 (RHSiO2) 粉末,再將粉末塗佈在聚乙烯對苯二甲酸酯(polyethylene terephthalate, PET) 基板上,另一端則是用聚四氟乙烯 (Polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE) 薄膜,製成摩擦奈米發電機的結構,兩者的材料相較於金屬薄膜則具有高度的化學、熱穩定性。多孔性RHSiO2粉末的孔徑大約為20-40 nm,且相較於商用的二氧化矽粉末,RHSiO2在粉末顆粒表面含有豐富的Si-O-Si 和OH 的鍵結,由於OH鍵會增加其RHSiO2粉末的表面電位,傾向帶更多正電,相較於商用的二氧化矽則更容易排斥電子,在摩擦的過程中,RHSiO2能夠排斥更多的電子給PTFE,摩擦發電機的功率密度和電流密度可分別高達0.84 W/m2 、5.7 mA/m2,是目前摩擦發電機在介電材料方面其性能、輸出為最好的一種材料。
由於OH鍵能夠和矽烷溶液中的三烷氧基矽烷基鍵結,因此本研究利用RHSiO2粉末表面豐富的Si-OH與OH鍵,將粉末浸泡不同的矽烷溶液在進行表面官能基化,例如: 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-全氟辛基三乙氧基矽烷,使其RHSiO2粉末表面接上具有氟原子的官能基,完成之後將粉末例如:RHSiO2-F,塗佈在PET基板上,另一端則是使用原本的RHSiO2粉末薄膜,製成奈米摩擦發電機。在摩擦的過程中,由於氟原子有著非常強的電子親和力,會使得原本的帶正電的RHSiO2粉末會因為接上含氟原子的官能基而轉變為帶負電,比原本RHSiO2- RHSiO2製成的摩擦奈米發電機電荷密度高達50倍以上。
In This work, we success to turn the raw rice husks (RH) into the nanoporous rice husk SiO2 (RHSiO2) fragments through acid hydrolysis and thermal annealing process, applying the RHSiO2 as a source material to the high output current density of the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) and single-electrode active sensors. The pore size of the RHSiO2 fragments is about 20-40 nm and the pores are uniformly distributed throughout the RHSiO2 fragments which are possessed of abundant in hydroxyl (-OH) and Si–O–Si stretching bonds. According to the previous research, hydroxyl (-OH) has the great tendency to repulse electron and increase the surface potential. Consequently, compared with the commercial SiO2 nanoparticles, RHSiO2 fragments can generate more positive charges. The RHSiO2 triboelectric nanogenerator's (RHSiO2-TENG) configuration is composed of RHSiO2 films and polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) films, and the area power density, short-circuit current density, and open-circuit voltage of it reaches 0.84 W m-2, 5.7 mA m-2, and 270 V, respectively. The result of the short-curcuit current density is almost among the highest value reported for triboelectric nanogenerator based on dielectric/dielectric contact mode.
Additionally, the RHSiO2 fragments exhibit highly dense Si-OH and OH bonds which can be covalently linked with the trieoxysilane group of the functionalization, so we modify the surface of the RHSiO2 powder by using trieoxysilane with the different head group to change the surface potential. After FOTS treatment, the TENG’s charge density is enhanced ~ 50 times with fluoro (-F) as a head group. Finally, we combine surface functionalization and good roughness and lightweight feature of the RHSiO2 to fabricate the single-electrode active sensors which have high sensitivity and can sense current and voltage through external surrounding vibrating. Consequently, they are very suitable to be applied to environmental monitoring, wearable electronics, and medical device. RHSiO2 possess many outstanding features such as their excellent robustness, high porosity, thermal and chemical stability, light weight, being environmentally friendly, exceptionally low cost, makes it a worthy material for commercial and industrial applications.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 稻殼 (Rice husks) 5
2.2 自組裝單層分子膜 (Self-assembly monolayer, SAM) 6
2.3 摩擦奈米發電機與主動式感測元件 8
2.4 垂直分離模式 (Vertical contact-separation mode) 9
2.4.1 多孔性基材藉由不同濃度的金奈米顆粒提高摩擦奈米發電機輸出 9
2.5 水平滑動模式 (Lateral sliding mode) 12
2.5.1 3-D多層結構滑動模式之摩擦奈米發電機 (3D-TENG) 12
2.6 單電極模式 (single-electrode mode) 15
2.6.1 極薄型單電極模式摩擦奈米發電機之能量擷取與力量感測器之應用 15
2.7 獨立靜電摩擦層模式 (Freestanding triboelectric-layer mode) 18
2.7.1 獨立靜電摩擦層模式之接觸與非接觸模式摩擦奈米發電機 18
2.8 分子工程表面之摩擦奈米發電機 (METS) 21
2.9 自供電的壓力感測器 (Self-powered active pressure sensors) 23
2.10 自供電的聲波感測器 (Self-powered active acoustic sensors) 26
2.11 自供電的紫外光感測器 (Self-powered active UV sensors) 28
2.12 自供電的化學感測器 (Self-powered active chemical sensors) 30
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 32
3.1 實驗藥品 33
3.2 多孔性RHSiO2粉末製備 33
3.3 RHSiO2薄膜與PTFE摩擦奈米發電機元件的製作 34
3.4 RHSiO2粉末表面官能基化的製備 36
3.5 主動式感測元件製作 37
3.6 材料特性分析儀器 38
3.6.1 冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡暨能量散佈分析儀器 38
3.6.2 WAG廣角X光繞射儀 (Powder X-Ray Diffraction, PXRD) 39
3.6.3 霍氏轉換紅外光譜儀 (Fourier transform infrared photo spectroscopy, FTIR) 40
3.6.4 高解析電子能譜儀 (High resolution X-ray photoelectron spectrometer, HRXPS) 41
3.6.5 接觸角量測儀 (Contact angle system) 42
3.6.6 線性馬達系統 (Linear motion system) 43
3.6.7 電性量測系統 43
第四章 結果與討論 45
4.1 粉末特性分析 45
4.1.1 冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡暨能量散佈儀器分析 45
4.1.2 WAG廣角X光繞射分析 46
4.1.3 霍氏轉換紅外光譜儀分析 47
4.1.4 多重物理量耦合模擬 (COMSOL Multiphysics) 分析 48
4.1.5 高解析電子能譜儀分析 50
4.1.6 接觸角量測儀分析 51
4.2 摩擦發電機與主動式感測元件特性分析 53
4.2.1 稻殼、RHSiO2粉末摩擦奈米發電機電性分析 53
4.2.2 RHSiO2粉末摩擦奈米發電機特性分析 58
4.2.3 RHSiO2粉末摩擦奈米發電機能量轉換效率分析 60
4.2.4 RHSiO2粉末表面官能基化之摩擦奈米發電機電性分析 62
4.2.5 主動式感測元件電性分析 70
4.2.6 主動式感測元件特性分析 73
4.2.7 主動式感測元件之應用 76
第五章 結論 78
第六章 未來展望 79
第七章 參考文獻 80
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