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作者(外文):Lin, Pi-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Optimizing multifunctional nano-structured substrates of ultra-thin layer chromatography/ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to achieve quantitative and rapid screening for mixtures
指導教授(外文):Yen, Ta-Jen.
口試委員(外文):WU, JYH-MING
外文關鍵詞:chromatographysurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopysilicon nanowire arrays3-dimensional nanostructurephotolithographypatterned fabrication
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  • 評分評分:*****
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SERS technique is a powerful and potential analytical technique that identify the materials with different molecule structure. Addition, basing on the high material discrimination and low time-consuming analytical process, SERS technique was applied to be use in many fields including biochemical, biomedical or food-safety. With the development of the SERS, most of the scientist paid attention to the multifunctional system consisted of SERS and others, which can not only keep the advantages but also overcome the inherent limitations of the SERS. A famous issue was about the signal noise during the Raman measurement. To further improve the signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) by resolving the interference from different material, one of the separation method called liquid chromatography technique was combined with SERS technique.
For our previous work, our team studied on a new bi-functional UTLC-SERS substrate which was consisted of the silicon nanowires array and silver nanoparticles fabricated by the simple chemical wet etching method. From the previous results, the SiNWs@AgNPs substrate could provide the short-distance mixture separation and strong Raman signal enhancement at the same time have been demonstrated. Following with the previous work, to all the more improve the signal enhancement performance of the SiNWs@AgNPs substrate. We changed the formation of silver from 2D nanoparticle to 3D nano-dendrites structure with increasing the reaction time due to the 3D nanostructure could provide more “hot spot” regions, which was corresponding to higher signal-enhance behavior.
Besides, we applied different pattern configurations to further optimize and functionalize the substrate with resolving some problem such as the shit of migration direction, separation of analyte or measurement limitation. In this work, we designed the fluidic- and circle-type patterns to respectively limit the migration direction, concentrate the analyte or uniform the distribution of stick analyte. At first part, we studied how the fluidic-shape pattern influenced the moving of analyte during the separation process and the concentration performance of channels with different length and formation. Three different fluidic patterns including rectangular shape, tapered shape and tapered shape with various lengths were applied, all of them could limit the migration direction by localizing the analyte within the channel, which could preliminarily enlarge the Raman signal. Besides, with shrinking channel from rectangular to tapered shape and choosing the length which was fitted to migration distance of analyte, Raman signal could be all the more enhanced with 15.4 times as compare with the un-patterned case. Base on those results, the application of pattern could not resolve the problem of TLC and enhance the Raman signal by concentrating the analyte.
At second part, we utilized circle-shape pattern to improve the analyte distribution of polymer material after drying. With the circle pattern was applied, analyte layer could be grown from all side homogeneously that made the relatively uniform layer was formed. Then, we also discuss the influence of the pattern size and stage horizontal and the smaller pattern size and horizontal stage had result in a better distribution deviation. Otherwise, after checking the reproducibility of the substrate and pattern, we applied the analyte with different concentration to understand the applied possibility of patterned substrate.
Basing on the results, SiNWs@AgNDs substrate could be all the more optimize or functionalize by different patterns were applied, which extremely increase the potential and filed of practical application.
Chapter 1 Introduction...................................1
Chapter 2 Literature Review..............................3
2.1 Raman.....................................3
2.2 Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering.........5
2.3 Paper-based SERS substrate...............10
2.4 TLC......................................12
2.5 UTLC.....................................16
2.6 UTLC-SERS................................24
2.7 Motivation...............................29
Chapter 3 Design of experiment..........................31
3.1 Patterned UTLC-SERS substrate fabrication31
3.2 Chromatography development...............38
3.3 Raman measurement........................41
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion.........................42
4.1 Optimization of the UTLC-SERS............42
4.2 Fluidic patterned UTLC-SERS substrate....46
4.3 Circle patterned SERS substrate..........54
Chapter 5 Conclusion....................................70

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