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作者(外文):Chang, Hao-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Low-loss Bragg Rectangular Waveguide at Low THz Region
指導教授(外文):Chang, Tsun-Hsu
口試委員(外文):Pan, Ci-Ling
Yen, Ta-Jen
外文關鍵詞:RectangularWaveguideTerahertzWaveBraggW band
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  • 評分評分:*****
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此篇論文介紹利用週期性結構的高反射特性,來設計位於W頻帶(75~ 110 GHz)的低損耗率的矩形波導管,此週期性結構由高折射率的介電質與低折射率的介電質交互週期排列,其每一層介電質的厚度由破壞性干涉的原理來決定,此結構將可看見周期性的高反射率頻帶,在此頻帶內反射率將趨近於一,利用此特性來設計波導管,可以得到損耗率低於任何金屬波導管。另外我們亦會討論金屬波導管耦合進入Bragg waveguide的效率,以及利用時域分析討論TE01模的穿透。
We investigate the transmission loss of the rectangular waveguide mode (TE01) at W-band with a Bragg structured sidewall. To design and fabricate the Bragg sidewall, we first study the propagation properties of a periodic multilayer structure, each layer consisting of a high refractive index and a low refractive index dielectric material. The thicknesses of dielectric materials are properly designed to form the destructive interference at the operating region. The periodic bandgap is observed with the reflection coefficient close to unity at the stop band. This Bragg sidewall can perfectly confine the energy in the rectangular waveguide with extremely low attenuation much lower than any metallic wave guide.

Chapter1 緒論.............1
1.1 兆赫波簡介................1
1.2 兆赫波-應用...............1
1.3 研究動機..................3
Chapter2 Bragg mirror......5
2.1 理論推導..................5
2.2 Matching for destructive interference at different incident angle..................10
2.3 Bloch wave in PSS.......11
2.4 Experiment result.......15
Chapter3 Bragg waveguide..17
3.1 Bragg parallel waveguide.17
3.2 Bragg rectangular waveguide.18
3.3 理論結果..................23
3.4 Comparison between Matlab code and HFSS simulation..31
3.5 Cladding mode............33
Chapter4 Modal analysis...37
4.1 HFSS simulation..........37
4.2 模式分析理論計算...........37
4.3 模式分析結果..............40
4.4 Time domain analysis.....47
Chapter5 實驗設計與數據.....52
5.1 實驗設計..................52
5.2 實驗數據分析..............54
Chapter6 結論..............56

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