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作者(外文):Chen, Po-Sung
論文名稱(外文):Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yi-Wei
口試委員(外文):Gou, Shih-Chuan
Tung, Shih-Kuang
Lin, Yu-Ju
外文關鍵詞:BECcondensatelaser cooling
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在這篇論文中,我們探討在磁四極陷阱(magnetic quadrupole trap)下量子簡併波色子氣體(玻色–愛因斯坦凝聚態, Bose-Einstein condensate, BEC)的動態。BEC是一個微米等級的巨型物質波。藉由光學成像的方式,我們能夠以微秒等級的最短時間尺度來觀測BEC。不同於一般的單粒子物質波,在量測BEC時,能夠量測到整個物質波的分布以及物質波隨著時間的變化。物質波進入和阱離開位能阱的過程可以等價於分子的鍵結以及游離過程,因此這樣的實驗架設可以做為分子鍵結的量子模擬。

在實驗上,我們用磁光混和陷阱(magneto-optical hybrid trap)將銣原子(rubidium 87)捕捉並冷卻至小於100nK的溫度來產生BEC。在這篇論文中,我們會介紹兩種BEC的動態。
首先,BEC在陷阱的深度降低時,會被”晃”出陷阱,並產生水滴狀的脈衝原子雷射(pulsed atom laser)。藉由BEC在陷阱內的運動,我們能夠產生重複率(repetition rate)等同於陷阱頻率(trap frequency)的脈衝原子雷射。我們提出一個簡易的模型來解釋水滴狀的密度分布。

在第二個實驗,我們先將BEC以自由落體的方式來獲得初始動能,接著將它載入磁陷阱中讓它在位能阱內週期性的上下運動。在結合重力場的情況下,總和位能阱會是一個非對稱的V型位能阱。BEC在這樣的位能阱內來回彈跳(bouncing)會產生許多有趣的動態。物質波會由最一開始的高斯分布(gaussian profile)隨時間演化至長條狀並產生干涉條紋。此外,在彈跳過程中,我們觀察到BEC的塌縮恢復現象(collapse and revival)。藉由薛丁格方程式(Schrödinger equation)的數值模擬,我們得到和實驗非常接近的結果。

The dynamics of bosonic quantum degenerate gas (Bose-Einstein condensate, BEC) in a magnetic potential well was reported. A BEC is considered as a giant microscopic matter wave that can be investigated by direct optical imaging with a time-scale of millisecond to second. In comparison with a single particle wave function, it can be closely observed, as a slow-motion movie. The evolution of matter wave in and out of a trap potential is equivalent to “binding” and “ionization” processes.

In our experiment, a BEC with 3×〖10〗^5 rubidium (87Rb) atoms was produced in a magneto-optic hybrid trap with a typical temperature < 100nK. Two kinds of BEC dynamics were then investigated in our experiment.

Firstly, the BEC was “shaken” out of the trap, forming droplets and generating a pulsed atom laser. We take advantage of the internal dynamics of BEC to generate pulses with a repetition rate equal to the trap frequency. A simple model was presented to explain the droplet-like density distribution.

Secondly, the BEC acquires initial kinetic energy via free fall in gravity, and then the magnetic trap was turned on to load the BEC, which then periodically moved up-and-down in the trap. Combining with the gravity, it was confined in an asymmetric V-type potential well. The wave function of atoms bounces inside the trap, enriching the dynamics of the system. The matter wave with an initial gaussian profile evolved to a long strip with interference pattern. During the bouncing, the collapses and revivals of BEC were also observed. Numerical simulations based on Schrodinger equation agree quantitatively with the experimental observation.

In the thesis, we explore the possibility of quantum simulation for molecular physics using BEC.
Chapter 1 Introducion 1
1.1 Motivation 5
1.2 Outline 5
Chapter 2 Theoretical background 6
2.1 Doppler cooling 6
2.2 Magnetic quadrupole trap 7
2.3 Magneto-optical trap(MOT) 9
2.4 Optical dipole trap for neutral atoms 10
2.5 Polarization gradient cooling 12
2.6 Evaporative cooling 13
2.7 Gross-Pitaevskii equation and hydrodynamic equations. 14
2.7.1 Time independent Gross-Pitaevskii equaiton 14
2.7.2 Time dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equaiton 16
2.7.3 The hydrodynamics equations 17
2.7.4 The Bogoliubov equations 22
Chapter 3 Experimental setup 24
3.1 Vacuum system 24
3.1.1 MOT chamber 25
3.1.2 Science cell 26
3.2 Laser system 27
3.2.1 Frequency 27
3.2.2 Lasers 28
3.2.3 Power amplifier and beam shaping 31
3.3 Optics around the MOT chamber 33
3.4 Coils 34
3.4.1 MOT coils 34
3.4.2 Balance coils 34
3.4.3 RF coils 35
3.5 Magnetic transportation System 35
3.6 Optical dipole trap 36
3.7 Detecting System 37
3.7.1 Fluorescence imaging 38
3.7.2 Absorption imaging 38
Chapter 4 Characterization and optimization of ultracold 87Rb 42
4.1 MOT characterization 42
4.2 Compressed MOT (CMOT) and polarization gradient cooling (PGC) 43
4.3 Magnetic transportation 44
4.4 RF-evaporative cooling 45
4.5 Loading to the Hybrid trap (magnetic trap and dipole trap) 47
4.6 Evaporative cooling in hybrid trap 50
4.7 Calibration of imaging system 51
Chapter 5 Dynamic of 87Rb BEC 53
5.1 Time evolution of BEC in the hybrid trap 53
5.2 Leakage of BEC 55
5.3 Bouncing BEC 60
Chapter 6 Conclusion and future work 69
6.1 Conclusion 69
6.2 Future work 70

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