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作者(外文):Huang, Emily Kay
論文名稱(外文):Study of Generating Single-Photon Pairs with Heated Rubidium Atomic Vapor
指導教授(外文):Yu, Ite
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yong-Fan
Chuu, Chih-Sung
外文關鍵詞:Single-photon pairBiphotonHot atomElectromagnetically induced transparencyFour wave mixingFabry–Pérot cavity
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  • 點閱點閱:60
  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis sheds light on single-photon pairs generation with single isotope 87Rb vapor that was heated to 41.6 degree Celsius. In each pair, there are two time-correlated photons with different frequencies. The first photon functions as the trigger photon and the second photon can then be utilized as a single-photon source and be applied to other study fields, such as quantum information.

In an attempt to investigate the conditions of the system, both of the eletromagnetically-induced-transparency (EIT) and the four-wave-mixing (FWM) spectra are examined. In the EIT spectrum, a peak with sub-natural linewidth and high transmission is performed. In addition, its baseline is low enough (1.0 ($2
i\times$MHz)) so that the EIT mechanism can be viewed as a narrowband frequency filter, which profits consequential work. As for the FWM experiment, it not only confirms that the generated beam is genuinely the sum-frequency of the other fields, but provides an approach to collect the paired photons efficiently. Besides those mentioned above, in an effort to execute the single-photon pairs generation, how to get rid of the undesired photons becomes a crucial issue. This work gives a probable arrangement of filtering that attenuates the unwanted fields by over 120 dB. In the end, a generation rate of approximately 900 photon pairs per second is reported (corrected by the collection efficiency).
1 Introduction 1

2 Theory 3
2.1 Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) 3
2.1.1 Hamiltonian .3
2.1.2 Unitary Transformation and Rotating-Wave Approximation of the Hamiltonian . 5
2.1.3 Optical Bloch Equation (OBE) 6
2.2 RubidiumAtoms in ExternalMagnetic Field 9

3 Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency (EIT) Spectrum 12
3.1 Setup 12
3.1.1 The Lasers 13
3.1.2 TheMagnetic Field 14
3.2 EIT SpectrumProcessing 15
3.2.1 Constructing an EIT Spectrum 15
3.2.2 Fitting an EIT Spectrum 16
3.3 Optimization of the EIT Spectrum 17
3.3.1 Polarization of the Optical Pumping Beam 17
3.3.2 Beam Size and Power of the Coupling Beam 18
3.4 Discussion on the EIT Spectrum 19

4 Four-Wave-Mixing (FWM) Spectrum 21
4.1 Setup 21
4.2 FWMSpectrum 23
4.3 Phase-Matching Condition in FWMMechanism 24
4.4 AC Stark Shift 25

5 Biphoton Generation 29
5.1 Setup 29
5.2 Attenuation of the Strong Beams 29
5.3 Settings of theMultiple-Event Time Digitizer (TDC) 33
5.4 Biphoton Diagram 37
5.5 SpatialModes of the Signal and Probe Beams 38
5.5.1 SpatialMode of the Signal Beam (Experimental) 38
5.5.2 SpatialMode of the Triggered Probe Beam(Experimental) 39
5.5.3 Prediction of the Biphoton-Mode Beam Size (Theoretical) 39
5.6 Hyperfine Optical Pumping (HOP) Beam 41
5.6.1 Solid HOP Beam 42
5.6.2 Hollow HOP Beam 44

6 Outlook 49
6.1 Comparison with Other’s Result 49
6.2 FutureWork 50

7 Conclusion 52

Appendix A Rabi Frequency of the Pumping Field 55
Appendix B Efficiency of the SPCM 56
Appendix C Characteristics of the Etalons 57
C.1 Single Etalon 57
C.2 Two Etalons 58
C.3 Three Etalons 59
Appendix D Fitting Formula of the HOP Test 61
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