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作者(外文):Huang, Chun-Fu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Maanshan NPP Severe Accident and Mitigation strategy using TRACE Code
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shao-Wen
Wang, Jong-Rong
口試委員(外文):Shih, Chunkuan
Lin, Wei-Keng
外文關鍵詞:URGFLEXMaanshanreflux coolingSBO
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After Fukushima accident, from many investigative reports, Beyond Design Basis External Event(BDBEE) may be longer than we have concerned. The emergency response guidelines of severe accident should be modified. To cope with such event, Taiwan Power Company(TPC) has developed a method called Ultimate Response Guidelines(URG), which gives operators the rights taking emergency steps to avoid the reactor core melting or the hydrogen accumulation inside the containment. Once either AC power or water supply can’t be restored in time, or there’s an earthquake and tsunami larger than safety shutdown, URG will be activated. The main action of URG including 2 steps depressurization, alternative water injection and containment venting. In addition, US NEI also developed a mitigation strategy called Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategy(FLEX) to tackle with such severe event. The main purpose of FLEX was to support key safety functions by providing multiple means of power and water supply, which can mitigate the consequence of beyond design basis external event.

In this study, TRACE code was used to evaluate the postulated ELAP event and compound severe accident in Maanshan nuclear power plant, determining the effectiveness of URG and FLEX. TRACE was developed by U.S. NRC, which was for NPP thermal hydraulic analysis, and was usually applied to analyze the transients or accidents at nuclear power plant. In addition, Maanshan nuclear power plant is a 2-units Westinghouse 3-loops PWR power station. Maanshan TRACE model has been built and verified by the comparison between FSAR data and Maanshan startup test data. Since there was a real SBO accident happened in unit 1 of Maanshan NPP in 2001, the accuracy and availability of the simulation results of Maanshan NPP TRACE model has also been compared with these data.

The scenario and assumptions of postulated ELAP event and compound severe accident in this study were referred to the WCAP-17601-P report and NUREG-1953 report. According to the results of simulation, it can be found that all cases with mitigation strategy in this study can keep RCS water level above TAF, ensuring the safety function of reactor. In sensitivity study, cooldown of RCS with control depressurization is very beneficial to the transients since not only can it reduce break flow from seal but also get accumulator makeup with RCS, which provides RCS vital coolant and increases bulk boron concentration for subcritical margin. This study successfully develops a method to analyze the mitigation capability of URG and FLEX strategy. The results can help evaluating the efficiency of mitigation strategy about NPP severe accident.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
名詞縮寫表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2. 論文架構與模擬案例簡介 4
1.3. 嚴重事故緊急應變策略介紹 5
1.3.1. 斷然處置介紹 5
1.3.2. FLEX策略介紹 6
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第三章 TRACE程式、馬鞍山電廠與輸入模式介紹 14
3.1. TRACE程式介紹 14
3.2. 馬鞍山電廠(核三廠)介紹 15
3.3. 馬鞍山電廠TRACE輸入模式介紹 17
3.4. 馬鞍山電廠318事故模擬與TRACE模型驗證 21
3.4.1. 馬鞍山電廠318全黑事故簡介 21
3.4.2. 馬鞍山電廠318全黑事故模擬方法 22
3.4.3. 馬鞍山電廠318全黑事故模擬結果 23
3.4.4. 馬鞍山電廠318全黑事故模擬之結論 27
第四章 馬鞍山電廠假想長期喪電事故緩和策略有效性分析 28
4.1. 假想長期喪電事件描述 28
4.2. ELAP分析案例初始條件與假設 30
4.2.1. ELAP事故無處置措施之初始假設條件 30
4.2.2. 救援案例一之初始假設條件 31
4.2.3. 救援案例二之初始假設條件 32
4.2.4. 救援案例三之初始假設條件 33
4.2.5. 救援案例四之初始假設條件 34
4.3. 假想ELAP事件模擬結果 35
4.3.1. 基本案例模擬結果 35
4.3.2. 救援案例一模擬結果 42
4.3.3. 救援案例二模擬結果 49
4.3.4. 救援案例三模擬結果 56
4.3.5. 救援案例四模擬結果 63
4.4. URG、FLEX緩和策略比較 70
第五章 假想電廠全黑暨破口複合型事故靈敏度分析 71
5.1. 假想複合型事故描述 71
5.2. 假想複合型事故模擬結果 74
5.3. 結果與討論 89
第六章 結論與建議 90
6.1. 結論 90
6.2. 建議 91
參考文獻 92
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