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作者(外文):Tai, Cheng-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Neutronic and Thermal-hydraulic Coupling Study on High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
指導教授(外文):Liu, Hsueh Yen-Wan
Ferng, Yuh-Ming
口試委員(外文):Shih, Chun-Kuan
Sheu, Rong-Jiun
外文關鍵詞:Neutronic and Thermal-hydraulic couplingPrismatic High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究承接粒子遷移模擬研究室先前的研究成果並完備了熱流分析方法論以建立中子與熱流分析耦合計算的平台,作為爐心設計的工具。研究對象為日本JAEA的高溫氣冷式反應器設計:HTTR及其後續之改良設計 GTHTR300。
The purpose of this study is to develop a scheme of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic coupling for high temperature gas-cooled reactor core analysis. This is done by gathering and improving previous works in PTSL, and by completing the methodology in thermal-hydraulic calculation. The coupling studies are tested on the JAEA designed HTTR and GTHTR300 core calculation..
Monte Carlo method is used for the neutronic criticality calculation for the eigenvalue and power distribution. Two methods were used in the thermal-hydraulic calculation for solving the temperature distribution, an analytical method using simplified thermal-hydraulic model and a numerical method using computational fluid dynamic model.
The iteration between the neutronic and thermal hydraulic calculation converged in a few steps for both GTHTR300 and HTTR core calculations. The k_eff of is ~ 1.080, and 1.032 respectively. The converged axial power distribution is bottom peak for GTHTR300 and top peak for HTTR core.
For GTHTR300 core, the temperature distribution calculated by the analytical method is close to the one obtained by using the CFD model. Both results are closed to the reference results of JAEA, except near the middle of the core.
For HTTR core, result from calculation using the CFD model is lower than the result of using the simplified model. This may be due to the use of different heat transfer coefficient at the cladding/coolant surface. The calculated fuel temperature of HTTR is close to the reference result. However, difference of~ 180K was observed in the moderator temperature.
For future R&D of HTGR core design, complicated fuel design such as the HTTR core is not desireable. One should aim on simplier designs such as GTHTR300 and HTGR by INL. Non-uniform fuel enrichment will be considered if the power distribution does not meet the design criteria.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Computational Tools and Methodologies 8
Chapter 3 Neutronic and Thermal-hydraulic Coupling Study on GTHTR300 Analysis 22
Chapter 4 Neutronic and Thermal-hydraulic Coupling Study on HTTR Analysis 47
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works 67
References 70

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