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作者(中文):陳 毅
作者(外文):Chen, Yi
論文名稱(外文):Kernel Fuzzy Energy Active Contour Using Lattice Boltzmann Method In Image Segmentation
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Ching-Han
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yung-Chin
Lo, Shih-Wei
外文關鍵詞:active contour modelfuzzy clusteringlattice boltzmann methodlevel set methodkernel
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Fast and accurate image segmentation is still a challenging task in computer vision because real-world images are often distorted by noise and intensity inhomogeneity. In order to overcome these problems, fuzzy clustering is extensively applied to image segmentation because of the strong ability to reject local minimum. It also incorporates with kernel metrics to enhance robustness against noise and outliers and construct a nonlinear energy function based on a variational level set framework. However, level set implementation often costs a lot of CPU times, and needs “re-initialization”or regularizing terms to keep level set function smooth and stable.
Our research provides the algorithm which solve level set equation of kernel fuzzy active contour model by using Lattice Boltzmann Method solver. Lattice Boltzmann Method can recover the level set PDE by computing pixel-by-pixel independently and maintain the stability and smoothness of level set function in the meanwhile. Therefore, this algorithm is fast, stable and independent to the position of the initial curve. Experiments on synthetic and real-world images demonstrate the stability and performance of the proposed method, and also show the efficiency of algorithm by using graphics processing unit.
1 前言 p.6
2 分群法 (Clustering) p.9
2.1 K-平均分群法 (K-means clustering) p.9
2.2 模糊C-平均分群法 (Fuzzy C-means clustering, FCM) p.10
2.3 調整後的模糊C-平均分群法 (Modified Fuzzy C-means clustering) p.11
3 動態輪廓模型 (Active Contour Model) p.16
3.1 邊界型 (Edge-based) p.16
3.2 區域型 (Region-based) p.17
3.2.1 Chan-Vese模型 p.17
3.2.2 調整後的Chan-Vese模型 p.19
3.3 水平集方法 (Level Set Method) p.23
4 格子波爾茲曼方法 (Lattice Boltzmann Method, LBM) p.28
4.1 圖形處理器 (Graphic Processing Unit, GPU)平行化 p.28
4.2 用格子波爾茲曼方法解偏微分方程 (Lattice Boltzmann Method for PDE Solver) p.29
5 核心模糊能量結合格子波爾茲曼方法 (Kernel Fuzzy Energy Lattice Boltzmann Method, KFELBM) p.33
5.1 構築模型(Model Construction) p.33
5.2 最小化能量 (Energy Minimization) p.36
5.3 選擇參數 (Parameter Selection) p.38
6 實驗結果與討論 p.41
7 結論與未來工作 p.55
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