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作者(外文):Wu, Wei-Chi.
論文名稱(外文):Applications of patterned-cell via microcontact printing for developing a new cell-based nano-toxicity biosensor
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chi-Shuo
口試委員(外文):Chiang, Chi-Shiun
外文關鍵詞:actinmicrocontact printingPDMScell-based biosensorROS
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With the rapid growth of nanotechnology development, numerous products contained nanoparticles are widely used in our daily life. However, the nanoparticle can accumulate in our bodies via exposure of nanoparticle in environment . The accumulation of nanoparticles can cause cell damage, degenerative diseases, and even cancer progression. Thus, there is an increasing concern about the nanoparticle utilization recently, and an emerging need for nanotoxicity detection.
In this study, we aimed to develop a cell-based nanotoxicity biosensor with high detection sensitivity. Micro contact printing (mCP) was applied to pattern liver cells into specific shape, and the nanotoxicity of nanoparticle was quantified with fluorescent ROS indicator using fluorescent microscopy. Our results demonstrated, comparing to control group, the patterned cells have higher sensitivity to nanoparticles. Under the pressure of TiO2, our designed cell can detect (0.625 mg/L) TiO2 presented in the medium.
We further investigated the underlying mechanism of sensitivity enhancement. With FRAP microscopy, decreasing actin turnover of pattern cells was observed, and the slower actin dynamics is associated with ROS expression. In addition, considering the spatial organization of mitochondria within patterned cells, the mitochondrial RIRR model may contribute to the ROS generation.
In summary, we demostrated that the micron-scale patterned cells fabricated by mCP, can be ultilized as a more effective nano-toxicity biosensor, and observed the rearrangement of cytoskeleton and actin dynamic in cells are highly associated with cell physiological functions.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖表目錄 vi
Chapter 1 文獻回顧 1
1.1 奈米毒性 (Nanotoxicity) 1
1.2 奈米毒性的作用機制 2
1.3 細胞型態生物感測器 3
1.4 細胞模型 6
1.5 微接觸壓印(Microcontact Printing, μCP) 6
1.6 光漂白螢光恢復系統( Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching,FRAP) 10
1.7 細胞代謝與肌動蛋白的關係 11
Chapter 2 材料與方法 13
2.1 細胞培養 13
2.2 圖案化細胞的實驗流程 13
2.3 製作印章 14
2.4 聚苯乙烯玻片的製備 18
2.5微接觸壓印 ( Microcontact printing,μCP) 19
2.6圖案化細胞 20
2.7免疫螢光染色法 20
2.8 細胞層級的生物傳感器-活性氧物質試驗 21
2.9光漂白螢光恢復顯微系統的建立 22
2.10 資料統計整理方法 23
2.11 實驗材料與儀器 23
Chapter 3 結果與討論 25
3.1於聚苯乙烯玻片上壓印的微小圖案 25
3.2 於基材上培養出微米級圖案化細胞 27
3.2.1 由免疫螢光染色觀察細胞之細胞骨架排列 27
3.2.2 量化免疫螢光染色之分析 31
3.3 將圖案化細胞應用於奈米毒性藥物檢測 37
3.3.1 使用標準品t-BHP對肝細胞產生毒性 37
3.3.2 使用奈米微粒二氧化鈦(TiO2)對肝細胞產生奈米毒性 44
3.4 由光漂白螢光恢復 (FRAP)顯微系統量測肌動蛋白動力學,並揭示其與活性氧物質產生之關係 50
Chapter 4 結論 55
參考文獻 57

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