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作者(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Feng
論文名稱(外文):Modified Porous Carbon Spheres/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites as a Sensitive Platform for Circulating Tumor Cells Biosensing
指導教授(外文):Hu, Shang-Hsiu
外文關鍵詞:Graphene oxideCirculating tumor cellsAC impedanceErbituxCell capture and detectionRoughness
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  • 點閱點閱:116
  • 評分評分:*****
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Cancer has occupied the symbol of death for years. The devastating effect of this complex illness is due to the progression from a localized to metastatic disease. We call it circulating tumor cells (CTCs). Early detection of cancer cells is important for clinical diagnostics, toxicity monitoring, and public health protection.
Graphene materials illustrated to be a biocompatible material nowadays are commonly used in the CTCs capture and detection due to the surface roughness structure which is believed to enhance the surface area-to volume ratio with cells. In this work, we construct carbon nanospheres coated on graphene oxide (PSG) not only to increase surface roughness but for the difference in height called 3D roughness difference. The capture efficiency indicates that the 3D roughness does effect the cell adhesions compared with graphene oxide and smooth ITO glass.
Rapid detection of blood includes both detection and specificity. Erbitux is conjugated with materials by the peptide bond and illustrated by UV-VIS and atomic force microscopy. Detection of captured cells by electrochemical detection can provide high sensitivity and rapid response. Here, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and AC impedance are used for device examination and cell quantification.
This detecting method adapting roughness difference to enhance cell adhesion and quickly response by electrochemical detection can accurately quantify the captured cells on the surface which is suitable for CTCs examination or other chemical detection platform.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Table of Contents V
List of Schemes VII
List of Figures VIII
1.1 Circulating Tumor Cells 1
1.2 Materials and Cell Capture 2
1.2.1 Techniques for CTC Isolation 2 Affinity-based Isolation 2 Size-Based Separation of CTCs 3 Dielectric Separation of CTCs 4
1.2.2 After Isolation, Cell Capture and Analysis 5 Marker-Free Isolation of CTCs 5 Capture and Release of CTCs 6 Enabling Culture and Expansion 8
1.2.3 Clinical Technology 8 Line-confocal Microscope Detection 9 Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection 10 CTCs Detection with Negative Enrichment 12 Positive Enrichment – In vivo Measurement 12 Positive Enrichment – In vitro Measurement 14
1.3 Graphene for CTC Analysis 17
1.4 Electric Signal and Quantization 20
Chapter 2 Experimental Section 23
2.1 Chemicals 23
2.2 Apparatus 23
2.3 Methods 24
2.3.1 Synthesis of Graphene Oxide 24
2.3.2 Synthesis of Porous Silica Nanospheres @ GO (PSG) 25
2.3.3 Preparation of GO/PSG@PEDOT Chip (GPC/SPC) 25
2.3.4 Erbitux Immobilization 26
2.3.5 Characterization 27
2.3.6 Cell Culture 27
2.3.7 Cell Capture and Sample Produce for SEM Image 28
2.3.8 Cell Staining 28
2.3.9 Cytotoxicity of ITO Chips 29
2.3.10 Electrochemical Measurement 29
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion 30
3.1 Electric Detection of CTCs by GO and PSG 30
3.2 Synthesis and Characterize of GO and PSG 30
3.3 Cell Adhesion on GO and PSG 34
3.3.1 Roughness of Materials 35
3.3.2 Capture Efficiency by Flow Cytometer 36
3.3.3 Image of Captured Cells 38
3.4 Erbitux Immobilization 40
3.5 CTCs Detecting Chips 42
3.5.1 Cell Viability of ITO Chips 43
3.5.2 GO/PSG@PEDOT Chip (GPC/SPC) 43
3.5.3 Cyclic voltammetry (CV) for GPC/SPC 44
3.5.4 Erbitux conjugation on GPC/SPC 45
3.6 Captured cells detecting by CV and EIS 46
3.7 Macrophage Test 48
Chapter 4 Conclusion 49
Reference 50

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1. 利用循環伏安法及交流阻抗法探討染料敏化型太陽能電池之電解液
2. 具光熱應答性乳鐵蛋白修飾奈米豌豆應用於雷射刺激藥物釋放、腫瘤標靶與光熱/化學協同治療
3. 磁性奈米殼核膠囊特性改質應用於疏水性藥物控制釋放與增強腫瘤治療
4. 磷脂質修飾多孔碳矽複合奈米片經磁刺激 用於加強類神經細胞分化和腫瘤治療
5. 具標靶功能紅血球膜包覆介孔性二氧化矽奈米粒子應用於藥物輸送與光熱治療
6. 具藥物再填充之可注射型磁性多孔隙複合奈米載體應於腫瘤治療
7. 仿紅血球多孔磁性奈米粒子用於增強阿黴素- 高分子粒子釋放應用於轉移肺腫瘤治療
8. 具自發性多重階段標靶與穿透的磁製藥物傳輸系統應用於腫瘤深處的協同治療
9. 3D列印應用於具階段性藥物控制釋放磁性微針製備於雄性禿治療
10. 具磁電操控表面電性之金奈米腦攜帶可穿透次級藥物載體應用於腦瘤深度治療
11. 可躲避免疫系統偵測之外泌體修飾奈米氧化鐵應用於黑色素瘤轉移型之肺癌治療
12. 可注射型多孔金奈米腦/微米水膠球複合材料應用於創傷性腦損傷治療
13. 可注射式新月形水膠微球與具磁電操控表面電性之金奈米腦應用於腦創傷的修復
14. 外泌體修飾磁性奈米粒子透過對流增強遞送系統應用於腦瘤治療
15. 具光熱免疫療法之巨噬細胞外泌體裝飾金/銀殼核三角奈米板結合檢查點阻斷劑應用於抑制轉移性腫瘤
* *