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作者(外文):Chen, Peng-Tzu
論文名稱(外文):A Cancelable Biometric Scheme Based on ECGs
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shun-Chi
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Chih-Kuang
Liu, Yi-Wen
外文關鍵詞:electrocardiograms (ECGs)biometric recognitioncancelable biometrics
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  • 點閱點閱:95
  • 評分評分:*****
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Biometric technologies have gained much interest recently. The identities of individuals are recognized by directly utilizing their physiological or behavioral characteristics. This removes the problems of conventional techniques such as forgetting passwords or losing keys. However, despite many advantages offered by these technologies, concerns about compromising individuals' privacy are accompanied for the reasons as follow. First, most of the biometric traits (e.g., fingerprints and faces) in use are extrinsic, which may be easily recorded without the owners’ consent. Moreover, the biometrics of an individual is permanently associated with him/her so that it is difficult to be revoked when stolen or compromised. Several attempts have been made to address these concerns, and "cancelable biometrics" is the one attracted the most attention. To reflect this trend, an ECG based cancelable biometric scheme is proposed in this study. Experiments with real ECGs showed that our proposed scheme achieved a recognition rate of 97.19%. Furthermore, the biometric templates generated by our proposed scheme fulfill all the requirements to be cancelable, including revocability, non-invertibility, and diversity.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 心電訊號應用於生物辨識的優勢 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 背景與文獻回顧 5
2.1 心電訊號簡介 5
2.2 生物辨識系統簡介 7
2.3現階段生物辨識系統的隱憂與解決之道 8
2.4 可刪式生物辨識演算法回顧 10
第三章 基於心電訊號的可刪式生物辨識演算法 11
3.1心電訊號導程數量 11
3.2 心電訊號預處理 11
3.3 生物識別模板的產生與分類 13
3.3.1 子空間斷定(subspace determination)的概念 13
3.3.2 Beat Bundle的訊號子空間與噪聲子空間 13
3.3.3 登錄訓練資料 14
3.3.4 驗證用戶身分 16
3.3.5 拒絕未登錄者的機制 23
第四章 實驗結果 25
4.1 心電訊號資料庫 25
4.2 系統評比 (Performance Evaluation) 26
4.3 可更新性 27
4.4辨識性能 29
4.4.1 維度對辨識率的影響 29
4.4.2 訓練/測試beat bundle之數量對辨識率的影響 30
4.4.3 取樣頻率對辨識率的影響 33
4.4.4 雜訊對辨識率的影響 34
4.5 不可逆性 36
4.5.1 暴力攻擊法 36
4.5.2 未登錄者的入侵 37
4.5.3 竊取模板攻擊 38
4.6 多樣性 39
第五章 結論 41
參考文獻 42
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