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作者(外文):Hsu, Yi-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Enhanced Carrier Mobility and Electrical Properties in FinFETs with SiGe Buried Channel and Plasma Treatments
指導教授(外文):ChangLiao, Kuei-Shu
口試委員(外文):Luo, Guang-Li
Li, Kai-Shin
外文關鍵詞:SiGe buried channelPlasma TreatmentsFinFETs
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在論文的第一部分中,使用磊晶成長Si/SiGe通道在FinFET電晶體上。SiGe材料相較於Si,具有較大的載子遷移率。比較單層SiGe通道與雙層的SiGe超晶格通道的電晶體特性,可以了解到SiGe超晶格通道結構,能在不產生應力的情況下,增加通道內Ge含量;中間插入一層應變矽以及Si-cap在通道上,能使Ge較不易擴散至界面,且能侷限載子於量子井內,因此能得到高的閘極電流、載子遷移率及較低的次臨界擺幅。以Si/SiGe super-lattice作為通道的鰭式電晶體,取得了汲極電流約為3.23x10-5A,開關電流的比例約為7個數量級,次臨界擺幅約為71 mV/dec,載子遷移率高達452 cm2/V-sec。
而在論文的第二部分中,在界面層使用CF4電漿處理能提高導通電流的情況下,結合O2或N2電漿處理,討論了對漏電流與介面缺陷修補的影響。維持CF4電漿處理的特性之下,使用O2電漿處理雖然擁有最佳的閘極電流和載子遷移率,但是漏電流大於Control元件。而使用N2電漿處理了,除了閘極電流及遷移率能獲得改善,且擁有最佳的漏電流。使用CF4+N2氣體電漿處理的鰭式電晶體元件取得了~2.7x10-5 A/cm2的閘極漏電流密度,開關電流的比例約為8個數量級,次臨界擺幅約為67.5 mV/dec,遷移率高達375 cm2/V-sec。
The carrier mobility of MOSFET with nano-scale is reduced by replacing SiO2 with high-k gate dielectric. Channel material selection and interfacial layer quality are crucial to enhance carrier mobility. In this thesis, SiGe is used as channel material, carrier mobility and electrical properties of FinFET are enhanced by super-lattice (SL) epitaxially. Although EOT can be reduced by IL with CF4 plasma treatment, the leakage and interface trap density are increased. Hence, O2 and N2 plasma are applied to improve the interface quality.
In the first part, Si/SiGe buried channel is epitaxially grown in layer-by-layer on SOI substrate. Strained SiGe is an attractive channel material beyond Si due to its higher carrier mobility. Electrical characteristics of FinFETs with SiGe and SiGe super-lattice(SL) buried channel are investigated and compared. The diffusion of GeOx can be suppressed by Si cap in SL structure, and the mobility can be enhanced by the strained Si/SiGe structure. FinFETs with SiGe SL buried channel demonstrate higher drain current of 3.23x10-5A, On/Off ratio of 7 orders and S.S of 71 mV/dec. A very high electron mobility of 452 cm2/V-sec is achieved for FinFET with Si/SiGe SL buried channel.
Effects of O2 and N2 plasma treatment on gate leakage and defect passivation in FinFET with CF4 plasma treated interfacial layer are studied in the second part. Higher drain current and mobility in FinFETs are achieved by combining CF4 together with O2 plasma treatments, but the leakage is too large. FinFETs treated by CF4 together with N2 plasma treatments show larger drain current, higher mobility and lower leakage current. A gate leakage current of 2.7x10-5 A/cm2, on/off ratio of 8 orders, S.S of 67.5 mV/dec, mobility of 375 cm2/V-sec in Si n-FinFET are achieved by CF4+N2 plasma treatments.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2High-k介電材料 1
1.3高介電材料的選擇 2
1.4絕緣層覆矽基板 3
1.5鰭式電晶體 3
1.6矽鍺虛擬基板-應變通道 4
1.7臨界厚度 4
1.8差排 5
1.9氫氣電漿處理對鰭式通道的影響 5
1.10論文架構 6
第二章 元件製程與量測 18
2.1氧化鉿介電層應用在Gate First SOI n-FinFET製作流程 18
2.1.1晶片刻號 18
2.1.2磊晶矽鍺虛擬基板與鰭式矽鍺通道形成 18
2.1.3氫氣電漿對矽通道輪廓處理 19
2.1.4In-situ氣體電漿處理與閘極介電層沉積 19
2.1.5金屬閘電極的形成 19
2.1.6源極(Source)、汲極(Drain)、基極(Base)的形成 19
2.1.7鈍化層沉積 20
2.1.8接出金屬導線、燒結 20
2.2電性量測 20
2.2.1電容的量測 20
2.2.2金氧半電晶體的量測 20
第三章 磊晶矽鍺掩埋通道於矽在絕緣層上鰭式電晶體之電性研究 28
3.1研究動機與背景 29
3.2實驗流程 30
3.3實驗結果與討論 31
3.3.1元件在穿透式電子顯微鏡下的分析 31
3.3.2元件電容-電壓量測曲線 32
3.3.3元件閘極漏電流密度對電壓量測曲線 32
3.3.4元件汲極電流對閘極電壓量測曲線 33
3.3.5元件對汲極電流的影響 34
3.3.6元件轉導值對閘極電壓曲線 35
3.3.7元件載子遷移率特性 35
3.3.8元件可靠度特性 36
3.4結論 36
第四章 不同組合氣體電漿處理對單晶矽通道於絕緣層覆矽鰭式電晶體之電性研究 49
4.1研究動機與背景 49
4.2實驗流程 51
4.3實驗結果與討論 51
4.3.1元件電容-電壓量測曲線 51
4.3.2元件閘極漏電流密度對電壓量測曲線 52
4.3.3元件汲極電流對閘極電壓量測曲線 52
4.3.4元件對汲極電流的影響 53
4.3.5元件轉導值對閘極電壓曲線 53
4.3.6元件載子遷移率特性 54
4.3.7元件可靠度特性 54
4.4結論 55
第五章 結論與展望 66
5.1結論 66
5.2未來展望 67
參考文獻 68

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