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作者(外文):Huang, Hsin-Fu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Double Closed-Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers
指導教授(外文):Lin, Wei-Keng
口試委員(外文):Chuah, Yew Khoy
Lin, Hung Wen
外文關鍵詞:double closed-loop pulsating heat pipefeeding bottle cooler
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脈衝式熱管特點為無內部之毛細結構,但受限於只能用在垂直方向,近年來學者紛紛投入之研究,改進了脈衝式熱管之水平啟動的問題,開啟了此被動式散熱元件廣闊的開發潛力。本論文利用銅管製的封閉迴路放入2個塑膠瓶組成的連通瓶內,再透過自行設計的3D列印連接件組合,以上端瓶為冷凝端,連接件部分為絕熱端,下端瓶為蒸發端來啟動之垂直式雙環路脈衝式熱管。市面上的德製熱交換器為藉由冷水來降溫,將瓶身倒過來扣置於上端,讓熱飲通過冷水箱內之盤管,利用管路周圍之冷水以熱交換原理來散熱,藉由控制注入冷水箱之水量,粗略估計能降達之目標溫度,十分不便利。另外管徑過於狹窄,有任雜質通過即會堵塞,導致產品無法再使用,且為密閉式設計,不能清洗,時間久了造成污垢,自然影響其熱交換效率。本實驗使用脈衝式熱管進行熱交換之原理,並透過Visual Basic所撰寫之程式,可以即時在個人電腦螢幕上監控各擷取點之溫度變化,相對而言較為客觀。實驗結果為:使用22oC 200ml冷水,利用80%填充率的PHP,冷卻70oC 200ml熱水至50oC耗時175秒,60%填充率的則耗時92秒;使用70oC 200ml熱水,利用80%填充率的PHP,加熱4oC 200ml冷水至22oC耗時154秒,60%填充率的則耗時116秒。
The advantage of pulsating heat pipe is avoiding using wick structure inside itself. Subject to the orientation, the pulsating heat pipe can only be activated vertically. In view of this problem, researchers start to study and burrow for a new technology of pulsating heat pipe, giving birth to the great potential and the wide range of heat transfer study. In this paper, we put a double closed-loop pulsating heat pipe made of copper into a closed container made of 2 plastic feeding bottles, then combine it with self-designed combiner made with the 3D printer. As the vertically oriented pulsating heat pipe, we make the bottom a evaporation section, the middle combiner an adiabatic section, and the upper part a condensation section. Compared with the feeding bottle cooler we designed, such a product made in Germany works with cold water to cool. Put into the upside-down milk bottle, the hot milk flows through the middle cooling coils. By working on the principle of heat exchange, and tuning by approximately estimating the amount of cold water inside the water tank, hot milk can be cooled to the ideal temperature. However, it is accompanied by 2 critical disadvantages in the following : One is such an extremely narrow pipe diameter that any impurities cannot pass through ,which will cause the entrance to be blocked, so that it leads to a malfunction. The other is the closed design of cooling coils, without doubt, it's so inconvenient and can't be cleaned that its effectiveness of heat exchanger will go down as time goes by. Working on the principle of heat exchange, our experiment is operated by a self-designed Visual Basic program that can capture data of temperature changes over time, which is relatively objective. The result of experiment is the following: Experiment carried out by 22oC 200ml cooling water, cooling 200ml hot water from 70oC to 50oC.The cooling time of the 80% filling rate PHP device is 175 seconds, the cooling time of 60% filling rate PHP device is 92 seconds. On the other hand, experiment carried out by 70oC 200ml hot water, heating 200ml cool water from 4oC to 22oC.The cooling time of the 80% filling rate PHP device is 154 seconds, the cooling time of 60% filling rate PHP device is 116 seconds.
摘要 1
Abstract 2
致謝 3
目錄 4
圖 目 錄 7
表 目 錄 11
符號說明 12
第一章 緒論 17
1.1研究背景 17
1.2研究目標 18
第二章 介紹 20
2.1 起源與特點 20
2.2脈衝式熱管與傳統熱管之比較 23
2.3文獻回顧 26
2.4 影響脈衝式熱管性能主要變因 30
2.4.1 工作流體的物理特性 30
2.4.2 流道差異 32
2.4.3 工作流體填充率(filling ratio, FR%) 36
2.4.4 彎折數 39
2.4.5 加熱方式 40
2.4.6 熱功率 41
第三章 實驗裝置與步驟 43
3.1 脈衝式熱管熱交換器之結構設計 43
3.1.1脈衝式熱管流道設計與填入工作流體的方式 43脈衝式熱管流道設計 43 Type A環路灌注工作流體的程序 44 Type B環路灌注工作流體的程序 48
3.1.2脈衝式熱管熱交換器設計 54
3.2量測設備 57
3.2.1輔助工具 57
3.2.2 PHP熱交換器性能評估 58
3.2.3測試平台建立 58
3.2.4性能測試步驟 58
3.3實驗流程 60
3.4實驗參數 60
第四章 實驗結果與討論 62
4.1 實際PHP熱交換器實驗結果 62
4.1.1 PHP熱水冷卻實驗 62
4.1.1-A 熱水冷卻之填充率與冷凝端水溫測試實驗 62
4.1.1-B熱水冷卻之彎折數測試實驗 68
4.1.1-C熱水冷卻之工作流體測試實驗 70
4.1.2 PHP冷水加熱實驗 72
4.1.2-A 冷水加熱之填充率與蒸發端水溫測試實驗 72
4.1.2-B冷水加熱之彎折數測試實驗 77
4.1.2-C冷水加熱之工作流體測試實驗 79
4.2與熱管熱交換器之比較 81
4.2.1熱管熱交換器之熱水冷卻實驗 82
4.2.2熱水冷卻實驗的綜合比較 83
4.2.3熱管熱交換器之冷水加熱實驗 85
4.2.4熱管熱交換器與PHP熱交換器之冷水加熱實驗的綜合比較 86
4.3各熱交換器的優缺點比較 88
4.4實驗結果之能量轉換分析 89
4.4.1 PHP熱交換器之能量轉換原理 89
4.4.2 PHP熱水冷卻實驗能量分析 89
4.4.2-A熱水冷卻之填充率與冷凝端水溫測試實驗之能量分析 89
4.4.2-B熱水冷卻之彎折數測試實驗之能量分析 91
4.4.2-C熱水冷卻之工作流體測試實驗之能量分析 92
4.4.3 PHP冷水加熱實驗能量分析 93
4.4.3-A冷水加熱之填充率與蒸發端水溫測試實驗之能量分析 93
4.4.3-B冷水加熱之彎折數測試實驗之能量分析 94
4.4.3-C冷水加熱之工作流體測試實驗之能量分析 95
4.4.4熱管散熱器實驗之能量分析 96
4.4.4-A熱管對於熱水冷卻實驗之能量分析 96
4.4.4-B熱管對於冷水加熱實驗之能量分析 97
第五章 結論 99

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