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作者(外文):Chu, Ching-Hau
論文名稱(外文):Evaluate the feasibility of CSDSS application for nuclear facility decommissioning through CFD
指導教授(外文):Ferng, Yuh-Ming
Tseng, Yung-Shen
口試委員(外文):Pei, Bau-Shei
Lin, Chih-Hung
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:537
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:13
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Taiwan Chinshan Nuclear power plant is ready to be decommissioned, so the spent nuclear fuel stored in its fuel pool is necessary to move into dry storage system as interim storage stage. Tai-power Company has induced the NAC UMS into Taiwan and requested INER to improve UMS into HPS. INER HPS is with fuel basket, TSC, VCC and AOS to store the SNFs and lower the environment dose. Simultaneously, the dry storage system can remove the fuel decay heat through the air channel by natural convection mechanism.
  This research is focus on the thermal hydraulic phenomenon for the dry storage system. This research analyzed the intact fuel with different thermal loading, fuel pattern and environment condition, causing different temperature distribution, to ensure that the maximum temperature of each component would not be over the limitation. Besides, to consider all possible situations in the future, this research also assesses the damaged fuel and high burn up fuel for all situations. Through collecting the research data about damaged/HBU fuels, this research quantifies their material property inputting to our model to simulate these situations.
  The results show that not only the intact fuel but the HBU fuel and damaged fuel can store in dry storage system, which can practically apply to Chinshan NPP. Finally, this research combines the real data of SNF in the Chinshan NPP with the simulation results to arrange the fuels into the dry storage system assumingly. This research has demonstrated that the INER HPS is quietly enough to include all the existed SNFs. The Tai-power Company can refer these results in the future while store the fuel practically.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 核一乾式貯存系統分析模型建立 4
2.1 核一廠乾式貯存系統說明 4
2.2 核一廠乾式貯存系統熱流分析模式與假設簡化 7
2.3 作業狀況與邊界條件設定 8
2.3.1 燃料短期裝填階段 8
2.3.2 長期貯存階段 10
2.4 系統模型建立 14
第三章 數值模式與統御方程式 17
3.1 質量守恆方程式 17
3.2 動量守恆方程式 17
3.3 能量守恆方程式 17
3.4 自然對流模式 18
3.5 熱輻射模式 19
3.6 紊流模式 19
第四章 材料性質定義 21
4.1 乾式貯存系統各元件材料性質 21
4.2 短週期冷卻燃料組件材料性質 31
4.2.1燃料均質化方法 31
4.2.2 燃料流阻係數 33
4.3 破損燃料之材料性質 37
4.3.1 燃料束材料性質改變 37
4.3.2 外部封罐之材料性質改變 38
4.4 高燃耗燃料之材料性質 43
第五章 結果與討論 48
5.1 短冷卻週期燃料之案例分析 48
5.1.1 短冷卻週期燃料之熱負載規劃 48
5.1.2 短冷卻週期燃料之短期裝填階段 52
5.1.3 短冷卻週期燃料之長期貯存 56
5.1.4 短週期冷卻燃料之環境溫度異常低溫事件 58
5.1.5 短週期冷卻燃料之環境溫度異常高溫事件 61
5.1.6 短週期冷卻燃料之環境溫度極度高溫事故 64
5.1.7 短週期冷卻燃料於進口半阻塞事件 67
5.1.8 短週期冷卻燃料於進口全阻塞事件 69
5.2 破損燃料之案例分析 72
5.2.1 熱負載規劃 72
5.2.2 破損燃料之短期裝填階段 72
5.2.3 乾式貯存系統長期貯存破損燃料 75
5.2.4 破損燃料之環境溫度異常低溫事件 76
5.2.5 破損燃料之環境溫度異常高溫事件 78
5.2.6 破損燃料之環境溫度極度高溫事故 79
5.2.7 破損燃料於進口半阻塞事件 80
5.2.8 破損燃料於進口全阻塞事件 81
5.3 高燃耗燃料之案例分析 84
5.3.1 熱負載規劃 84
5.3.2 高燃耗燃料於短期裝填階段 84
5.3.3 高燃耗燃料於長期貯存 86
5.3.4 高燃耗燃料於環境異常低溫事件 88
5.3.5 高燃耗燃料於環境異常高溫事件 89
5.3.6高燃耗燃料於環境極度高溫事故 90
5.3.7高燃耗燃料於空氣流道半阻塞事件 91
5.3.8高燃耗燃料於空氣流道全阻塞事故 92
5.4實際燃料束建議排列配置 95
第六章 結論 102
參考文獻 103
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