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作者(外文):Tsau, Yan-Wen
論文名稱(中文):Al-Cu 楔型打線在電遷移實驗下之破壞機制
論文名稱(外文):Failure Mechanism of Al-Cu Wedge-wedge Bonding under Electromigration Test
指導教授(外文):Ouyang, Fan-Yi
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chih
Liao, Chien-Neng
外文關鍵詞:Al wire bondingelectromigrationpower modulesIMC
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  • 評分評分:*****
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打線是一種被廣泛應用在電子產品中的接合技術,主要於導通訊號,由於鋁金屬有著導電性佳、便宜及質地軟的特性,鋁打線很有潛力能取代金線以及銅線。本研究即是研究接合在銅基板上、直徑為2 mil的鋁線在攝氏150度、2 和 7×10^4 A/cm^2電遷移條件下的微結構改變及破壞機制。經實驗發現電阻會先下降而後上升,直到鋁線熔毀。且雖然電遷移後介金屬化合物(IMC)的成長並不明顯,但當電子流從Cu流向Al時,焊點介面的IMC厚度通常比相反電子流流向的IMC厚。並且實驗後還發現鋁線內的晶粒大幅成長而形成竹狀結構,且在鋁線表面靠電子流從Cu流向Al的一側有類似竹節的形狀產生。此次研究將會針對電遷移實驗後試片造成電阻、接點微結構及鋁線表面形貌的機制進行探討。
Wire bonding technology has been utilized in semiconductor packaging industry for electrical connections. Due to low cost, good conductivity, softness and the ability to be bonded under room temperature, Al wire bonding has been considered as a potential candidate to replace the Au and Cu. This study investigates microstructural evolution and failure mechanisms of 2 mil Al wedge-wedge bonding bonded on Cu pad under current density of 2 and 7×10^4 A/cm^2 at 150 ℃. During electromigration tests, resistance decreased first and then increased till wires failed. Though the growth of intermetallic compounds (IMC) at the bonded interface change insignificantly after electromigration tests, the thickness of IMCs at the bonding interface where electron flowed form Cu to Al is usually larger than that at the interface where electron flowed in the opposite direction. Furthermore, considerable grain growth, bamboo structure and bamboo nodes were observed in Al wires. The corresponding mechanism of IMC growth at the interface, resistance change and as well as the formation of bamboo nodes were discussed.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 IV
List of Figures IX
List of Tables XVIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2-1 Wire Bonding Techniques 3
2-1-1 Thermosonic Ball/ Wedge Bonding 5
2-1-2 Ultrasonic Wedge/ Wedge Bonding 7
2-2 Bonding Parameter 8
2-2-1 Ultrasonic Power 9
2-2-2 Bonding Force 11
2-2-3 Bonding Time 12
2-3 Materials and Interface Microstructure Evolution 12
2-3-1 Materials of wires and pads 13
2-3-2 Al-Cu System 17
2-4 Electromigration 22
2-4-1 Electromigration in Metals 23
2-4-2 Joule Heating Effect 26
2-4-3 Polarity Effect 28
2-4-4 EM in Wire Bonding 31
Chapter 3 Experimental Details 32
3-1 Specimen Preparation 32
3-2 Bond Pull Test 34
3-3 Electromigration Test 35
3-4 Joule Heating Effect 38
3-5 ANSYS Simulation 39
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 41
4-1 Bond Pull Test 41
4-2 As-received Samples 42
4-2-1 As-received Wires 42
4-2-2 As-received Bonds 42
4-3 Joule Heating Measurement 45
4-4 Resistance versus Time (RVT) Curves 47
4-5 Simulation 49
4-5-1 Samples Under 2×10^4 A/cm^2 Current Density 49
4-5-2 Samples Under 7×10^4 A/cm^2 Current Density 53
4-6 Microstructure of Bonds after EM Tests 57
4-6-1 Sample No. 1 57
4-6-2 Sample No. 2 61
4-6-3 Sample No. 4 65
4-6-4 Sample No. 5 70
4-6-5 Sample No. 6 73
4-7 Outward Appearance of Wires after EM Tests 77
4-8 Microstructure of Wires after EM Tests 87
4-8-1 Sample No. 1 87
4-8-2 Sample No. 4 89
4-8-3 Sample No. 5 91
4-9 Isothermal Samples 93
4-9-1 Wires Annealed at 370 ℃ 93
4-9-2 Bonds Annealed at 170 ℃ 97
Chapter 5 Discussion 100
5-1 Resistance Change during EM Tests 100
5-2 Appearance Change of wires 107
5-3 IMC Evolution 114
Chapter 6 Conclusions 117
Reference 119

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