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作者(中文):楊 晨
作者(外文):Yang, Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Development of “Adventure of Classroom” Board Game to Improve Class Learning in a Rural Elementary School
指導教授(外文):Young, Shelley Shwu-Ching
口試委員(外文):Hung, Hui-Chun
Liu, I-Fan
外文關鍵詞:GamificationBoard-gameClass ClimateGame-based Learning
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1. 不影響教學課程的安排
2. 不偏離課程內容
3. 不使用金錢作為酬賞
4. 不使用數位設備
5. 不要用到高昂成本
1. 「課堂冒險」卡牌式桌上遊戲,能夠集中學生上課的注意力,改善課堂氛圍。
2. 藉由職業分工、小組競爭的模式,能夠改善學生溝通合作的能力。
3. 透過遊戲的活潑情境,學生會積極進行自我表達。
4. 教師能夠透過觀察學生,靈活改變問題難度,使學生更容易進入「沉浸狀態」,現場觀察亦發現學生很容易進入「熱烈討論問題」的情況。
5. 國文課程與數學課程皆能夠得到改善課堂氛圍的效果,而且學生會因為回答問題的需求不同,自主討論改變策略略,體現出刺激合作的情況。
This study conducted a classroom observation from a rural elementary school in northern Taiwan from 2017, and found that the school classroom did not have enough equipment to support digital learning, and the only computers in the classroom were very old, instead of using digital resources. Researcher interviewed the principal teacher of the school. The teacher stated that the students did have a gap in their concentration in class with the past. For example, their attitude to class, cooperation ability and self-expression. In order to solve the problem, this study designed a "Adventure of Classroom" card-type board game, using the board game to strengthen the characteristics of communication effects, and referring to the "Gamification" concept of the Classcraft online game classroom, designed to integrate The board game of the teacher course are used by teachers to achieve the effect of promoting student cooperation, improving classroom effects, and providing students with a similarly Game-based learning.
In response to the elementary school teaching package system is not suitable for designing game content for each subject, the games in this study are often designed based on the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom to achieve the goal of not binding teaching content but promoting classroom learning, and Due to the requirements put forward by the teacher and the special situation at the scene, the board game designed in this study must meet the five goals of the teacher's requirements:
1. Don’t affect the arrangement of teaching courses.
2. Don’t affect the course content.
3. Don't use money as a reward.
4. Do not use digital equipment.
5. Don't use high costs.
The experiment is divided into two phases. The first phase is to investigate the study of "Adventure of Classroom" board games integrating sample teacher courses to improve classroom performance. The research object is a sixth grade two class in the elementary school in northern Taiwan. Teachers carry out math courses and divide the two classes into "experimental group" and "alignment". In the experimental group, 29 students use "class adventure" for mathematics courses, and 26 students are divided into classes. In the course, for the sake of accurate experiments, the two sample classmates who participated in the experiment were excluded, and the data of 24 students were used. In the second phase of the experiment, in order to compare the differences between Chinese and mathematics courses with “Adventure of Classroom”, we use the same experimental group, the board game uses the Chinese language courses taught by the same teachers. Data analysis and discussion were conducted through pre- and post-measurement questionnaires, teacher interviews, and field observations. The research results are summarized as follows:
1. "Adventure of Classroom" board game, which can focus students' attention in class and improve classroom posture.
2. The ability to communicate and cooperate with students can be improved through the division of labor and group competition.
3. Through the lively situation of the game, students will actively express themselves.
4. Teachers can flexibly change the difficulty of the problem by observing the students, making it easier for students to enter the "immersed state", and on-site observations have also found that students can easily enter the "enthusiastic discussion" situation.
5. Both the Chinese language curriculum and the mathematics curriculum can improve the effect of the classroom, and because students have different needs to answer questions, they will independently discuss the strategy of changing the strategy, which reflects the situation of stimulating cooperation.
This study hopes that "Adventure of Classroom" Board game can be widely used in schools that cannot provide digital learning, to assist teachers and students to improve classroom practice, to promote student exchanges and cooperation, and to achieve fun-oriented learning to assist students in learning.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究問題 5
1.5 重要名詞解釋 6
1.6 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1遊戲化概念 8
2.1.1 遊戲化概念 8
2.1.2 Classcraft 9
2.1.3 遊戲於教學應用中的意義 9
2.1.4 遊戲於教學現場應用的現況 11
2.1.5 遊戲與學習理論的連結 11
2.1.6 小結 14
2.2 桌上遊戲應用於現場教學之探討 15
2.2.1 桌上遊戲應用於教學現場之探討 15
2.2.2 桌上遊戲應用於教學的相關研究 16
2.2.3 小結 19
2.3 課堂氛圍 20
2.3.1 課堂氛圍與班級經營在教學上的意義 20
2.3.2 課堂氛圍的理論模式 20
2.3.3 課堂氛圍的相關研究 22
2.3.4 小結 23
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.1.1第一階段研究─桌上遊戲開發階段 25
3.1.2第二階段研究─桌上遊戲實驗階段 25
3.2 研究情境 26
3.3 研究對象 27
3.4 研究流程 30
3.5 研究工具 37
3.6 資料分析方式 39
第四章 遊戲設計與實作 40
4.1 「課堂冒險」遊戲之開發目的 41
4.2 「課堂冒險」遊戲之開發歷程 42
4.2.1 開發構思 42
4.2.2 應用架構 43
4.2.3 遊戲設計 44
4.3 「課堂冒險」遊戲之使用流程及情境說明 52
4.3.1遊戲規則及操作流程 52
4.3.2課程融入方式 53
4.3.3實際情境畫面 55
第五章 資料分析 58
5.1受測者背景資料分析 58
5.1.1學生背景資料分析 58
5.1.2學生科技使用調查分析 60
5.1.3傳統數學課程學習經驗滿意度調查 65
5.2「課堂冒險」改善學習氛圍之成效分析 71
5.2.1受測學生問卷調查 71
5.2.2數學課學習氣氛、內容和過程之比較 75
5.2.3教師與學生訪談 81
5.3「課堂冒險」對於融入不同課程之差異 83
5.3.1學生回饋 83
5.3.2職業定位比較 86
5.3.3教師訪談 88
5.3.4國文課程學習氣氛、內容和過程之比較 89
5.4討論 93
第六章 研究結論與建議 95
6.1研究結論 95
6.1.1「課堂冒險」桌上遊戲輔助教師教學課程之評估 95
6.1.2「課堂冒險」桌上遊戲改善師生交流與同儕交流之評估 96
6.2研究建議 97
6.2.1「課堂冒險」融入課程之建議 97
6.2.2「課堂冒險」遊戲功能面 97
6.3未來展望 98
6.3.1功能發展方向 98
6.3.2遊戲擴展方向 98
6.4研究意義及貢獻 99
第七章 參考文獻 101
英文文獻 101
中文文獻 104
附錄一 需求分析問卷 108
附錄二 形成性評量問卷 113
附錄三 知情同意書 122
附錄四 傳統課程學習經驗滿意度調查問卷(前測) 124
附錄五 桌遊學習經驗滿意度問卷(後測) 129
附錄六 訪談大綱 133
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