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作者(外文):Wu, Hsun-Chung
論文名稱(外文):Balanced Homodyne Detectors for Quantum Squeezed States
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ray-Kuang
口試委員(外文):Lai, Yin-Chieh
Shy, Jow-Tsong
Hsiang, Wei-Wei
Chuu, Chih-Sung
外文關鍵詞:Quantum Squeezed StateBalanced HomodyneyQuantum efficiencyCMRR
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Balanced Homodyne Detector is a device which made of two identical photodiodes and Op.amplifiers.As two identical laser light (frequency and intensity) incident into the photodiodes, due to the circuit arrangement, the photocurrent from the two photodiodes would be canceled out.Even thermal noise also, and only shot noise (vacuum state) leaves.
Two indexes could evaluate the performance of Balanced Homodyne Detector: one is quantum efficiency of the photodiode, that indicates the ability of converting light energy into electrical current. The other one is CMRR (Common Mode Reject Ratio),that tells the efficiency of cancelling noise.
The main job of this thesis is to investigate the two indexes by comparing two different kind of photodiodes and circuits,and developing a electrical measuremental method for promoting the performance of the indexes.Based on the above, the measurement of the squeezed states of light may be achieved.
1. Introduction
1.1 The main goal of this thesis ...............................................2
1.2 The structure of this thesis ...............................................3
2. Theory background
2.1 What is the balanced homodyne detector ........................4
2.2 How does the BHD work ...................................................5
2.3 The concept of squeezed light .........................................9
3. Experimental setup
3.1 Electrical circuit and layout ...............................................15
3.2 The linear response of the photodiodes ...........................20
4. Summary and Future work
4.1 Quantum Efficiency ...........................................................23
4.2 CMRR ................................................................................26
4.3 Application ........................................................................29
4.3 Future work .......................................................................30
Appendix .................................................................................32 References...............................................................................36
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