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作者(外文):Wang, Hao-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Design of High Speed Front-End Circuits for Optical Communications
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Shuo-Hung
口試委員(外文):Chiou, Hwann-Kaeo
Meng, Chin-Chun
外文關鍵詞:optical communication systemtransimpedance amplifiermodulator driverdistributed amplifier
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第二章中,我們將modulator及本實驗室所設計的modulator driver進行整合,以打線以及覆晶方式進行整合,並進行光電整合系統量測。在量測部分,電訊號可以達到40Gb/s的傳輸速度,以及25Gb/s PAM-4傳輸。在電光轉換部分,可達25Gb/s的傳輸速度。
在第四章中,我們設計一低雜訊轉阻放大器,在輸入級採用非對稱的變壓器峰化技巧(Asymmetric T-coil transformer peaking),使用不同的電感和不同電容串接,達到高頻寬以及可將高頻的雜訊濾掉的功能,如此達到低雜訊效果。在頻域模擬部分,頻寬達到56GHz,轉阻增益為50dBΩ,輸入參考雜訊電流為18.95pA/√Hz,群延遲為11ps。在時域模擬部分,NRZ訊號可達56Gb/s,而PAM-4訊號可達56Gbaud/s。
The explosive growth of data transmission leads to a significant demand of transmission bandwidth up to hundreds of Gb/s and even Tb/s. The traditional wireline transmission system with the copper wires cannot reach such a high data rate due to the limitations of high signal loss and crosstalk. One alternative solution is the optical communication with the advantages of low loss, low crosstalk, and large bandwidth. Nowadays, the 25-Gb/s optical communication system becomes the mainstream in the market and 400-Gbs/ optical system is a popular research topic.
In chapter 2, the modulator and modulator driver are integrated by both wire bonding and flip-chip bonding, and also measured by converting the electrical signal to optical signal. The measured results show that the data rate is up to 40-Gb/s with the NRZ signal format, and that for PAM-4 modulation is up to 25-Gbaud/s by electrical measurements. The optical eye diagram is up to 25-Gb/s.
In chapter 3, a low-power transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is using 40 nm CMOS. The inverter-type shunt-shunt feedback is used for the input stage to obtain low impedance with high gain, and also series and shunt inductive peaking is employed to achieve wide bandwidth. The measured results show that the transimpedance gain is up to 50 dBΩ, the bandwidth is 40 GHz, NRZ modulation eye diagram is up to 60-Gb/s, and PAM-4 modulation eye diagram is up to 40Gbaud/s.
In chapter 4, a low-noise transimpedance amplifier is proposed by using T-coil asymmetric peaking technique in the input stage. Using inductive components in series with different parasitic capacitances, a large bandwidth can be achieved with reduced high frequency noise. The measured results also show the proposed TIA can achieve a bandwidth of 56 GHz, a transimpedance gain of 50 dBΩ, a input referred noise current of 18.95 pA/√Hz, and a group delay variation of ±5.5 ps. In the time domain measurements, the eye diagram with the NRZ modulation format is up to 56-Gb/s, and that for the PAM-4 modulation format is up to 56 Gbaud/s.

第1章 緒論 12
1.1 研究背景跟動機 12
1.2 論文架構 13
第2章 40-Gb/s 光通訊前端發射端電路 14
2.1 發射端設計介紹 14
2.2 分散式放大器(Distributed Amplifier)介紹 16
2.3 40-Gb/s 分散式放大器應用於光調變驅動器 19
2.3.1 疊接式NMOS放大器 20
2.3.2 屏蔽接地(Shield ground) 21
2.4 使用RC迴授40-Gb/s 分散式放大器(shorten the length) 22
2.4.1 調整式疊接技巧 23
2.5 模擬與量測結果 25
2.5.1 頻域結果 25
2.5.2 電性時域結果 27
2.6 光電整合量測 30
2.6.1 打線(Wire bond)整合封裝 30
2.6.2 覆晶(Flip-chip)整合封裝 31
2.7 結論 33
第3章 使用40nm CMOS 設計40-Gbaud/s 光通訊轉阻放大器 35
3.1 轉阻放大器(Transimpedance amplifier)介紹 35
3.1.1 轉阻放大器特性 35
3.1.2 轉阻放大器的架構 36
3.2 展頻技巧 41
3.2.1 並聯電感峰化技巧(Shunt inductive peaking ) 41
3.2.2 非對稱T-coil峰化技術 (Asymmetric T-coil peaking ) 42
3.2.3 π-型電感峰化技術(π-type inductor peaking) 42
3.3 40-Gbaud/s 低功耗轉阻放大器 43
3.4 模擬與量測結果 47
3.4.1 頻域模擬及量測結果 48
3.4.2 時域量測結果 51
3.5 結論 54
第4章 50-Gbaud/s低雜訊轉阻放大器 56
4.1 轉阻放大器設計 56
4.2 模擬結果 65
4.2.1 頻域 65
4.2.2 時域 68
4.3 量測結果 70
4.3.1 頻域 70
4.3.2 時域 74
4.4 結論 76
第5章 結論 77
5.1 總結 77
5.2 未來工作 78
參考文獻 79
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