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作者(外文):Wang, Hao-Min
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Optical Responsivity on Polymorph In2Se3 by Annealing
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Po-Wen
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jian-Heng
Cen, Shang-Ren
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:106
  • 評分評分:*****
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自從穩定的二維材料石墨烯(Graphene) 在2004 年被發現後,因為材料維度限制在二維平面上,使得二維材料具有透明、柔軟、高載子遷移率等優點,這讓許多科學家投入二維材料的研究。從將石墨烯進行摻雜開始,以及黑磷(Black Phosphorus) 和過渡金屬二硫族化物(Transition Metal Dichalcogenide) 等二維材料紛紛進入實驗室,因為二維材料的薄膜所造成的能隙介於導體和絕緣體之間,作為半導體元件的材料是很適合的研究方向之一。三硒化二銦(In2Se3) 是三六族化合物,在其多種晶體結構之中有二維薄膜的結構,而薄膜結構的三硒化二銦作和其他二維材料相比具有較好的光響應度,因此可用來製作利用光電效應形成光電流的光偵測器。


Graphene, a stable 2D material was found in 2004. Since the dimension of 2D materials is on a flat surface, 2D materials possess the features of transparency, softness, and high carrier mobility. These advantages have attracted many scientists to participate in the research of 2D materials since graphene was found. From doping graphene, to the addition of 2D materials like black phosphorus and transition metal dichalcogenide in laboratories, since the band gaps of 2D materials are between conductors and insulators, the 2D Materials lead a good way to study in semiconductors.

Diindium triselenide(In2Se3) is an III-VI group compound. It has 2D material structure exist in its crystal structure. The In2Se3 in 2D structure has better responsivity compared with other 2D materials, so it can be used to make photodetectors cause of the Photoelectric Effect. In2Se3 has different structures at different temperatures. Firstly, use mechanical exfoliation to paste In2Se3 on silicon substrate. Secondly, find an appropriate position with optical microscope and paste the copper mesh on the position. Thirdly, use physical vapor deposition with metal in the Vapor deposition machine, manufacturing the field-effect transistor. Finally, after photoelectric measurement, annealing the material and do the photoelectric measurement again. The main focus of this experiment paper is to observe the photoelectricity of In2Se3 before and after the annealing, comparing advantages and disadvantages between them.

From the photoelectric measurement, before annealing, In2Se3 has higher photocurrent than dark current. It also has better responsivity than other 2D materials. On the other side, after annealing, the responsivity of In2Se3 increases massively due to the change of its crystal structure while the photocurrent is much lower than the dark current. It represents that the responsivity of annealed In2Se3 has little influence on field-effect transistor, therefore the unannealed In2Se3 is a better material to make photoconductors.
第一章 序論.........................................................1
1.1 半導體簡介......................................................1
1.1.1 半導體的發現..................................................2
1.1.2 半導體與電子工程的發展........................................2
1.2 半導體光電元件..................................................5
1.2.1 光電效應.....................................................5
1.2.2 光偵測器.....................................................6
1.2.3 二維材料.....................................................6
1.3 研究問題和目的..................................................7
1.4 論文大綱.......................................................8
2.1 三硒化二銦的半導體特性..........................................9
2.2 三硒化二銦的同質異形體.........................................10
2.3 三硒化二銦的能隙...............................................13
2.4 三硒化二銦的光電特性...........................................14
2.5 三硒化二銦的製備法概述.........................................15
2.5.1 化學氣相傳輸法...............................................16
2.5.2 化學氣相沉積法...............................................16
2.5.3 物理氣相沉積法...............................................17
2.5.4 機械剝離法...................................................18

3.1 拉曼光譜原理...................................................19
3.2 拉曼譜線的意義.................................................20
3.3 拉曼光譜分析...................................................21
4.1 實驗流程......................................................23
4.2 金屬遮罩......................................................24
4.3 手套箱........................................................25
4.4 蒸鍍機........................................................25
4.5 背閘極場效電晶體電性量測........................................26
4.6 高溫退火......................................................26

5.1 光響應時間.....................................................29
5.2 光響應度......................................................32
5.3 光波長對光電流和光響應度的影響..................................36
5.4 光響應度比較...................................................38
5.5 光強度對光電流和光響應度比較....................................39
5.6 α-In2Se3 和β-In2Se3 的電性比較................................ 40
5.7 α-In2Se3 和β-In2Se3 的電子遷移率比較...........................42
5.8 α-In2Se3 和β-In2Se3 的優缺點.................................. 43
5.9 實驗元件的失效.................................................46
5.9.1 氧化........................................................46
5.9.2 電擊穿......................................................46
5.9.3 高溫退火對元件的影響.........................................47
5.10 實驗結果分析..................................................49

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