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作者(外文):Lin, Chun-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Research on Integrated Photovoltaic Power Generation and Energy Storage System
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Pan, Ching-Tsai
Chen, Yu-Kai
Chiu, Huang-Jen
外文關鍵詞:D-Σ digital controlmulti-function invertercharger/dischargermaximum power point tracking
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  • 點閱點閱:194
  • 評分評分:*****
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An energy control system for smart home is proposed in this research. This system includes a single-phase bi-directional inverter, a bi-directional charger/discharger, and a maximum power point tracker connected to a dc-bus. There are three functions of grid-connection, rectification and UPS inside the single-phase bi-directional inverter. An LCL filter is applied to the output stage to reduce size of inductors and reduce high-frequency harmonics injected into grid. There are two stages in the bi-directional charger/discharger. The first stage is a bi-directional full-bridge LLC resonant converter which can achieve ZVS for reducing switching losses to switching devices. The second stage is a bi-directional buck converter which can control charging/discharging currents. The maximum power point tracker can draw maximum power from PV arrays and inject it to a dc-bus with a perturbation and observation method.
The major contributions of this research are summarized as follows:Firstly, inductance variation is taken into account in the control law of the division-summation (D-Ʃ) digital control. It not only enhances system stability, but also avoids output current waveform distortion. Secondly, an inverter, a charger/discharger and a maximum power point tracker are integrated into a photovoltaic power generation and energy storage system to distribute power among the grid, battery energy pack, and photovoltaic panels. When the utility is in abnormal condition, the integrated system can supply power to ac/dc loads. When the utility is back to normal condition, the system can utilize the zero-crossing detecting mechanism, which controls the phase and frequency of the inverter output voltage to synchronize with the utility grid to avoid equipment damage.
Keywords: D-Σ digital control, multi-function inverter, charger/discharger and maximum power point tracking.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 發電系統架構 2
1-3 論文大綱 3
第二章 單相雙向換流器與控制 5
2-1 輸出濾波器 5
2-1-1 LC濾波器 6
2-1-2 LCL濾波器 7
2-2 單相雙向LCL換流器 8
2-2-1 市電併聯模式 8
2-2-2 整流模式 11
2-2-3 UPS模式 11
2-2-4 參數選擇 14
2-3 穩壓控制 14
2-3-1 電容電流補償機制 14
第三章 雙向充/放電器與控制 17
3-1 隔離型雙向全橋式LLC諧振轉換器 17
3-1-1 電路結構 18
3-1-2 動作原理 22
3-1-3 參數設計 24
3-2 雙向降壓型轉換器 27
3-2-1 分切合整數位控制 28
3-2-2 穩壓控制 29
第四章 太陽能最大功率追蹤器 31
4-1 太陽能發電系統 31
4-1-1 獨立型太陽能發電系統 32
4-1-2 市電併聯型太陽能發電系統 32
4-1-3 混合型太陽能發電系統 34
4-2 最大功率追蹤控制 34
4-2-1 電壓回授法 35
4-2-2 功率回授法 35
4-2-3 增量電導法 36
4-2-4 直線近似法 36
4-2-5 實際測量法 37
4-2-6 擾動觀察法 37
第五章 控制韌體規劃 38
5-1 RX62T微控制器介紹 38
5-2 主程式流程 40
5-3 單相雙向換流器A/D中斷副程式 41
5-3-1 市電併聯模式與整流模式 44
5-3-2 直流鏈電壓調節模式 44
5-3-3 相位同步副程式 45
5-4 雙向充/放電器A/D中斷副程式 46
5-4-1 保護副程式 48
5-4-2 軟啟動 49
5-5 太陽能最大功率追蹤器A/D中斷副程式 50
5-5-1 擾動觀察法 51
5-6 系統整合流程 54
第六章 系統周邊電路 56
6-1 輔助電源 56
6-2 差動降壓電路 57
6-3 精密全波整流電路 58
6-4 電壓保護電路 59
6-5 交流電壓回授電路 60
6-6 直流電壓回授電路 61
6-7 電流回授電路 61
6-8 直流鏈預充電路 63
6-9 硬體保護電路 63
6-10 開關隔離驅動電路 64
第七章 系統整合暨實務考量 66
7-1 系統規格 66
7-1-1 單相雙向換流器 66
7-1-2 雙向充/放電器 67
7-1-3 太陽能最大功率追蹤器 69
7-2 實務考量 73
7-2-1 電感值衰減 73
7-2-2 市電併聯模式與UPS模式之轉換策略 73
7-3 系統整合實測結果 80
7-4 實體電路 89
第八章 結論與未來研究方向 91
8-1 結論 91
8-2 未來研究方向 92
參考文獻 93

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