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作者(外文):Liu, Che-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Design of Millimeter-Wave Triple-Push Oscillators
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yi-Chun
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Ping-Hsuan
Li, Chun-Hsing
外文關鍵詞:millimeter-waveoscillatortriple-push oscillatorVCO90 nmself-mixing oscillator
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近幾年來,隨著半導體製程技術的日益成熟與不斷進步,無線通訊系統相關的研究也持續蓬勃發展,更高性能的電子產品需求亦與日俱增,高速資料傳輸、低成本和低耗能的電路變得越來越受歡迎。此外,由於現行使用頻段的日趨飽和,操作頻率也逐漸提高,以達到增加可操作頻寬的目的,因此射頻(Radio Frequency)收發端系統變得相當重要。而射頻收發端系統又包含以下幾個電路區塊,功率放大器(PA)、壓控振盪器(VCO)、低雜訊放大器(LNA)、混頻器(Mixer)和天線(Antenna),此論文聚焦在三倍頻毫米波振盪器的特性與設計,利用三種不同的架構設計產生三倍頻振盪器的效果。
此論文討論了三種三倍頻毫米波振盪器的設計,使用90奈米互補式金屬氧化物半導體(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor, CMOS)製程實現電路設計與晶片製作。第一個設計運用近似於60度的走線進行layout佈局,並採用電容分散的技巧來達到較好的對稱性與獲得更高的負跨導。此振盪器的振盪頻率為215.4 GHz,其具有- 16.28 dBm的輸出功率與-88.5 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz的相位雜訊。在第二個設計中,運用三組尺寸不同的電晶體組得到更高的三倍頻訊號輸出功率,其振盪頻率為201.2 GHz,輸出功率和相位雜訊分別為-13.8 dBm和-80.6 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz。最後一個設計使用自混波振盪器的架構來達成更好的對稱性,並利用PMOS加強第二諧波的訊號,使混波後的三倍頻訊號增強,這VCO的振盪頻率是92.2 GHz,有8.4%的頻率調變範圍,輸出功率和相位雜訊分別為-18.2 dBm和-82.8 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz。
In recent years, as semi-conductor manufacturing technology becomes more and more mature, the researches of wireless communication systems increase significantly. The demands of high performance electronic products grow day by day. Therefore, circuits with high data rate, low costs and low power consumption become very popular. Furthermore, as the frequency bands being widely used saturates, desired frequency targets to higher bands and occupies a wider bandwidth to achieve high speed operation. As a result, radio frequency (RF) transceiver system becomes very important.
Typical RF transceiver front-ends include power amplifier (PA), voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), low-noise amplifier (LNA), mixer and antenna. This thesis focuses on the features and designs of millimeter-wave triple-push oscillators.
In this thesis, three triple-push oscillators are proposed in 90-nm CMOS process. In work I, a triple push oscillator is realized with 60 degree wires and capacitance-splitting technique to reach better symmetry and higher negative transconductance. The oscillation frequency is 215.4 GHz, the output power is -16.28 dBm and the phase noise is -88.5 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz. The second work uses three unbalanced MOSFET pairs to achieve higher performance of the third harmonic. It has -13.8 dBm output power at 201.2 GHz, and the phase noise is -80.6 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz. Work III uses self-mixing technique to have better symmetry and PMOS push-push frequency doubler to enlarge second harmonic signal. It oscillates at 92.2 GHz with 8.4% frequency tuning range. The output power is -18.2 dBm, and the phase noise is -82.8 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz.
摘要 i
Contents i
List of Figures iv
List of Table vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Introduction to Millimeter-Wave 1
1.2. W-band Standards and Applications 2
1.3. Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Overview of Oscillators 5
2.1. Introduction 5
2.2. Analysis of Oscillators 6
2.2.1 Feedback System of Oscillators 6
2.2.2 LC-Tank Oscillators 7
2.3. Important Parameters for Oscillators 11
2.3.1 Oscillation Frequency and Frequency Tuning 11
2.3.2 Output Power 12
2.3.3 Phase Noise 14
2.3.4 Power Dissipation 20
Chapter 3 Passive and Active Components 22
3.1. 90-nm CMOS Process 22
3.2. Active Devices 23
3.3. Passive Devices 25
3.3.1 Inductors 25
3.3.2 MOS Varactors 28
Chapter 4 A 215.4 GHz Triple-Push Oscillator 31
4.1. Literature Survey 31
4.1.1 Basic Concept of Triple-Push Oscillator 31
4.1.2 Capacitance-Splitting Technique 34
4.2. Circuit Design 37
4.2.1 Design Flow 37
4.2.2 Design Parameters 39
4.3. Measurement Results 42
4.4. Discussion and Conclusion 45
Chapter 5 A 201.2 GHz Triple-Push Oscillator with Unbalanced Transistor Pairs 47
5.1. Literature Survey 47
5.1.1 Unbalanced Transistor Pairs 47
5.2. Circuit Design 51
5.2.1 Design Parameters 51
5.3. Post-Simulation and De-bugging of Work II 53
5.3.1 Post-Simulation Results 54
5.3.2 Re-EM Simulation of Layout 55
5.4. Discussion and Conclusion 57
Chapter 6 A Self-Mixing Voltage-Controlled Oscillator in W-Band 59
6.1. Literature Survey 59
6.1.1 Self-Mixing Technique 59
6.1.2 PMOS Push-Push Frequency Doubler 62
6.2. Circuit Design 63
6.2.1 Design Parameters 63
6.3. Measurement Results 66
6.4. Discussion and Conclusion 70
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 73
Reference 75
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