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作者(外文):Hung, Hsin-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Peer-Assisted Repair Mechanism for Reliable and Cost-Effective IOT Systems
指導教授(外文):Wu, Cheng-Wen
口試委員(外文):Li, Jin-Fu
Wu, Wen-Chin
Liou, Jing-Jia
外文關鍵詞:built-in self-test (BIST)built-in self-repair (BISR)on-line testingresilient systemsymbiotic computingsymbiotic system
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Internet of Things (IOT) has been regarded as the next market driver in the semiconductor industry in recent years. People are expecting large amount of emerging connected devices sensing the environment, reacting to stimulus and providing various kinds of service. However, as the economic scale and energy is not likely to growth dramatically in the near future, the expected growth of IOT devices and systems will be constrained by total cost and energy consumption. As cost is highly related to reliability, we address the problem by adopting a newly proposed symbiotic system (SS) model, in designing IOT system with repair resources. We also propose a peer-assisted repair mechanism (peer-repair), which allows an IOT device to repair its faulty neighboring devices. With the model and mechanism, we are able to evaluate the reliability and cost of the entire IOT system. Experimental result shows that without replacing faulty devices in the system, the lifetime of the peer-repair enhanced system can be extended by 50%, as compared with the one using only self-repair. In addition, when considering manual replacement in long-term operation, the peer-repair system is able to achieve much lower cost. With a repair resource, the cost of systems with peer-repair is reduced to 50% of those with self-repair, and 10% of those without repair.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Content iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Related Works 1
1.3 Approach and Result 3
1.4 Organization 3
Chapter 2 IOT Device Network Model 5
2.1 Symbiotic System Model 5
2.2 IOT Device Model 6
2.3 IOT Network Model 7
2.4 Cost Model 8
Chapter 3 Symbiotic System Simulator 9
3.1 Finite-State-Machine Base Class 9
3.2 IOT Device Network Simulator Overview 11
3.3 IOT Device 12
3.4 IOT Network 15
3.5 Hazard Generator 16
3.6 Simulation Monitor 16
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 18
4.1 Peer-Repair vs. Self-Repair 19
4.2 Number of Peers 21
4.3 Working Threshold 22
4.4 Repair Rate 24
4.5 Replacement Policy 26
4.6 Replacement Cost 27
4.7 Operation Cost 28
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 31
Bibliography 33
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