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作者(外文):Li, Yi-Chen
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chen, Seng-Chi
Tseng, Wan-Tsun
Jong, Tai-Lang
外文關鍵詞:wind generatorswitched-reluctance machinevoltage controlrobust controlcommutation shiftboost converterfeedforward controlbipolar micro-grid
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文旨在開發一實驗型風力切換式磁阻發電機及從事其增能控制。首先,建立切換式磁阻發電機,並適當設計其控制架構。一變頻器供電永磁同步馬達作為發電機之替代風渦輪機,裝設必備之外激直流電源、轉子位置及電壓感測機構,且將換相時刻妥善設定於發電模式下。在電流控制安排上,採磁滯脈衝寬度調變架構,配合硬式飛輪切換,對抗發電機之負值反電動勢效應。為在變動轉速下獲得穩定輸出電壓,再適當處理以下關鍵事務:(i) 適當之濾波; (ii) 適當設定隨速度變化之電壓命令; (iii) 強健電壓控制;及 (iv) 動態換相移位。
This thesis is mainly concerned with the development of an experimental wind switched-reluctance generator (SRG) and its performance enhancement control. The first step is to establish a SRG and well design its control scheme. An inverter-fed permanent- magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is used as an alternative of wind turbine. And the external excited DC source is equipped. The necessary rotor position and voltage sensing schemes are installed. And the commutation instant is properly set at the generating range. In current control arrangement, the hysteresis pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme with hard freewheel is adopted to counteract the effects of back electromotive force (EMF), which is negative in generating mode. Then, satisfactory SRG output voltage under varying driving speed is achieved via properly handling the following key matters: (i) proper filtering; (ii) appropriate voltage command setting according to varied driving speed; (iii) robust voltage control; and (iv) dynamic communication shifting.
Next, the SRG followed DC/DC boost converter is constructed to establish a well-regulated DC link voltage. Since the SRG generated voltage is highly fluctuated, in addition to the properly designed feedback controller, a voltage feed-forward controller is added to directly determine the converter duty cycle. Finally, the operating characteristics of the established whole wind SRG system are observed. Specifically, an experimental bipolar DC micro-grid with the arranged test loads is established and assessed. Some measured results are presented to demonstrate its dynamic responses and steady-state operating characteristics.


2.1 Overview 5
2.2 Micro-Grids 5
2.2.1 Classifications 5
2.2.2 Introductory Wind Generators 7
2.3 Switched-reluctance Machines 14
2.3.1 Structures and Operations of SRM 14
2.3.2 Governing Equations and Dynamic Modeling 16
2.3.3 SRM Converters 20
2.3.4 Some Key Issues of SRG 23
2.4 Interface DC-DC Converters 24

3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Characteristics of Switched-reluctance Generator 27
3.2.1 Governing Equations 27
3.2.2 DC-link Voltage Ripples 29
3.3 Establishment of a DSP-based SRG System 31
3.3.1 System Configuration 31
3.3.2 DSP-based Control Environment and Interfacing Circuits
3.4 Control Schemes 37
3.5 Effects of Static Commutation Shift on Generation
Performance 42
3.6 Performance Evaluation of the Developed DSC and Robust
Control Scheme 52

4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 SRG Interface Converter 61
4.3 Design of Power Circuit Components 65
4.4 Control Schemes 67
4.5 Experimental Performance Evaluation 73

5.1 Introduction 77
5.2 Unipolar DC Micro-grid 77
5.3 Wind SRG Established Unipolar and Bipolar DC Micro-
grids 84
5.4 Experimental Tests of the Established Bipolar DC Micro-
grid 86


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