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作者(中文):張 馳
作者(外文):Zhang, Chi
論文名稱(外文):Fault Direction Identification for Transmission Systems with Grid connected DFIG based Wind Generation Systems
指導教授(外文):Chu, Chia-Chi
口試委員(外文):Lian, Geng-Yu
Zhang, Wei-Neng
外文關鍵詞:DFIG wind farmFault characteristicsDirectional componentsPositive sequence polarization voltage
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:321
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:15
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由於DFIG傳輸線路故障輸出特性的變化,基於常規方向元件的繼電保護不能正確判斷故障方向。本文提出了基於PSCAD / EMTDC的雙饋風電場模擬模型,分析了DFIG風電場故障電壓和電路的輸出特性。傳統方向元件判據研究進一步證明,當風電場送出線三相短路時,方向分量可以正常工作,而在電網短路時,方向分量不能正常工作。基於短路方向與判斷結果精度的關係,提出了一種基於正序極化電壓相位比較的新型方向元件判據,並分析了故障前轉速等不同故障條件下的保護動作,如撬棒保護,線路長度和故障定位。此外,本文還研究了常規分量測量的一些相應標準,病通過模擬結果表明,新的標準可以保證各種故障情況下方向元件的可靠性。

Electric power systems experience abnormal conditions like faults and disturbances which lead to power interruptions, loss of stability and blackouts. To prevent or at least minimize the fault consequences, a protection system is designed, installed and adjusted. Protection system consists of different types of relays that have different characteristics and functions. Here, the directional component is taken into consideration and compared with the proposed method. Whereas the conventional directional component may not identify the fault accurately when there is a variation of line fault output characteristics in a transmission line with DFIG. This thesis analyzes the output characteristics of fault voltage and circuit of DFIG-based wind farm by proposing the simulation model of doubly-fed Wind Farm using PSCAD/EMTD. Further, this thesis also studies the criterion for conventional directional component, which can operate only when there is a three phase short circuit from wind farm outgoing line and not with a short circuit from power grid. Based on the relationship between the results obtained from the direction of short circuit, the new criterion for the directional component is proposed. The criterion is based on the positive sequence polarization voltage phase comparison and the analysis for protection under various fault conditions such as rotational speed before the fault, crowbar protection, line length and fault location. The simulation results show cases that the new criterion guarantees the reliability of the directional component under various fault conditions of a transmission line with a DFIG.
Table of Contents
Abstract II
摘要 III
Acknowledgements IV
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research motivation and literature review 1
1.2 Contribution 3
1.3 Organization of the thesis 4
Chapter2 Overview of DFIG and the equivalent modelling and analysis of faults 5
2.1 The structure and working principle of DFIG 5
2.1.1 The structure of DFIG 5
2.1.2 Operational and controlling characteristics of DFIG with energy storage 6
2.2 Simulation modeling of DFIG with energy storage 7
2.2.1 Mathematical model of wind turbines 7
2.2.2 Mathematical model of wound induction motor 9
2.3 Equivalent modeling of wind turbines 12
2.3.1 Equivalent modeling of doubly-fed wind farms 13
2.3.2 Equivalent method of DFIG 15
2.3.3 The comparison of the simulation model of wind turbines before and after the equivalence 16
2.4 Analysis on the fault characteristics of wind farm outgoing Lines 18
2.5 Summary 20
Chapter3 Principle of the Fault Protection 22
3.1 Adaptability analysis on directional element in conventional distance protection 22
3.2 Simulation of traditional distance protection direction components 24
3.3 Analysis of fault characteristics of feed - out line of doubly - fed wind farms and calculation of phase angle difference 28
3.3.1 The frequency of the rotor is not close to the Industrial Frequency before the fault 28
3.3.2 The rotor frequency close to the frequency before the fault 34
3.4 Summary 37
Chapter4 Simulation verification of the new method for fault simulation protection 38
4.1 New criteria for directional elements of wind farms 38
4.2 Simulation verification 41
4.2.1 Analysis of influencing factors 41
4.3 Simulation of directional elements 44
4.4 summary 50
Chapter5 Conclusions and Future Scopes 51
5.1 Conclusion 51
5.2 Future Scopes 52
References 53
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