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作者(外文):Chen, Shi-Ying
論文名稱(外文):The identity performance and construction of Mainland China students in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shen, Hsiu-Hua
口試委員(外文):Wang, Horng-luen
Fang, I-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Chinese students in Taiwan students in Taiwannational identityperformanceboundary workmigrant student
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The purpose of this study is to explore the daily making and transformation of national identity among Chinese students who studied and lived in Taiwan for an extended period of time. Studying and living in Taiwan for many Chinese students means to have to face not only the challenge of the school works, but also the challenge of the national identity and national imagination under cross-strait nationalistic disputes. For most migrants, their national identity will be highlighted when they leave their motherland. My questions are: what have happened Chinese students’ national identity after they leave China and live in Taiwan? How have they performed their national identity at daily interactions?
In-depth interview was adopted in this study, and 15 Chinese students were interviewed. In addition, as a Chinese student myself, my interactive experiences with other Chinese students are part of the observational data for the study. This study finds that overall Chinese students don’t change their Chinese national identity after they encountered daily challenges on being Chinese in Taiwan. However, the content of their imagination by Chinese students on how Chinese nationalism should be the principle for guiding the national identity of Taiwanese has changed after their residence in Taiwan. Perviously, Chinese students’ argument for One-China Policy on Taiwanese identity was largely based on cultural and emotional ties between people across the Taiwan Strait. But after being in Taiwan and encountering negative treatments for being Chinese there, Chinese students shifted from cultural affiliation to China’s economic prosperity to their supports for One-China Policy upon Taiwan’s political future.
My study also finds that Chinese students perform their national identity in a hidden, depressing way. This study suggests that this is because, whether the negative attitude of Taiwan society as a whole or the media toward to the mainland China and the mainland Chinese, or the exclusion of Chinese students due to the institutional policy, both of which make Chinese students realize that, ‘China’ or ‘Chinese,’ in Taiwan, is not worthy of being proud of. Either one is often related to the negative comments, such as authoritarian politics, undemocratic, underdeveloped, or low quality of culture. To keep their Chinese national identity in a low key is a way to maintain their class status since being a Chinese in Taiwan is often discriminated as a less cultured person.
誌謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目录 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究現象 1
第二節 研究背景 3
第三節 研究動機與目的 6
第四節 研究方法 8
一、研究方法 8
二、研究對象 9
第二章 文獻回顧 14
第一節 陸生研究 14
第二節 國族認同的建構 16
一、集體記憶的建構 16
二、兩岸國族認同的分歧 18
1、中國國族認同與「一個中國」想像 18
2、從「中華民國」到「臺灣」認同 19
三、國族認同的覺醒 21
第三節 認同的展演與形構 24
第三章 誰是陸生,陸生是誰 27
第一節 誰能來臺灣? 27
一、家庭因素的影響 28
二、經濟因素的影響 30
三、政策的影響 31
第二節 來臺緣由 33
一、更「近」一步 34
二、學位導向的遷移 38
三、經驗導向的遷移 41
四、人際網絡的影響 44
五、退而求其次的妥協 45
第三節 留學,又不僅僅是留學 48
一、「要去開會啦!」 49
二、不同的態度與反應 53
第四章 互動中的重新想像 59
第一節 不斷被指認的身分 59
第二節 自我感知到的差異 66
一、與臺灣學生之間的隔閡 66
1、物理空間的區隔 67
2、生活方式的不同 68
3、生活經歷的差異 71
二、兩岸社會的差異 75
1、飲食方面的差異 75
2、生活便捷程度 77
3、國族想像的差異 79
第五章 日常生活中的認同展演與形構 86
第一節 繞不開卻又無法自我消解的國族議題 86
一、「不好的就是偏見!」 87
二、互動中的「求同存異」 90
三、無法言說的不滿 92
第二節 「陸生」,還是「中生」? 95
一、「陸生」、「中生」大不同 95
二、對待不同稱謂的態度 98
1、對自己的稱呼 98
2、他者對自身的稱呼 100
第六章 結論 109
第一節 研究發現 109
一、區隔的適應:指認差異,邊界強化 109
二、被衝擊的國族想像,但並未改變的政治認同 110
三、不被彰顯,但被強化的國族認同 112
第二節 研究限制與建議 113
一、研究限制 113
二、未來研究建議 114
參考文獻 116
附錄一:參與研究邀請函 125
附錄二:參與研究同意書 126
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