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作者(外文):Tsai, Jia-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Visual representations of the Scientific Revolution
指導教授(外文):Volkov, Alexei
口試委員(外文):Horng, Wann-Sheng
Pollet, Charlotte
外文關鍵詞:Scientific Revolutionvisual representationsimage construction
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  • 評分評分:*****
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自Thomas Kuhn出版《科學革命的結構》一書,科學革命一詞具有斷裂性意涵。然而,其中身為主角的科學家自身所扮演的腳色,卻是鮮少被提及。因此,本文欲探討以下兩問題:是科學革命中的「英雄」及其形象,此些形象如何被塑造﹖
The concept of the "scientific revolution" is now very common and widely known. Existing research is mostly based on text archives. However, related visual materials are often ignored. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the visual image of the scientific revolution with visual images as materials.
Since Thomas Kuhn published the book The Structure of the Scientific Revolution, the term scientific revolution has a broken meaning. However, the role of the scientists who play the role of the protagonist is rarely mentioned. Therefore, this article wants to explore the following two questions: the "hero" in the scientific revolution and its image. How are these images shaped?
The second question is about the scientific map of medieval astronomy. In the past, the study of the scientific revolution focused on texts and literature, including the dissemination of research knowledge or theory. However, the study of scientific charts has not been fully discussed. How do these scholars use the diagram to explain theory or doctrine? Does the astronomical map have a heritage and change?
第一章 前言 1
第二章 科學圖像的歷史及其運用 12
第一節 歷史中的天文學圖像 12
第二節 Giordano Bruno的圖像:神祕學傳統與科學意涵 17
第三章 從視覺圖像到傳記再回溯 20
第一節 近現代科學家的肖像:Copernicus為例 17
第二節 Galileo的肖像:神話如何被建造 24
第三節 19世紀中的Galileo傳記 38
第四章 結論 44
參考書目 47


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