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作者(外文):Chiu, Lan-Hua Bernice
論文名稱(外文):A Qualitative Investigation of Taiwanese Senior High School English Teachers’ Language Assessment Literacy
指導教授(外文):Vongpumivitch, Viphavee
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chen-Shih
Chen, Tsung-Ying
外文關鍵詞:assessment literacylanguage assessment literacyassessment knowledge
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In the previous decade, assessment literacy (AL) and language assessment literacy (LAL) have both been explored and recognized as important factors when it comes to educational measurement. Yet, few studies have been conducted in Taiwan to probe teachers’ AL and LAL level. The current study seeks to qualitatively investigate the AL and LAL level, the opinions toward four foreign-made AL and LAL instruments, and the training needs on LAL of two senior high school English teachers through a series of interviews. The findings reveal that both teachers have a moderate level of AL and LAL. Some items in the instruments are found unsuitable for Taiwanese context and some with wording issues. The two teachers perceive training needs not only for different aspects of language assessment but also for the test design to suit the new curriculum guidelines. This qualitative research shows an in-depth examination of English teachers regarding their daily classroom assessment practices and the difficulties they have encountered, which can serve as the base of workshops/ training programs of assessment and language assessment and as a reference for teacher training courses. Also, it can be a stepping stone to a tailor-made instrument investigating teachers’ LAL level in Taiwan.
1.3 OUTLINE OF THE STUDY-----------3
2.1 ASSESSMENT LITERACY (AL)-----------5
2.1.1 Assessment literacy standards-----------8
2.1.2 Instruments to measure AL level-----------17
2.1.3 Results of previous research that investigated teachers’ AL levels-----------21
2.2.1 The scope of language assessment literacy.-----------30
2.2.2 Results of previous research that investigated teachers’ AL levels-----------36
2.2.3 Results of previous research that investigated teachers’ previous LAL training and perceived needs.-----------43
3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN-----------58
3.2 PARTICIPANTS-----------59
3.3 INSTRUMENTS-----------59
3.4 DATA COLLECTION-----------61
3.5 DATA ANALYSIS-----------63
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS-----------65
4.1 THE TALQ.-----------65
4.1.1 Teachers’ AL Levels Measured Through the TALQ.-----------95
4.1.2 The Appropriateness of the TALQ in the Taiwanese Context-----------98
4.1.3 Summary-----------101
4.2 THE ACAI-----------101
4.2.1 Teachers’ AL profiles.-----------127
4.2.2 The appropriateness of the ACAI.-----------134
4.3 THE LAKS-----------135
4.3.1 Teachers LAL levels.-----------150
4.3.2 The Appropriateness of the LAKS.-----------152 LAKS Items with Wording Issues.-----------152 LAKS Items Unsuitable for the Taiwanese Context. -----------153
4.3.3 Summary-----------154
4.4 THE LAN & FAN’S INSTRUMENT-----------154
4.4.1 Teachers LAL levels.-----------164
4.4.2 Teachers LAL training needs.-----------166 Quantitative findings.-----------166 Qualitative findings.-----------169
4.4.3 The appropriateness of the Lan & Fan’s instrument-----------173
4.4.4 Summary-----------174
4.5 SUMMARY-----------175
5.1 TEACHERS’ AL AND LAL LEVELS-----------178
5.4 CONCLUSION-----------187

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