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作者(外文):Chiu, Yu-chia
論文名稱(中文):卜婁杉《美國在心中》和《老爸的笑聲》中的 資本主義批判
論文名稱(外文):Critique of Capitalism in Carlos Bulosan’s America Is in the Heart and The Laughter of My Father
指導教授(外文):Fuh, Shyh-jen
口試委員(外文):Feng, Pin-chia
Huang, Shih-yi
外文關鍵詞:Carlos BulosanAmerica Is in the HeartThe Laughter of My Fathercapitalismsubaltern narrativeclass analysis
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本論文旨在探討卡洛斯‧卜婁杉的兩部作品《老爸的笑聲》(1944) 和《美國在心中》(1946) 如何再現底層菲律賓農民及勞工的生活樣態,進而突顯資本主義議題。農民出身的菲裔作家卜婁杉從底層視角(在西方殖民下,政治經濟方面皆為弱勢的菲律賓人民視角)描繪了菲國社會及其人民的生活處境。本篇論文將菲國的殖民經驗納入考量,從階級的角度出發分析卜婁杉呈現的底層菲律賓人民,討論兩文本對階級形成、底層人民的掙扎及團結等概念的形塑。透過再造菲律賓人民及村莊的形象,卜婁杉對底層階級的敘述揭示了他對殖民資本主義的理解及批判,更進一步指出他對底層行動及團結的渴望,以此回應資本主義時代。本篇論文將《老爸的笑聲》和《美國在心中》至於其書寫及所反映的社會背景下做閱讀,並指出兩文本相輔相成,更完整的展現卜婁杉於二十世紀前半所見的底層菲律賓人民。
This thesis intends to explore Carlos Bulosan’s representation of subaltern Filipino peasants and workers to discuss the issue of capitalism in The Laughter of My Father (1944) and America Is in the Heart (1946). Being a Filipino American writer with a peasant origin, Bulosan delineates the Philippine society and the life of the Filipinos from a subaltern perspective (the perspective of the Filipinos who are politically and economically underprivileged under Western colonization). This thesis takes into consideration the colonial experience of the Philippines to analyze Bulosan’s representation of subaltern Filipinos from the perspective of class and investigate the reconstruction of class formation, subaltern struggle, and subaltern solidarity in these two texts. Bulosan’s narrative of the subaltern Filipinos reveals his perception and critiques of colonial capitalism through a re-imagery of Filipino villages, and further indicates his yearning for action and unity among the subaltern as a response towards the capitalist periods. This thesis offers a way of understanding America Is in the Heart and The Laughter of My Father in relation to its social context and reads them as complementary to each other to provide a fuller vision of Bulosan’s subaltern Filipinos in the first half of the twentieth century.
Introduction 1
I. Bulosan as a Subaltern Voice 2
II. Texts Profile and Literature Review 5
III. The Significance of Capitalism in Bulosan’s Publications 12
IV. Chapter Overview 16
Chapter One: The Transformation of the Philippines into a Capitalist Society 19
I. The Formation of the Filipino Proletariat under Two Colonial Systems 19
II. The Filipino Proletariat in the United States 29
III. The Social Transitions in the Philippines 31
Chapter Two: The Representation of Subaltern Struggles 37
I. The Class Struggle between the Subaltern and Upper Class Filipinos 38
II. Food Scarcity as a Sign of Entrapment in the Capitalist Society 44
III. Bulosan’s Different Writing Strategies 50
Chapter Three: The Portrait of Subaltern Solidarity in the Philippines and the U.S. 54
I. The Suppressed and Frustrated Revolutionary Aspiration in the Philippines 55
II. The Thriving Social Movements in the U.S. Society 63
Conclusion 72
Works Cited 74

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