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作者(外文):Cuckler, Robert
論文名稱(中文):離散和連續條件期望值之模擬最佳化演算架構: 方法和應用
論文名稱(外文):Discrete and Continuous Conditional Expectation-­based Simulation Optimization: Methodology and Applications
指導教授(外文):Chang, Kuo-Hao
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
Lin, Dung-Ying
Chen, Wen-Chih
Chen, Tzu-Li
外文關鍵詞:simulation optimizationparticle swarm optimizationconditional expectationdirect search methodop­timal computing budget allocationimportance samplingNelder Mead
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In order to generalize the applicability of Conditional Value at Risk, one of the most widely used measurements used in financial risk management, the proposed research develops a pair of gradient-free, black box solu­tion methodologies for conditional expectation (CE)­-based simulation opti­mization problems, one for continuous solution space and the other for dis­crete solution space. To optimize CE­-based objective functions in contin­uous solution space, a direct search optimization method, called SNM-­CE is proposed; this methodology inherits the search framework of Stochas­tic Nelder ­Mead (SNM) Simplex Method but further incorporates effec­tive mechanisms designed for handling problems with CE­-based objective functions. For the discrete solution space case, this research proposes a methodology known as Adaptive Particle and Hyperball Search for Condi­tional Expectation (APHS­-CE); the search methodology for this framework intends to utilize concepts related to Particle Search Optimization (PSO) and Latin Hyperball sampling, but modified to fit into a CE-­based method­ology. Moreover, both SNM-­CE and APHS­-CE generalize the concept of CE to the expected value of a loss function given that its value falls in between the α- ­and β­-quantile of the underlying loss distribution. In both methodologies, as it is assumed that the underlying problem is complicated enough that no closed­ form expression can represent the objective func­tion, stochastic simulation is applied to estimate CE. Also, both method­ologies apply Importance Sampling (IS) as a variance reduction technique, which, combined with Optimal Computing Budget Allocation (OCBA)­-based sample size allocation algorithms, ensures that simulation resources are used with great efficiency. It is shown that both SNM­-CE and APHS-­CE can converge to the true global optimum with probability one (w.p.1). Extensive numerical experiments and a pair of empirical studies are con­ducted to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and viability of both SNM­-CE and APHS­-CE in theoretical and practical settings.
1 Introduction-------------------------------1
1.1 Motivation----------------------------1
1.2 Background----------------------------4
2 Problem Definition-------------------------11
3 Methodology-------------------------------15
3.1 SNM-­CE-------------------------------15
3.1.1 The basic SNM­CE framework-------16
3.1.2 Enhancing the efficiency of
handling the CE­-based
objective functions-------------19
3.2 APHS-­CE-----------------------------26
3.2.1 The basic APHS­CE framework------28
4 Convergence Analysis----------------------41
4.1 Convergence analysis of SNM­-CE-------41
4.2 Convergence analysis of APHS­-CE------44
5 Numerical Study---------------------------49
5.1 SNM­-CE numerical study---------------49
5.2 APHS­CE numerical study---------------55
6 Empirical Study---------------------------63
6.1 SNM-­CE empirical study---------------63
6.2 APHS-CE empirical study--------------65
7 Conclusion--------------------------------71
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