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作者(外文):Hong, Tzu-Yen
論文名稱(外文):Smart Manufacturing System Based on Industry 3.5 – The Empirical Study of TFT-LCD Array Dynamic Scheduling and Dispatching
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Wang, Kung-Jeng
Chuang, Pao-Tiao
Kuo, Tsai-Chi
Chang, Kuo-Hao
Chu, Chih-Peng
外文關鍵詞:smart manufacturingsystem simulationgenetic algorithmTFT-LCD array manufacturingdynamic scheduling problem
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Smart manufacturing has become a crucial issue since the propose of Industry 4.0 by Germany. Similar proposals, including the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership 2.0 (AMP2.0) by the United States and Made in China 2025, are also national plans to achieve the smart manufacturing. There are many developed or developing countries also try to step into the field of smart manufacturing. However, most of the emerging countries may not be ready for the migration of Industry 4.0 directly since their industrial infrastructures are different from that of the leading countries. It is crucial to have a transitional plan to make up the gap and maintain competiveness in the transitional stage between Industry 3.0 and to-be Industry 4.0. This study proposes a framework of smart manufacturing system based on Industry 3.5, which aims to achieve smart manufacturing under the existing environments. The framework is constructed by three subsystems, database, supporting technologies, as well as the integration of information. Based on the proposed framework, it provides a blueprint from the existing manufacturing systems towards the smart factory.
An empirical study was conducted at a leading TFT-LCD company. This study proposed a simulation-based dynamic scheduling and dispatching model for TFT-LCD array manufacturing. Results show that the capacity loss of bottleneck workstation and delivery tardiness can be significantly improved by the proposed hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA). Besides, the overall array performances, such as mean value of tardy jobs and total tardiness, can be improved by employing combinatorial dispatching rules at non-bottleneck workstations. Finally, this model can be embedded in the practical production lines to support the decisions of practical manufacturing systems.
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xii
List of Abbreviations xiv
Nomenclature xv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Research aims 5
1.4 Dissertation organization 6
Chapter 2 Literature review 7
2.1 Manufacturing strategies 7
2.1.1 Evolution of manufacturing system 7
2.1.2 Industry 4.0 9
2.1.3 Industry 3.5 13
2.1.4 Smart factory 15
2.2 Scheduling problems 18
2.2.1 Classification of scheduling problem 18
2.2.2 TFT-LCD scheduling problem 21
2.3 Methodologies for scheduling problem 23
2.3.1 Dispatching rules 23
2.3.2 Mathematical models 24
2.3.3 Meta-heuristics 25
2.3.4 Discrete-event simulation 27
Chapter 3 The framework of smart manufacturing system for Industry 3.5
3.1 Research framework 29
3.2 Simulation-based smart manufacturing system 32
3.2.2 Production planning system 34
3.2.3 Dynamic scheduling and dispatching system 36
3.2.4 Control and monitoring system 39
Chapter 4 TFT-LCD array photolithography stages scheduling problem 41
4.1 Problem structuring 41
4.1.1 Limited waiting time constraints 42
4.1.2 Scheduling period 42
4.1.3 Photo mask availability 42
4.1.4 Photo mask transportation time 43
4.1.5 Available machines with different processing for jobs 43
4.1.6 Different arrival time of jobs 43
4.2 Problem formulation 44
4.3 Simulation-based photo stages scheduling model 49
4.3.1. Chromosome representation and initialization 52
4.3.2. Decoding and evaluation 53
4.3.3. Crossover, mutation and selection 55
4.3.4. Local search 57
4.3.5. Randomized local search 57
4.4 Experimental design 58
4.4.1 Small cases 58
4.4.2 Practical experiments 59
4.5 Validation 61
4.5.2 Result of small cases 62
4.5.3 Result of practical experiments 63
4.6 Discussion 69
Chapter 5 TFT-LCD array photolithography stages scheduling problem 72
5.1 Problem background 72
5.2 Dispatching decision for simulation-based DSDS 74
5.2.2 Candidate dispatching rules 76
5.2.3 Min-max normalization and performance evaluation 78
5.2.4 TOPSIS 79
5.3 Empirical experiments 81
5.3.1 Identifying critical workstations and reducing candidate rules
5.3.2 Results of experiments 86
5.4 Discussion 91
Chapter 6 Conclusions 94
References 98
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