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作者(外文):Fernández López, Manuel Alejandro
論文名稱(外文):Development and Characterization of Permanent Magnet-based Magnetorheological Fluid Clutches for use as Fail-safe Mechanisms in Robotic Systems
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chih-Yung
Tsao, Che-Chih
Lin, Chun-Yeon
Huang, Shu
外文關鍵詞:Magnetorheological fluidclutchfail-safe mechanism
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The need for a higher production output and less downtime, as well as the need for greater accuracy in the manufacturing process of all sorts of products have led to an increase in the use of robotic arms and grippers in industrial settings. Although these modern devices have become widely adopted and have had an overall positive effect on the manufacturing industry, there are certain aspects of these devices which can still benefit from further research and development, specifically, research on safety mechanisms that can limit the damage that robotic arms and grippers may have on both human operators and the objects they handle. The research presented in this PhD thesis is focused on the development and study of a mechanism intended to be used as a safety device in robotic arms and grippers, which would limit the torque that the actuators driving the robotic system may apply on the objects it handles. This candidate mechanism is a torque-limiting clutch which uses magnetorheological fluid as the main power transmission medium. This type of fluid has the special property of turning semi-solid when it is subject to a magnetic field. The strength of this magnetic field determines the degree to which the fluid turns semi-solid. Thus, by controlling a magnetic field, the state of the fluid, and in turn the transmittable torque of the clutch, may also be controlled.

During the complete length of this research, a total of four magnetorheological fluid clutches were developed and tested, each with a different purpose. This thesis first presents the main design decision which was implemented in the clutches developed during this research, namely, the use of permanent magnets as the source of the magnetic field necessary to change the state of the magnetorheological fluid inside the clutches. This is followed by the introduction and testing of a novel magnetic field adjustment mechanism, called the field blocker, which allows the variation of the transmittable torque in permanent magnet-based magnetorheological fluid clutches. This research phase resulted in the fabrication and testing of two clutches and in a Taiwanese patent of the field blocker mechanism.

After the main design patterns which were applied to the clutches developed throughout this research were established, the focus of the investigation moved towards the exploration of the factors that affect the behavior of magnetorheological fluid clutches. The objective of this new focus was to gain a greater understanding of this type of clutches so as to be able to later develop better performing devices. The factors that were explored were the following: number of magnetic poles, material of the clutch components, angular velocity, and thickness of the magnetorheological fluid layer inside the clutch. An extensive parametric study of these factors was carried out, the results of which led to the proposal of a new model of the behavior of magnetorheological fluid clutches, as well as new improvements on the design of the field blocker which were implemented in a later clutch design. In addition to this parametric study, a separate study was carried out to test the effect on torque transmission in a clutch when graphite powder is used as an additive in the magnetorheological fluid. Tests were carried out with fluid mixtures with different concentrations of graphite, and suggestions on when to use this additive were given. A third clutch was designed and fabricated for use during this research phase.

Following the studies aimed to gain a greater understanding of permanent magnet-based magnetorheological fluid clutches, a final clutch was developed with the use of all the gained knowledge. A new and improved field blocker design was introduced and tested, which allowed this clutch to outperform all previous clutches. In addition to this, the use of the clutch as a safety device was tested, which was carried out with an open source 3D printed gripper adapted for use with the clutch. Normal use cases of the gripper system and failure cases were all showcased and tested. As a result of these tests, the clutch was shown to be successful as an adjustable torque-limiting device in a robotic gripper system.
摘要 iii
Abstract v
Acknowledgments vii
Content ix
List of Figures xv
List of Tables xxiii
Copyright notice xxv
Nomenclature xxvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 Literature review 5
1.3.1 Safety in robotic manipulators 5
1.3.2 Magnetorheological fluid 8
1.3.3 MRF devices 10
1.4 Scope of research 16
1.4.1 Problem statement 16
1.4.2 Research objectives 17
1.4.3 Thesis organization 18
1.5 Contributions 19
2 Torque adjustment mechanism 23
2.1 Chapter overview 23
2.2 Common MRF clutch design patterns 24
2.3 Effects of heat production 24
2.4 Permanent magnet-based MRF clutch design 26
2.4.1 Design motivation 26
2.4.2 Clutch layout 27
2.4.3 Drum-type clutch modeling 27
2.4.4 First developed clutch 29
2.5 Field blocker concept 34
2.6 Simulation 40
2.6.1 Transmittable torque estimation 40
2.6.2 Magnetic flux density comparison 41
2.7 Testing methodology 43
2.8 Results 47
2.9 Chapter summary 50
3 Factors affecting torque transmission 51
3.1 Chapter overview 51
3.2 Background 52
3.3 MRF clutch 56
3.3.1 Clutch design 56
3.3.2 Mathematical modeling 61
3.3.3 Simulation 66
3.4 Methodology 71
3.4.1 Magnetic flux density measurement 71
3.4.2 Torque measurement 72
3.5 Results and discussion 75
3.5.1 Magnetic flux density measurements 75
3.5.2 Field blocker and magnetic pole number effects 80
3.5.3 Angular velocity effect 87
3.5.4 Magnetostatic simulation results 90
3.5.5 MRF layer thickness effect 91
3.6 Chapter summary 93
4 Effects on torque transmission of graphite powder as MRF additive 95
4.1 Chapter overview 95
4.2 Background 95
4.3 Methodology 97
4.3.1 Clutch design 97
4.3.2 MRF mixtures preparation 98
4.3.3 Testing setup 98
4.3.4 Testing procedure 98
4.3.5 Data analysis 100
4.4 Results and discussion 102
4.5 Chapter summary 106
5 Design of an Adjustable Fail-Safe MRF Clutch with a Novel Field Blocking Mechanism for
Robotic Applications 107
5.1 Chapter overview 107
5.2 Background 108
5.3 MRF Clutch 110
5.3.1 Design 110
5.3.2 MR fluid 112
5.3.3 MRF Clutch Modeling 115
5.3.4 Simulation 116
5.3.5 Magnetic measurements 119
5.4 Characterization 121
5.4.1 Testing setup 121
5.4.2 Methodology 121
5.4.3 Results 124
5.5 MRF Clutch as fail-safe mechanism 132
5.5.1 Control system 132
5.5.2 System modeling 134
5.5.3 Gripper 135
5.5.4 Maximum transmitted torque 135
5.5.5 Methodology 137
5.5.6 Results 139
5.6 Chapter summary 140
6 Conclusion and future work 147
6.1 Conclusion 147
6.2 Future work 151
6.2.1 Size reduction 151
6.2.2 Sealing of the MR fluid 151
6.2.3 New MR fluids and the use of additives 152
6.2.4 MRF clutch and elastic elements pairing 152
References 153
A Finite-time Particle Swarm Optimization as a system identification method 169
A.1 Introduction 170
A.2 Common system identification methods 172
A.2.1 Least squares estimation 172
A.2.2 Total least squares 174
A.2.3 Linear sequential estimation 174
A.2.4 Gauss-Newton method 175
A.3 Finite-time particle swarm optimization 175
A.4 Models to test 177
A.4.1 Linear DC motor model 177
A.4.2 Nonlinear mass-spring-damper system 179
A.4.3 Nonlinear DC motor model 179
A.5 Methodology 180
A.5.1 Comparison using a linear system 180
A.5.2 System identification of nonlinear system 181
A.5.3 System identification of a real DC motor 181
A.6 Results and comparison 188
A.6.1 Comparison using a linear system 188
A.6.2 System identification of nonlinear system 190
A.6.3 System identification of real DC motor 192
A.6.4 Computation time 193
A.7 Conclusion 196
References 197
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