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作者(外文):Chen, Mei-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Monitoring Phase I Linear Profiles Based on Empirical Likelihood Ratio Control Chart
指導教授(外文):Huwang, Long-Cheen
Yeh, Bai-Yau
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Sheng-Tsiang
Cheng, Shao-Wei
外文關鍵詞:empirical likelihood ratioprofile monitoringchange point
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本文針對以線性迴歸模型來描述製程的線性輪廓製程,提出一個Phase I無母數監控方法來取代進行監控時需要隨機誤差服從常態分配假設的有母數監控方法,使得我們所提出的管制圖不但可以更彈性應用在實務監控中,也有較高的監控效率。我們提出的無母數線性輪廓監控方法,不但在隨機誤差不具有常態分配時,能得到較精確的上管制界限,且同時在管制圖偵測到製程中存在失控警訊時,也能夠將潛藏在輪廓製程中發生改變點的位置估計出來。本文是推廣與應用Liu, Zou, and Zhang (2008) 所提出用於監控單一樣本線性輪廓的經驗概似比方法在多個樣本的線性輪廓資料上,結果我們發現所提出的經驗概似比管制圖的真正型 I 誤差機率,在線性輪廓的隨機誤差為非常態分配時,較假設隨機誤差為常態分配的有母數管制圖更接近名義型I誤差機率。我們使用統計模擬的方法來評估所提出管制圖的監控效率,並與存在的有母數管制圖比較,結果顯示在失控狀態為階梯式和漂移式偏移的情況,所提出的經驗概似比管制圖比有母數管制圖有更好的監控效率。最後我們以一個來自鋁電解電容器製程的實際數據來說明所提出的經驗概似比管制圖實務上如何使用。
In this article, based on the linear profile which can be described by a linear regression model, we provide a nonparametric Phase I method to monitor the linear profile process which does not require the random error to follow the normal distribution. The proposed control chart is more flexible in practice and has a higher monitoring efficiency. The nonparametric linear profile monitoring method we proposed can not only get more precise control limits when the random error does not follow the normal distribution, but also estimate the position of the change point in the process at the same time when the control chart detects an out-of-control signal. The proposed empirical likelihood ratio control chart applies and extends the empirical likelihood method which Liu, Zou, and Zhang (2008) proposed to detect a change point in a single linear profile to monitor multiple linear profiles. As a result, the empirical likelihood ratio control chart we suggest has the true type I error probability closer to the nominal type I error probability than the parametric control charts when the random error dose not follow the normal distribution in the linear profiles. We use statistical simulations to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed control chart and compare with the existing parametric control charts. The results show that the proposed control chart has better efficiency than the existing parametric control charts when the out-of-control scenario is the step-shift or drifting. Finally, we use a real example from the aluminum electrolytic capacitor process to illustrate how to implement the proposed empirical likelihood ratio control chart in practice.


1.1 前言1
1.2 簡介2
1.3 研究動機與目的5

第二章 Phase I 的線性輪廓製程監控6
2.1 T^2管制圖8
2.2 Global F Test管制圖10
2.3 經驗概似比管制圖11

3.1 階梯式偏移20
3.2 離群值偏移21
3.3 漂移式偏移22
3.4 截距係數偏移23
3.5 改變點的估計24



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