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作者(外文):Chu, Shih-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):Generation and measurement of narrowband biphotons at telecommunication wavelength
指導教授(外文):Chuu, Chih-Sung
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-Bang
Shy, Jow-Tsong
外文關鍵詞:1550nmnarrow bandsingle modetelecommunicationquantumbiphoton source
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  • 評分評分:*****
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藉由Hanbury-Brown and Twiss實驗測量出我們的系統在pump為400µW以下可以成為一個好的單光子源。並且嘗試用電光調製器調製pump光訊號,試圖間接調製產生的單光子波函數,進而影響二次強度關聯函數。
We use 775nm gaussian beam to pump monolithic periodically poled KTP crystal(PPKTP) to generate 1550nm light source via spontaneous parametric down conversion(SPDC) process. The 1550nm light source is able to oscillate in the crystal because we deposit high-reflection coatings on both sides of the crystal at 1550nm so that our specifically designed crystal performs just like optical cavity; therefore, the bandwidth of output 1550nm light is reduced significantly to 3MHz. In addition, we also deposit high-reflection coating at 775 nm on the end face of the crystal so that the pump will doubly pass the crystal, which will increase the conversion efficiency of SPDC process and suppress the generation of other frequency modes.
After investigating various properties of classical light (optical parametric oscillation, OPO), we reduce pump power to 3mW below threshold. By doing this, only a pair of bi-photon can be generated through SPDC process in a short time. Then, we apply single photon detection module(SPDM) to get second-order intensity correlation function in time domain . As a result, we find that the width of bi-photon wavefunction in time domain is up to 200ns-300ns in our system. In practical application, the photon with broad wavefunction in time domain can be attached information easily or even be manipulated by equipment.
By analyzing function, the bandwidth of wavefunction in frequency domain is about 2.5MHz that is really closed to the result of what we get in OPO. Our detected bi-photon generation rate is 3800/(s*mW). In consideration of all the loss such as fibers, filters and the low detection efficiency of 1550nm SPDM, bi-photon generation rate is calculated to be at least 194000/(s*mW). Then, using two-fold anti-correlation parameter to analyze second-order intensity correlation function to discuss the effect of the noise.
Via Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment, it can be assured that our system can serve as a nice single photon source when pump power is under 400µW. After that, we use electro-optical modulator to manipulate our pump to endeavor to tune the wavefunction of single photon indirectly. By this way, we expect it may further affect the second-order intensity correlation function.
第一章 實驗目的與動機 1
第二章 基本原理介紹
2.1 極化現象(Polarization phenomenon) 3
2.2 波動方程式
2.2.1 馬克士威波動方程組(Maxwell Equation) 4
2.2.2 非線性效應(Non-Linear Effect) 6
2.3 相位匹配與準相位匹配
2.3.1 相位匹配(Phase Matching Condition) 9
2.3.2 準相位匹配(Quasi-phase Matching Condition) 12
2.4 耦合波動方程式與二階強度關聯函數
2.4.1 耦合波動方程式 13
2.4.2 二階強度關聯函數 16
(Second-order Intensity Correlation Function)
2.5 反關聯參數(Anti-correlation Parameter)
2.5.1 前言 17
2.5.2 雙重反關聯參數 19
(Two-fold Anticorrelation Parameter)
2.5.3 三重反關聯參數 22
(Three-fold Anticorrelation Parameter)
2.6 光學參量震盪器簡述 25
(Optical Parametric Oscillation,OPO)
第三章 光學元件、儀器與非線性晶體
3.1 本章概要 25
3.2 外腔雷射系統 25
3.3 設計非線性晶體(PPKTP) 27
3.4 單光子偵測器 30
3.5 時間分析器(MSC6) 30
3.6 電光調製器(Electro-Optical Modulator,EOM) 33
第四章 實驗架設及儀器優化步驟和測量方法
4.1 製備1550nm 光源實驗架設圖 35
4.2 外腔雷射系統設定與調整 39
4.3 伽利略透鏡組 40
4.4 光波長計與回饋鎖頻 42
4.5 PPKTP 晶體與光學參量震盪器
4.5.1 PPKTP 晶體對光方法 45
4.5.2 Sellmier’s 方程式和光學參量震盪器的關聯特性 46
4.5.3 聲光調製pump 訊號 49
4.6 時間分析器(MSC6) 50
4.7 Hanbury-Brown and Twiss 實驗 51
4.8 電光調製Pump 光與MSC6 2D-Plot 功能 52
第五章 結果與討論
5.1 古典光頻寬 54
5.2 量子光特性
5.2.1 二階強度關聯函數圖形分析 56
5.2.2 Pump 強度分別和與雙光子產生率以及訊噪比的關係 57
5.2.3 單光子數目對Pump 關係 61
5.3 雙重反關聯參數 62
5.4 三重反關聯參數 HBT 實驗 63
5.5 調製pump 時間上波形對測量的影響
5.5.1 一般常用測量二階強度關聯函數的方法 66
5.5.2 MCS6 的2D-Plot 功能測量二階強度關聯函數的方法 67
第六章 總結與未來發展 71
第七章 參考資料 73
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