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作者(外文):Chang, You-Gang
論文名稱(外文):A 10-Bit Compact Source Driver for LCD-TV Application
指導教授(外文):Lu, Chih-Wen
口試委員(外文):Tang, Kea-Tiong
Chen, Po-Ki
外文關鍵詞:DAChigh linearity input pairinterpolation output buffersource driver
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With new technological advances, liquid-crystal display (LCD) has gained universal and consumers expect higher quality product. Nowadays, industry constantly increases the gray scale of LCD to satisfy consumer’s requirements, those results to higher product cost. This thesis proposes high linearity mechanism and high efficiency of layout area technique to achieve low-cost and high performance prototypes.
This thesis presents two proposed methods in sequence. First, the thesis introduces high efficiency of layout area technique. In this method, the proposed architecture of digital-to-analog converter could effectively reduce the number of transistors. Moreover, the proposed architecture combines two digital-to-analog converters, which number is not the power of two, into one digital-to-analog converter. In layout floor plan, poly and oxide diffusion layers were mainly used for routing, that could minimize the layout area. To sum up, high efficiency of layout area has been achieved by proposed architecture and routing skills. Second, the thesis introduces high linearity mechanism. In this method, two types of input pair have been proposed. The two types of proposed input pair have advantages on making transconductance approximately constant. As a result, the transconductance is almost constant with different input voltages. Last but not least, this method increases the tolerance of buffer input voltages. Thus, buffer could be designed with more bits to interpolate the input voltages and reduce the bits of digital-to-analog converter.
These 10-bit source driver chips are fabricated in a 0.18μm high voltage process and operate at 18V supply voltage. These chips are measured under output loading which is five 1 kΩ series resistances and five 60 pF shunt capacitances. The experimental results demonstrate that, the chip could display each polarity 1024 voltage correctly. In conclusion, this thesis proves the proposed high linearity mechanism and high efficiency of layout area technique could achieve the low-cost and high performance requirements of 10-bit source driver.
中文摘要---------------------------------------- i
Abstract--------------------------------------- ii
目錄------------------------------------------- iii
圖目錄----------------------------------------- vi
表目錄----------------------------------------- ix
第一章 緒論----------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景-------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機-------------------------------- 1
第二章 液晶顯示器系統簡介----------------------- 3
2.1 液晶簡介-------------------------------- 3
2.2 液晶顯示器分類-------------------------- 4
2.2.1 TN面板--------------------------------- 5
2.2.2 STN面板-------------------------------- 6
2.2.3 VA面板--------------------------------- 7
2.2.4 IPS面板-------------------------------- 8
2.2.5 PLS面板-------------------------------- 9
2.3 液晶顯示器反轉法------------------------ 10
2.4 液晶顯示器伽瑪校正---------------------- 11
第三章 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器介紹----------------- 13
3.1 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器驅動原理------------- 13
3.1.1 液晶顯示器控制模組簡介------------------- 14
3.1.2 液晶顯示器面板模組簡介------------------- 15
3.2 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器閘極驅動器介紹-------- 15
3.3 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器源極驅動器介紹-------- 16
3.3.1 數位類比轉換器-------------------------- 17
3.3.2 輸出緩衝器------------------------------ 18
第四章 電路實現與設計-------------------------- 20
4.1 液晶顯示器之源極驅動器的數位類比轉換器---- 20
4.1.1 改良的雙電壓選擇數位類比轉換器------------ 22
4.1.2 改良的單電壓選擇數位類比轉換器------------ 24
4.1.3 使用高壓電晶體做位元線整合--------------- 25
4.1.4 化簡改良的雙電壓選擇數位類比轉換器-------- 26
4.1.5 數位類比轉換器實現電路及佈局------------- 30
4.2 液晶顯示器之源極驅動器的輸出緩衝器-------- 34
4.2.1 運用源極退化輸入對之技巧----------------- 35
4.2.2 運作在深三極管區輸入對之技巧------------- 36
4.2.3 內插輸出緩衝器實現電路及佈局------------- 37
第五章 電路模擬結果與分析---------------------- 39
5.1 數位類比轉換器模擬結果------------------- 39
5.2 輸出緩衝器模擬結果----------------------- 39
5.2.1 運用源極退化輸入對之模擬結果-------------- 40
5.2.2 運作在深三極管區輸入對之模擬結果---------- 42
5.3 源極驅動器模擬結果----------------------- 43
5.3.1 輸出電壓誤差和偏移模擬結果--------------- 45
5.3.2 輸出電壓暫態模擬結果--------------------- 51
第六章 量測結果分析---------------------------- 53
6.1 輸出電壓量測結果------------------------ 53
6.2 輸出電壓偏移量測結果--------------------- 54
6.3 輸出電壓暫態量測結果--------------------- 60
6.4 量測結果分析與文獻比較------------------- 61
第七章 結論與未來展望-------------------------- 65
7.1 結論----------------------------------- 65
7.2 未來展望-------------------------------- 65
參考文獻---------------------------------------- 67

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