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作者(外文):Tseng, Pei-Chi
論文名稱(中文):THOR受到地震負荷下之 CFD三維池水晃蕩模擬
論文名稱(外文):The CFD simulation of three-dimensional liquid sloshing in THOR under seismic excitation
指導教授(外文):Ferng, Yuh-Ming
Lin, Chih-Hung
口試委員(外文):Pei, Bau-Shei
Tseng, Yung-Shin
外文關鍵詞:THORCFDVOFEarthquake acceleration
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  • 評分評分:*****
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THOR(Tsing Hua Open-pool Reactor)為一裝載小型爐心的大型水池式反應器,由於其內部仍含有燃料,故以大量的液態水覆蓋,帶走其所釋放之大量熱能。由於台灣位處環太平洋地震帶,時常發生地震等天災事故,恐易導致池中池水潑灑出,使池水靜止水位高度下降,造成燃料裸露情況。因此,本研究決定採用計算流體力學(CFD)技術模擬水池在地震力下的池水晃蕩情況,並以數值方法中的流體體積法Volume of fluid (VOF)追蹤波動的水面和晃蕩所引起的碎波,藉以檢測出燃料池在未加有額外檔板和附加檔板後的條件下所損失的水量、地震過後的水位高度、地震中水位的波高、壁面壓力變化和每一秒的最大壓力。
THOR(Tsing Hua Open-pool Reactor) is a large Open-pool Reactor with a small core inside. Since there are still fuels inside THOR, it needs a large amount of water to cover the fuels so as to bring out a great deal of heat. Taiwan situates in Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt, so earthquakes happen in Taiwan very often. The accidents may cause water spill from the pool and hence the exposure of fuels, which results in the damage of nuclear safety. Hence, this study provides a CFD methodology to simulate the liquid sloshing in the pool, and uses Volume of fluid (VOF) to track the free surface of the liquid and small water waves. The methodology can receive the results of the amount of water loss, water level after earthquakes, wave height, and maximum wall pressure per second.
This study took the spent fuel pool model to be the first simulation in order to test the feasibility of the methodology because the structure of SFP is simpler than THOR. After the methodology was verified, this study use it to simulate the liquid sloshing of THOR and other two revised models, Model A and Model B. Model A is the THOR model with vertical baffles and Model B is the one with horizontal baffles.
Finally, the results validate that the vertical baffles and horizontal baffles could reduce the water loss, although they may probably induce higher water wave. Other than that, the results also indicate that wall pressure can be strongly affected by earthquake acceleration.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號對照表 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機和目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
第二章 理論基礎及計算模型 7
2.1 THOR的物理模型 7
2.1.1 未加檔板模型 7
2.1.2 增加二公尺垂直檔板之模型 10
2.1.3 增加水平檔板之模型 11
2.2 數學模型 13
2.3 LES模式 (Turbulence Model) 15
2.4 流體體積法(VOF) 16
2.5 地震力之加速度 17
2.6 案例設定與數值方法 18
2.6.1 案例設定 18
2.6.2 數值方法 19
2.7 研究流程 19
第三章 初步模擬 23
3.1 SFP的物理模型 23
3.2 SFP的模擬結果 24
3.2.1 晃蕩後的損失水量和靜止水位 24
3.2.2 用過燃料池的自由液面 25
3.2.3用過燃料池的最高水位、振幅和波高 30
3.2.4 用過燃料池的壁面壓力結果 33
第四章 THOR的結果與討論 37
4.1 晃蕩後的損失水量和靜止水位 37
4.2 THOR模型的自由液面 39
4.2.1 原模型的自由液面 39
4.2.2 模型A-10.53 m的自由液面 45
4.2.3 模型B-8.83m的自由液面 51
4.3 THOR模型的最高水位、振幅和波高 57
4.3.1 最高水位評比 57
4.3.2 振幅和波高 58
4.4 THOR模型的的壁面壓力結果 60
4.5 THOR模型的的速度結果 64
第五章 結論 65
參考文獻 67
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