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作者(外文):Lin, Po-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Corrosion Behaviors of Ni- and Mo-based Alloys in High Temperature Molten Salt Environments
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Tsung-Kuang
外文關鍵詞:high temperature corrosionmolten saltNi-based alloyMo-based alloyFLiNaK
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熔鹽式反應器 (Molten Salt Rector,MSR) 為第四代核反應器的一種,其可轉化用過核燃料中的錒系元素,有助解決現今用過核燃料的問題,適合作為台灣核能發展的反應器類型,但材料於高溫熔鹽的腐蝕相當嚴重,所以找出合適的結構材料成為開發MSR必須研究的題目。熔鹽的高腐蝕性源自於雜質的存在,並會對合金內特定元素造成嚴重腐蝕,尤其是Cr,所以一般挑選用於MSR的結構用材料皆採用低Cr的鎳基合金為主,不過亦有文獻指出Mo的抗熔鹽腐蝕能力是備受期待的,但相關的腐蝕研究仍不多。
A molten salt reactor (MSR) is a class of the Generation IV nuclear reactors. Owing to its desirable property of burning the minor actinides in spent fuel, it shows a good potential to be developed in Taiwan in order to solve the nuclear waste problem. However, the corrosion of materials is severe in high temperature molten salt environments. Therefore, searching for suitable structural materials has become an issue for MSR development.
The presence of impurities leads to the high corrosivity of molten salt, causing a severe selective corrosion on specific alloying elements, especially Cr. Therefore, a low Cr-containing Ni-based alloy was chosen as a structural material for MSR generally. Nevertheless, some previous literatures indicated that Mo was expected to exhibit good corrosion resistance to molten salt, however, there are only few correlated research studies.
Three Ni-based alloys with different Cr and Mo contents, Hastelloy-N, Hastelloy-B3 and X750, and one Mo-based alloy, TZM, were selected in this study. They were immersed in a static corrosion experimental system, equipped with a home-designed salt purification system, at 600℃ for different durations. The retrieved specimens were measured of their mass losses, and their surface and cross-sectional microstructures with corresponding element distribution analyses were examined by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray. The purpose is to investigate the corrosion resistance of Mo element and the influence of Mo addition on the corrosion behaviors of Cr-containing Ni-based alloys as well.
The results indicated that both Cr and Mo were selectively corroded, leading to the formations of elements depletion zones in the three Ni-based alloys and causing the thickness of the TZM specimens to decrease. The major features of corrosion attacks observed in these three Ni-based alloys and TZM were intergranular corrosion and general corrosion, respectively. The long-term changes of mass loss of the three Ni-based alloys and TZM were dominated by the diffusion of Cr and Mo through the depletion zones and the diffusion of oxidizers to the metallic surface in the molten salt, respectively. At the meantime, it was found that a higher Mo but lower Cr content in the Ni-based alloys tended to induce decreases in diffusivities of Cr and Mo in alloys, rendering these Ni-based alloys to exhibit better long-term corrosion resistances.
第一章 前言與研究動機...1
第二章 文獻回顧...4
2-1 熔鹽反應器的特色...4
2-2 氟化鹽的選擇...7
2-3 熔鹽的腐蝕機制...12
2-3-1 本質腐蝕...13
2-3-2 不純物腐蝕...14
2-3-3 溫度梯度腐蝕...16
2-3-3-1 溫度對擴散控制腐蝕行為的影響...19
2-3-4 伽凡尼腐蝕...20
2-4 FLiNaK 共晶鹽類的純化...22
2-4-1 真空烘乾法...22
2-4-2 氟化氫與氫氣氣體混合法...22
2-4-3 電解精煉法...23
2-5 材料於熔鹽環境之腐蝕實驗種類...25
2-5-1 材料浸沒實驗...25
2-5-2 材料機械性質實驗...25
2-5-3 材料應力腐蝕龜裂實驗...26
2-5-4 材料輻射損傷實驗...26
2-6 熔鹽式反應器近年之研究...26
2-6-1 鉻元素的選擇性沿晶腐蝕現象...26
2-6-2 異材於熔鹽環境的伽凡尼腐蝕...29
2-6-3 材料於純化和未純化熔鹽環境的腐蝕差異...33
2-6-4 動態熔鹽環境的腐蝕行為研究...36
2-6-5 不同鉬與鉻含量的鎳基合金對熔鹽抗蝕能力的比較...37
2-6-6 含雜質的熔鹽環境對於鉬元素的影響...42
第三章 實驗原理與方法...48
3-1 靜態浸沒腐蝕實驗...49
3-1-1 實驗裝置...49
3-1-2 材料選擇...49
3-1-3 實驗過程...51
3-2 硝酸鋁溶液清洗程序...53
3-2-1 硝酸鋁溶液對Mo元素的影響...54
3-3 實驗分析儀器...55
3-2-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)...56
3-2-3 能量散佈能譜儀(EDS)...61
第四章 結果與討論...63
4-1 質量損失結果...63
4-1-1 X-750 合金的質量損失結果...63
4-1-2 Hastelloy-N 合金的質量損失結果...64
4-1-3 Hastelloy-B3 合金的質量損失結果...66
4-1-4 TZM 合金的質量損失結果...67
4-1-5 四款合金質量損失的比較與討論...68
4-1-6 質量損失結果小總結...71
4-2 電子顯微鏡分析結果...72
4-2-1 橫截面分析...72
4-2-1-1 X-750 合金之橫截面分析...73
4-2-1-2 Hastelloy-N 合金之橫截面分析...78
4-2-1-3 Hastelloy-B3 合金之橫截面分析...82
4-2-1-4 TZM 合金之橫截面分析...87
4-2-1-5 橫截面分析結果的比較與討論...92
4-2-1-6 橫截面分析之小總結...96
4-2-2 表面分析...97
4-2-2-1 鎳基合金之表面分析...97
4-2-2-2 TZM 合金之表面分析...101
4-2-2-3 表面分析結果的比較與討論...102
4-2-2-5 表面分析之小總結...103
4-3 綜合比較...103
4-3-1 鉻與鉬含量對鎳基合金長時間腐蝕行為的影響...104
4-3-2 鎳基合金與鉬基合金的抗蝕能力比較...106
第五章 結論...108
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