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作者(外文):Su, Cheng-Kuo
論文名稱(外文):LED pumped Q-switch solid-state laser and intra-cavity SHG
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yen-Chieh
口試委員(外文):Shy, Jow-Tsong
Chen, Yen-Hung
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  • 點閱點閱:45
  • 評分評分:*****
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利用810奈米的發光二極體激發固態雷射晶體Nd:YAG (掺釹:釔鋁石榴石),在重複頻率10Hz,脈衝寬度為1ms的準連續波(QCW)模式之下,可產生雷射輸出波長為1064 nm的脈衝能量27.43 mJ,光-光轉換效率為15.2%。在TEM00的模態輸出實驗中,可產生雷射脈衝能量5.75 mJ,光-光轉換效率為3.1%的1064 nm雷射輸出。
為了將此技術應用在工業及醫療方面,我們利用主動Q-開關腔內全固態雷射系統之架構,在重複頻率10Hz,脈衝寬度為500s的準連續波(QCW)模式之下可產生脈衝寬度為99.13 ns,脈衝能量1.97 mJ的1064 nm雷射輸出,峰值功率為19.8 kW。
使用以非線性晶體(KTP)的頻率轉換技術去獲得二倍頻532 nm的綠光雷射,在腔內加入有布魯斯特角之玻片,可產生脈衝寬度為59.73 ns,脈衝能量0.26 mJ的532 nm綠光雷射,峰值功率為4.3 kW,線性偏振輸出。將腔內布魯斯特角玻片移出後,產生脈衝寬度為98 ns,脈衝能量0.63 mJ的532 nm綠光雷射,峰值功率為6.4 kW隨機偏振的532 nm綠光雷射。
Using two 810-nm LEDs to pump a Nd:YAG crystal with 1-ms pulse width at 10-Hz rate, the output laser pulse energy and optical efficiency are 27.43 mJ and 15.2 % at 1064 nm, respectively. By inserting a 1 mm-diameter aperture into the cavity to get TEM00 mode, the output laser pulse energy and optical efficiency are 5.75 mJ and 3.1 % at 1064 nm, respectively. Then, this fundamental mode laser has more applications in comparison with multimode laser.
High laser energy is needed for industrial and medical applications. Further we put an active Q-switch module into the cavity, the output pulse energy is 1.97 mJ and pulse width is 99.13 ns, which corresponds to 19.8-kW peak power. Then, to generate second harmonic wave, we inserted a KTP crystal and microscope slide at Brewster angle into the cavity. The output pulse energy at 532 nm is 0.26 mJ and pulse width is 59.73 ns, which corresponds to 4.3-kW peak power. By removing Brewster angle microscope slide in the cavity, the output pulse energy at 532 nm is 0.63 mJ and pulse width is 98 ns, which corresponds to 6.4-kW peak power.
Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
Acknowledgment iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 LED-pumping chamber 2
1.3 Techniques and varieties of solid-state lasers 3
1.4 Nd:YAG gain medium 4
Reference 6
Chapter 2 Review of 750-nm LED-pumped Nd:YAG laser 7
2.1 Linear cavity 9
2.2 750-nm LED pumped Nd:YAG in 3-pass zigzag-cavity 12
2.3 750-nm LED pumped Nd:YAG in 5-pass zigzag-cavity 14
Reference 17
Chapter 3 Q-switch principle 18
3.1 Introduction 18
3.2 Q-switch classification and principle 18
3.2.1 AO Q-switch 19
3.2.2 Passive Q-switch 22
3.3 Theoretical model of active Q-switched laser 23
Reference 26
Chapter 4 Second harmonic generation 27
4.1 Introduction 27
4.2 Nonlinear optics 27
4.3 Second harmonic generation 29
4.4 Phase matching 30
Reference 35
Chapter 5 810-nm LED-pumped Nd:YAG laser 36
5.1 Introduction 36
5.2 Experimental setup 36
5.3 Results and discussion 39
Reference 43
Chapter 6 810-nm LED-pumped Nd:YAG AO Q-switch laser 44
6.1 Introduction 44
6.2 AO Q-switch laser 44
6.3 Intracavity second-harmonic generation 532-nm laser 49
6.4 Results and discussion 49
Chapter 7 Conclusions and future work 54
7.1 Conclusions 54
7.2 Future work 55
Reference 56
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