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論文名稱(外文):An Effective Early Multi-core System Shared Cache Design Method Based on Reuse-distance Analysis
指導教授(外文):Tsay, Ren-Song
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yar-Sun
Lu, Shih-Lien
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:261
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this paper, we proposed an effective and efficient multi-core shared-cache design optimization approach based on reuse-distance analysis of the data traces of target applications. Since data traces are independent of system hardware architectures, a designer can easily compute the best cache design at early system design phase using our approach. We devise a very efficient and yet accurate method to derive the aggregated reuse-distance histograms of concurrent applications for accurate cache performance analysis and optimization. Essentially, the actual shared-cache contention results of concurrent applications are embedded in the aggregated reuse-distance histograms and therefore the approach is very effective. The experimental results show that the average error rate of shared-cache miss-count estimations of our approach is less than 3.2%. Using a simple scanning search method, one can easily determine the true optimal cache configurations at early system design phase.
Contents----------------------------------------------- 4
List of Tables----------------------------------------- 5
List of Figures---------------------------------------- 6
1. Introduction----------------------------------- 7
2. Related Work----------------------------------- 12
3. Shared Cache Design Optimization--------------- 16
3.1 Aggregated reuse-distance computation---------- 17
3.2 Cache configuration optimization--------------- 21
4. Experiments------------------------------------ 25
4.1 Experimental setup----------------------------- 25
4.2 Results of One-level Shared Cache Designs------ 25
4.3 Results of Two-level Cache Designs------------- 26
4.4 Optimal Cache Designs-------------------------- 28
4.5 Discussions------------------------------------ 29
5. Conclusion------------------------------------- 31
Bibliography------------------------------------------- 32
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