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作者(外文):Chao, Mu-Wen
論文名稱(外文):An Intrusion Detection System Using Honeypot against Botnet in Local Area Networks.
指導教授(外文):Sun, Hung-Min
口試委員(外文):Tzeng, Wen-Guey
Wu, Yu-Sung
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:814
  • 評分評分:*****
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Along with the development of computer technology by leaps and bounds, the damage of malware getting much more serious than before. One of the most notorious malware is the botnet. The most dangerous is, if you were infected unconsciously, it will update automatically and your computer will become one of the sources of infection. Changeable, elusive and able to spread are the properties of the botnet are a big trouble in decades. We try to make use of the habits that botnet can hardly stop to counter it.
In this thesis, we implement an IDS that can detect botnet when it trying to spread. The reason why we didn’t try to design a IPS against botnet is IDS can only resist that malware that it ever been seen. Contrary to what is expected, the rate of change of botnet is too high that system only uses intrusion detection system will be in window period between the new virus generating and been cracked frequently. So the IDS we implement is focused on detecting the propagation of botnet. By using a production honeypot that focuses on detecting the port scan that shouldn't appear in LAN to achieve an accurate, fast, and effective way against any botnet that wants to spread actively. Due to this system is using open source applications to simulate the situation and successfully achieve the goal we expected, it is also scalable and easy to combine with other IDS and IPS.
We think this system will be quite practical after the smart appliances popularize to must family because most of them can’t resist the threat from the intrusion of the botnet.
List of Contents i
List of Figures iii
List of Tables iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Organization 2
Chapter 2 Background 3
2.1 Botnet 3
2.1.1 Types of Botnet 3
2.1.2 Behaviors of Botnet 4
2.1.3 Purposes of Botnet 5
2.1.4 Botnet detection 6
2.2 Intrusion-detection system 6
2.3 Honeypot 7
2.3.1 Production honeypot 7
2.3.2 Research honeypot 8
2.3.3 Pure honeypot 8
2.3.4 High-interaction honeypot 8
2.3.5 Low-interaction honeypot 8
2.4 Software-Defined Networking 9
Chapter 3 Related work 10
3.1 Mininet 10
3.2 Wireshark 10
3.3 Snort 10
3.4 Scapy 11
Chapter 4 Design Architecture and Implementation 12
4.1 IDS architecture 12
4.2 Simulating environment 14
4.3 Experiment result 16
Chapter 5 21
Discussion 21
Chapter 6 Conclusion 22
6.1 Conclusion 22
6.2 Future Work 23

[1] Botnet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botnet
[2] Khattak , S, Ramay, N.R., Khan, K.R., Syed, A.A., Khayam, S.A. A Taxonomy of Botnet Behavior, Detection, and Defense, Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, 2014.
[3] Hyunsang Choi, Hanwoo Lee, Heejo Lee, Hyogon Kim. Botnet Detection by Monitoring Group Activities in DNS Traffic, Computer and Information Technology, 2007. CIT 2007. 7th IEEE International Conference on, 2007.
[4] Feily, M, Shahrestani, A, Ramadass, S.A. Survey of Botnet and Botnet Detection Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, 2009. SECURWARE '09. Third International Conference on, 2009.
[5] Intrusion detection system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusion_detection_system
[6] Zeidanloo H.R., Shooshtari, M.J.Z. , Amoli, P.V., Safari, M., Zamani, M.
[7] A taxonomy of Botnet detection techniques. Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on, 2010.
[8] Honeypot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_(computing)
[9] Software-Defined Networking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-defined_networking
[10] Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Definition. https://www.opennetworking.org/sdn-resources/sdn-definition
[11] Mininet. https://github.com/mininet/mininet/wiki/Introduction-to-Mininet
[12] Wireshark. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireshark
[13] Snort. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snort
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