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作者(外文):Khwa, Win-San
論文名稱(外文):Characterization and Design of Multilevel Cell Phase Change Memory toward Resistance Drift, Multilevel Cell Programming, and Stress-Induced Cell Variation
指導教授(外文):Chang, Meng-Fan
口試委員(外文):Chiou, Lih-Yih
Liou, Jing-Jia
Chang, Hsie-Chia
Liu, Ren-Shuo
外文關鍵詞:phase change memorymulti-level cell technologycharactertizationresistance drift
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相變化記憶體(phase change memory, PCM)是一種具潛力的新興記憶體,其具潛力的因素包括微縮性、獨立寫入、非揮發性以及高寫入效率。雖然目前具潛力的結果被論證於單階儲存(single-level cell, SLC),未來在多階儲存(multi-level cell, MLC)的履行將會減少每位元成本,亦是勢在必行的。在此博士論文裡探討多階儲存相變化記憶體的效能來尋找潛在議題及提出解決方案。具體分為以下三項重要的議題,電阻飄移(resistance drift) 、多階儲存寫入(MLC programming)與多次使用造成記憶體細胞老化變異。
在多階儲存相變化記憶體中,電阻飄移的現象來自結構鬆弛(structural relaxation)造成嚴重地減少感測幅度。因此,原始錯誤率(raw-bit-error rate)在常溫兩小時後可達〖10〗^(-2),亦在典型修正碼(error correcting code, ECC)修正容忍範圍外。在此,我們提出電阻飄移補償(resistance drift compensation, RDC)機制,以中度寫入脈波做部分地溶解單胞非晶體〖Ge〗_2 〖Sb〗_2 〖Te〗_5(GST)區域,利用GST非晶體與晶體的熱傳導差異來達成。此RDC機制已被論證在室溫和85°C下有效減少超過100倍原始錯誤率(RBER)。此外,我們針對三個實際考量做延伸討論,包括RDC對單胞壽命影響、多階儲存單胞分佈演化以及錯誤形式。我們也證實RDC機制可降低錯誤率至〖10〗^6個週期。
目前許多寫入機制已經被提出和運算的基準做比較,其中包括能量、延遲、能量和延遲乘積(energy delay product, EDP)。然而,這些基準無法反映由電阻飄移在多階儲存變相化記憶體中造成的實際資料維護(data integrity maintenance, DIM)成本。在此我們提出一種寫入-維護(program-maintenance, PM)基準重新評估反复寫入機制(iterative programming scheme)在使用不同脈波形式情況下之效益。結果顯示,寫入-維護基準在使用最優化的脈波形式下,相對於傳統設置(Set)與重設(Reset)脈波形式優於86.7%。此外,在其他兩項合作專案裡,我們探討使用變量的讀取電壓和多次使用導致細胞老化異變的資訊來增加存取容量。
雖然變化相單胞記憶體寫入次數已被論證可達〖10〗^9個週期,但排列的寫入次數由於多次使用導致細胞老化異變而明顯減少。我們探討單胞老化異變的影響對於單胞的特性和多階單胞的可靠性。針對前者,我們提出循環警示點(cycle alarm point)來監控單胞老化異變,並透過原處熱退火(in-situ-self-anneal)論證恢復老化的可行性。對於後者,我們提出老化修正(stress-trim),目的為執行部分排列的變相化單胞記憶體特性校正。我們論證此種方法有效減少多階儲存寫入電流振幅範圍40%並延緩錯誤時間(time to failure)150倍。
Phase change memory (PCM) is a promising emerging memory candidate for several reasons, including scalability, bit-alterability, non-volatility, and high program speed. While promising results were demonstrated in single-level cell (SLC) mode, the implementation of multi-level cell (MLC) topology to reduce the cost-per-bit will be inevitable in the future. This PhD dissertation emphasized on investigating the multilevel cell (MLC) PCM performances to identify potential issues and propose practical solutions. Specifically, three critical issues were identified and studied, including resistance drift, MLC programming, and stress-induced cell variations.
In MLC PCM, the resistance drift phenomenon caused by structural relaxation dramatically diminishes the sensing margin. As a result, the raw-bit-error-rate (RBER) reaches 10-2 after two hours of retention time. This is beyond the correction ability of typical error-correcting-codes (ECC). In our work, we proposed a resistance drift compensation (RDC) scheme to utilize an intermediate programming pulse to partially melt the amorphous GST region of the cell. This is accomplished by exploiting the thermal conductivity difference between amorphous and crystalline GST material. It was demonstrated that the RDC scheme is capable of reducing the RBER by over 100 times under both room temperature and 85˚C. In addition, we expand the investigations with three practical considerations, including the impact of RDC on cell endurance, MLC distribution evolution, and error pattern. We also demonstrated the RDC scheme to be effective up to 106 cycles.
Several programming schemes had been proposed and compared using evaluation metrics that involves energy, delay, or energy-delay product (EDP). These metrics, however, does not reflect the data integrity maintenance (DIM) overhead caused by the resistance drift phenomenon in MLC PCM. In our work, we evaluated the PM metric of iterative programming scheme with various pulse shapes. Our results showed that the PM metric of the optimized pulse shape is better than those of the conventional SET and RESET pulse shapes up to 86.7%. Furthermore, in two other collaborative works, we investigated the possibility of using variable read voltage and cycling-stress information to extend storage capacity.
PCM cell endurance had been demonstrated up to 109 cycles, array endurance is significantly shorter due to cycling-induced variations. We investigated the impact of cycling-induced variations on cell characteristic and MLC reliability. In the former, we proposed a cycle alarm point (CAP) inspection to monitor the cycling degradation and demonstrated the feasibility of recovering cycling-induced degradation through in-situ-self-anneal (ISSA) procedure. In the latter, we proposed a Stress-trim procedure that purposely enforce a certain amount of cycling stress on the PCM array to align the PCM cells’ device characteristics. We demonstrated this approach can reduce MLC program amplitude range by 40% and extends MLC time to failure by nearly 150X.
PCM is a promising emerging memory candidate, however there are several challenges that still must be addressed. These challenges include resistance drift phenomenon, MLC programming, and stress-induced cell variations. This dissertation provides detailed characterization and practical techniques that helps bringing MLC PCM one step toward commercialization.
Table of Content
Abstract 1
Acknowledgement 3
List of Figures 8
List of Figures 17
Chapter 1 Introduction to Phase Change Memory 18
1.1 Background 18
1.2 History and Recent Development 3
Chapter 2 Multilevel Cell Phase Change Memory 9
2.1 SLC and MLC PCM 9
2.2 MLC PCM Desirable Characteristics 12
2.3 Resistance Drift 14
2.4 Cycling-induced Variation 17
Chapter 3 Resistance Drift Compensation Scheme 22
3.1 Challenges of Conventional Approaches 22
3.2 Resistance Drift Compensation Scheme 25
3.2.1 MLC PCM Chip and Evaluation Platform 26
3.2.2 Resistance Drift Compensation Mechanism 29
3.3 Measurement Results 33
3.3.1 Resistance Drift Compensation Characteristic 33
3.3.2 Time and Cell-State Independencies 37
3.3.3 Impact on Cell Resistance and Endurance 39
3.4 Additional Considerations 41
3.4.1 Multiple RDC Iteration Consideration 42
3.4.2 Cycling-Induced Degradation Consideration 44
3.4.3 Longer Retention Time Consideration 46
3.5 Simulation Results on Latency and Power Overheads 47
3.6 Chip Demonstration and Summary 51
Chapter 4 Multi-level Cell Phase Change Memory Program and Read Schemes 54
4.1 Dual-mode Phase Change Memory using a Novel Background Storage Scheme 55
4.1.1 Confined Bottom-Electrode Cell Structure 55
4.1.2 Novel Stressing Mode Storage 56
4.1.3 The Proposed Background Data Write and Read 58
4.1.4 Measurement Results 59
4.2 Greater than 2-bits-per-cell Phase Change Memory using a Novel Multi-Independent-Window Sensing Scheme 64
4.2.1 Sidewall Bottom Electrode Cell Structure 64
4.2.2 Multi-Independent-Window Sensing Scheme 66
4.2.3 Drift Tolerance Evaluation 71
4.3 A Retention-Aware Multilevel Cell Phase Change Memory Program Evaluation Metric 73
4.3.1 Multilevel Cell Phase Change Memory Program Schemes and Measurement Results 73
4.3.2 Multilevel Cell Phase Change Memory Evaluation Metric 79
Chapter 5 Phase Change Memory Cycling-Induced Degradation 82
5.1 Inspection and Annealing Procedure to Recover Phase Change Memory from Cycling-Induced Degradations 83
5.1.1 Detailed R-I Curve Analysis 83
5.1.2 Cycle Alarm Point Inspection 87
5.1.3 In-Situ Self-Anneal Method 88
5.2 A Procedure to Reduce Cell Variation in Phase Change Memory for Improving Multilevel Cell Performance 93
5.2.1 Phase Change Memory Variation 94
5.2.2 The Stress-Trim Procedure 94
5.2.3 Measurement Results 96
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 103
6.1 Conclusion 103
6.2 Future Works 105
List of Publications 108
List of Granted Patents 110
Reference 111
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